Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's Training

BJJ GI 1200-1330

Worked on flower, overhook under leg sweep and situp sweep from closed guard.
Also added a triangle from getting them to post on the sit up sweep.

8+ rounds of 5 min rolling to finish the class.

I really enjoyed today session and I had some really good rolls. I really work hard on breaking close guard and started most rounds on top. Had a couple good sweeps and stayed pretty safe from closed guard all round. Great to do the extra rolling with varied people.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays training

Fighter week 1
Session 2

No warmup(when will i learn)

Pistol squats x5 ea side
1 arm KB OHP 16kg x5 ea side
Pullups x5

X 3 rounds,approx 2 min rest between exercises.

10x 16 kg KB 2 hand swings
40m left, 40m right 1 arm overhead carry 16kg KB.
3 rounds total

Nice little sesdion to prep my body for the future. Sticking with lighter weights and unilateral work where possible. I will hopefully get another session of bjj in tomorrow.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's Training

Heavy Dead lifts and Bench presses (Reverse Bangkok??/ Strength Testing)

Work up to a comfortable 1RM on Deadlift with singles and Doubles
Final Load- 160 kg (over double Bodyweight, Current Weight 76-77kg)

Work up to comfortable 1RM Benchpress in 5,3, Repeated singles.
Final Load-90 kg

So I finished work early and I guess I just felt like doing some deadlifts and benchpresses and seeing what the results were.
The double shot coffee I had when I got home was probably part of the problem.

I haven't done any heavy dead lifting in who knows how long, but I was happy to remain at the double body weight mark.
The bench press was a bit more disappointing but that is my usual non training bench press number.

Overall happy to see that my strength levels have moistly remained and I am sitting around the medium levels for most tactical athlete standards. I am not chasing strength like I have in the past. I will look to build these moderately while improving my conditioning and focusing on my BJJ sport practice.

I will probably use these numbers for my next barbell based TB fighter. I haven't done a cycle with deadlifts before only squat variations.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's Training
BJJ Gi 1800-1930

Worked on Closed guard Sweeps and taking the back
30 mins Positional Rolling from same position with various partners

Overall a good training session even though I was a little out of it.

I am on Night shift at the moment and had just slept for 9 hours after a sleeping tablet. I did manage to sleep through my lawns being mowed so that is a positive but I am still a little doped up from the tablet. I hit a couple of subs and sweeps in the positional rolling and it was overall a good session.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Barkadion »

Maxrip13 wrote:Today's Training
BJJ Gi 1800-1930

Worked on Closed guard Sweeps and taking the back
30 mins Positional Rolling from same position with various partners

Overall a good training session even though I was a little out of it.

I am on Night shift at the moment and had just slept for 9 hours after a sleeping tablet. I did manage to sleep through my lawns being mowed so that is a positive but I am still a little doped up from the tablet. I hit a couple of subs and sweeps in the positional rolling and it was overall a good session.
I remember doing 12hrs night shifts in the past.. I was irritable grumpy dude without regular training are few years of that.. Remember waking up driving home from shift. Wasn't fun..

Good luck.
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Barkadion wrote:
Maxrip13 wrote:Today's Training
BJJ Gi 1800-1930

Worked on Closed guard Sweeps and taking the back
30 mins Positional Rolling from same position with various partners

Overall a good training session even though I was a little out of it.

I am on Night shift at the moment and had just slept for 9 hours after a sleeping tablet. I did manage to sleep through my lawns being mowed so that is a positive but I am still a little doped up from the tablet. I hit a couple of subs and sweeps in the positional rolling and it was overall a good session.
I remember doing 12hrs night shifts in the past.. I was irritable grumpy dude without regular training are few years of that.. Remember waking up driving home from shift. Wasn't fun..

Good luck.
I love the night shift but the training definitely suffers a bit. All my sessions feel like I struggle to hit 80%. Strength is ok but I dread any HIC type work. The cash and days off after more than make up for it:)

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's Training

Fighter Session 1( Again)

5x 16kg Goblet squats
5x Pullups
5x15lb Clubbell casts ea side

Dead lift 110kg 3x4
Foam roll ITB

Benchpress 60kg 3x5

Finisher/Core Work

10x 2 hand swings 24kg
40m 1 arm overhead carry, alt L then R.
x3 rounds

So I decided to do minimalist fighter using the above exercises instead of the previous exercises I was using.
My previous routine was basically like a warmup and was not going to really offer me anything besides some gpp. Besides the pistols I wasn't really getting much besides a general warm up from it.

I have used my tested numbers from sunday and will be going with a very conservative 3-6 week fighter template.

The focus is still to hit BJJ regularly and just do some general strength on the side. I haven't visited deadlifts for a while so this will just regroove the movement and allow me to build up to harder clusters.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Barkadion »

Maxrip13 wrote:
Barkadion wrote:
Maxrip13 wrote:Today's Training
BJJ Gi 1800-1930

Worked on Closed guard Sweeps and taking the back
30 mins Positional Rolling from same position with various partners

Overall a good training session even though I was a little out of it.

I am on Night shift at the moment and had just slept for 9 hours after a sleeping tablet. I did manage to sleep through my lawns being mowed so that is a positive but I am still a little doped up from the tablet. I hit a couple of subs and sweeps in the positional rolling and it was overall a good session.
I remember doing 12hrs night shifts in the past.. I was irritable grumpy dude without regular training are few years of that.. Remember waking up driving home from shift. Wasn't fun..

Good luck.
I love the night shift but the training definitely suffers a bit. All my sessions feel like I struggle to hit 80%. Strength is ok but I dread any HIC type work. The cash and days off after more than make up for it:)
Haha, no kidding :)
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Yesterdays training (nightshift haha )

Bjj no gi 1800-1900
Working on taking the back from the opponent escaping towards you and to their knees.
3x5 min rolling

Wrestling1900 -2000

Double leg escape
Sit up, hook leg and drag over hips
Switch to back take.
3x3 min rounds wrestling

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's Training

TB Fighter Week 1
Session 2


Lighter deadlift sets 60,80 kg x4

Deadlift 110kg 3x4
2 min rest with pigeon stretch between rounds

Benchpress 60kg 3x5

EMOM for 10 min
3x Pullups (30 Total Reps)
5x Pushups (50 Total reps)

Good little session today though I felt a bit flat.
The lifts were fine and went up pretty easily.

The little finisher on the end is one of my favourite upper body volume sessions. I will look to add reps and eventually some weight.

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