Barkadion TB Logs

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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Barkadion »

Block#9, OWT(3) OP
(5-6% addition to the Block#8 TM)
Week#5, Friday (85%)

Rest day.
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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Barkadion »

Block#9, OWT(3) OP
(5-6% addition to the Block#8 TM)
Week#6, Monday (85%)

SSB Squat - 5x3, 185
VLP - 5x3, 155
Chins - 5x3, 25
RI - 2-2:30 min

Band PA - 3x40, Blue band
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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Barkadion »

Block#9, OWT(3) OP
(5-6% addition to the Block#8 TM)
Week#6, Tuesday (85%)

Rest Day.
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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Barkadion »

Block#9, OWT(3) OP
(5-6% addition to the Block#8 TM)
Week#6, Wednesday (85%)

SSB Squat - 3x3, 185
VLP - 5x3, 155
DL - 3x3, 305
RI - 2-3 min
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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Barkadion »

Block#9, OWT(3) OP
(5-6% addition to the Block#8 TM)
Week#6, Thursday (85%)

Rest day.

Man, oh man.. OWT ain't joke..
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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Barkadion »

Block#9, OWT(3) OP
(5-6% addition to the Block#8 TM)
Week#6, Friday (95%)

SSB Squat - 4x2, 210
VLP - 4x2, 170
Chins - 4x2, 50
RI - 2-3 min

AD Ride, 15 min
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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Barkadion »

Block#9, OWT(3) OP
(5-6% addition to the Block#8 TM)
Week#6, Saturday (95%)

Day Off.
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Barkadion »

Block#9, OWT(3) OP
(5-6% addition to the Block#8 TM)
Week#6, Sunday (95%)

SSB Squat - 2x2, 1x6, 210
VLP - 2x2, 1x10, 170
Chins - 2x2, 1x3, 50
RI - 2-3 min

AD Ride, 15 min

*Red color - test withing the block
**Squat and Press feel good with having few reps in the tank. I am going with 5%+ increase for the final block.
***I think I could squeeze one more rep for the WPU but i would be cheater with possible failure. Besides, I don't think maxing out with WPU is a good idea. That's how I got injured on the first place. I am going with minimal increase for the final block.
****Overall, I feel happy with OWT so far. I think that going with 5ish% for the lifts and 2ish% for the WPU across the blocks is a good approach for the template.
*****Let's see what's gonna happen with testing DL next session.
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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Barkadion »

Block#9, OWT(3) OP
(5-6% addition to the Block#8 TM)
Week#7, Monday (95%)

Day Off.
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Barkadion »

Block#9, OWT(3) OP
(5-6% addition to the Block#8 TM)
Week#7, Tuesday (95%)

DL - Singles - 340, 370, 370
FP - 1x3, 135; 1x3, 165; 2x2, 185
T2B - 3x5, BW
RI - 3 min

*Red color - test withing the block
**DL feels good. I struggled a bit with passing knees for the last set but I am at the end of 3rd block and I am tired.. Anyway, I am going with 5%+ increase for the final block.
***I have played a bit with floor press. Shoulder feels OK. Hallelujah! I am happy with it. I will go for the light MS/FP Fobbit as my easy HIC for the final block of OWT. I am soooooo happy to be able to press again. And floor press is amazing movement. I just need to get the feel of it back. I will go for the floor press as main movement once I am done with OWT.
****T2B... I haven't done this one for ages. Not too much fun of doing it after But it is OK. Will have to get it back into the mix.

That is the end of 3rd block of OWT.
I want to start my final block on Monday since I am looking into overeating for a few days of Thanksgiving. I guess it should be good enough to recover. I feel beaten up to be honest.. Final block will have heavier load and it'll be very short on conditioning.

To be continued 8-)
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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