Building A Better Human

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Location: The Annex of The Training Centre aka. The Iron Dungeon
Equipment: BB, metric shit-ton of weight, AD

First block at new weights. 70% or thereabouts today.

Fr Sq - 4 x 5 @ 170# (these felt tough today)
OH Press - 4 x 5 @ 125#
Deadlift - 1 x 5 @ 295#

Sqwwwwats superseded with 2 x PU. These felt great. Next week will do ladders (1,2,3) x 2

R.I 2.5 mins.

Then core finisher
20 x 2ct flutter kicks into
20 x 2ct Russian Twists
5 rounds
Rest minimum, max 30 s between rounds. (Went straight through 1-3, rested 30s then blasted through 4, rested 20s completed round 5

10 min cool down on AD
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Barkadion »

Train_Hard_Live_Easy wrote:Location: The Annex of The Training Centre aka. The Iron Dungeon
Equipment: BB, metric shit-ton of weight, AD

First block at new weights. 70% or thereabouts today.

Fr Sq - 4 x 5 @ 170# (these felt tough today)
OH Press - 4 x 5 @ 125#
Deadlift - 1 x 5 @ 295#

Sqwwwwats superseded with 2 x PU. These felt great. Next week will do ladders (1,2,3) x 2

R.I 2.5 mins.

Then core finisher
20 x 2ct flutter kicks into
20 x 2ct Russian Twists
5 rounds
Rest minimum, max 30 s between rounds. (Went straight through 1-3, rested 30s then blasted through 4, rested 20s completed round 5

10 min cool down on AD

I've noticed you always finish with AD cool downs. Can you please elaborate a tad on the reasoning? Is it just for some cardio finisher?

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Barkadion wrote: I've noticed you always finish with AD cool downs. Can you please elaborate a tad on the reasoning? Is it just for some cardio finisher?

Sure..... I do it for a number of reasons.

- if it's been a HARD conditioning session, it allows my HR to come down gently.
- if it's been a strength session, it helps loosen up the legs and again allows the HR to reduce gently.
- it allows me to transition from training mode to "civvy mode" - especially if I have clients coming in.
- recovery, recovery, recovery :lol:

Hope that helps.
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Barkadion »

Train_Hard_Live_Easy wrote:
Barkadion wrote: I've noticed you always finish with AD cool downs. Can you please elaborate a tad on the reasoning? Is it just for some cardio finisher?

Sure..... I do it for a number of reasons.

- if it's been a HARD conditioning session, it allows my HR to come down gently.
- if it's been a strength session, it helps loosen up the legs and again allows the HR to reduce gently.
- it allows me to transition from training mode to "civvy mode" - especially if I have clients coming in.
- recovery, recovery, recovery :lol:

Hope that helps.
All good reasons.. The last one is my favorite! :D
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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Tough day today.

Location: The Training Centre
Equipment: AD, Sandbag (55#), Rower, 2x45# KBs

IWT protocol - this is an advanced conditioning protocol, not for the faint of heart ('scuse the pun)

10 x cleans 2x45#
2 mins HARD AD (90% of HRM)
2mins rest
3 rounds

5 min Break (includes last 2 min rest period)

8 x zercher SB squats
2 min HARD row (90% HRM)
2 min rest
3 rounds

5 min break ( includes last 2 min rest period)


7 x bar dips
7 x bodyrow (suspension gear)
7 x mountain grinders (4 x mountain climbers into a push-up. Count every leg, push-ups are the rep count.)

4 Rounds - up to 60s rest between rounds

10 min AD cool down

There is NO rest between exercise and aerobic movement.
Interval Weight Training - Pat O'Shea (Professor Emeritus) author Quantum strength and power.
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Strength day. 70%

Fr Sq 4 x 5 @ 170#
OH Press 4 x 5 @ 125#
Deadlift 1 x 5 @ 295#

supersetted sqwwwwats with sets of 2 pull-ups. 5 sets. Definitely moving to 2 x 1-2-3 ladder next week..

Then played with some core work.....this needs work :twisted:
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by TangoZero »

Train_Hard_Live_Easy wrote:Strength day. 70%

Fr Sq 4 x 5 @ 170#
OH Press 4 x 5 @ 125#
Deadlift 1 x 5 @ 295#

supersetted sqwwwwats with sets of 2 pull-ups. 5 sets. Definitely moving to 2 x 1-2-3 ladder next week..

Then played with some core work.....this needs work :twisted:
Lookin' good!

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Location: The Training Centre
Equipment: 2x35# KBs, 1x32kg KB, BB (empty)

Warm up then
BB Complex to warm up body
Low pull Bent over Row (to lower ab region)
High pull Bent over Row (widen grip, pull to chest, focus on shoulder blades pulling together)
Back Squat - normal stance, hold in pocket for 2 breathes
Back Squat - wide stance, focus on knees tracking toes
Behind the neck press
Overhead Squat

3 of each movement, flow from one to other.
Rest 3 - 5 breathes repeat for a total of 3 rounds.
Use pvc pipe if unable to OHS BB.


THLE 300

25 burpees
50 squats
50 push-ups
50 Swings @ 32kg KB
50 Mountain Climbers (2-count)
50 Outside the legs Snatches @ 2 x 35# KBs
25 burpees

Then 10 min AD cool down

Sweat fest. Those snatches take it out of you. If not competent or confident, then swap the Snatches and the squats. Typically you would have the more complex movement earlier on, but as Ive been using kbs for 12 years + I'm happy to have them nearer the end, and they're a lighter weight than my usual.
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Barkadion »

Train_Hard_Live_Easy wrote:Location: The Training Centre
Equipment: 2x35# KBs, 1x32kg KB, BB (empty)

Warm up then
BB Complex to warm up body
Low pull Bent over Row (to lower ab region)
High pull Bent over Row (widen grip, pull to chest, focus on shoulder blades pulling together)
Back Squat - normal stance, hold in pocket for 2 breathes
Back Squat - wide stance, focus on knees tracking toes
Behind the neck press
Overhead Squat

3 of each movement, flow from one to other.
Rest 3 - 5 breathes repeat for a total of 3 rounds.
Use pvc pipe if unable to OHS BB.


THLE 300

25 burpees
50 squats
50 push-ups
50 Swings @ 32kg KB
50 Mountain Climbers (2-count)
50 Outside the legs Snatches @ 2 x 35# KBs
25 burpees

Then 10 min AD cool down

Sweat fest. Those snatches take it out of you. If not competent or confident, then swap the Snatches and the squats. Typically you would have the more complex movement earlier on, but as Ive been using kbs for 12 years + I'm happy to have them nearer the end, and they're a lighter weight than my usual.
That is intense...

I found that having TGU at the end kills me. And my form is goes south. Shaking baking.. ;)
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »


Location: The Bush

Equipment: Chainsaw, Splitter, Dog and a metric feck-ton of wood

It's that time of year again here in B.C.... time to get out in to the bush and collect some firewood for the coming season.

As someone who grew up in the UK and only recently came across the pond to the Canadian Rockies [9th winter season coming up], I still find it amazing that you can go out with a truck [in this instance, the eldest's truck] and get to work with a chain saw and collect a truckload of firewood..... not saying it couldn't be done in the UK, it's just that was not a common occurence.

Now what does this have to do with training...........

The carrying of logs, and splitting of logs and the stacking of logs was easier than I thought it would be. In fact, it was a whole afternoon of fun, not once did I feel out of energy, tired... it was a blast.... indeed it made me smile to see the eldest sit down and rest on a number of occasions whilst I cracked on [or was he the smart one and letting the 'old man' get on with it... hmmm.... I did not think of that.... cheeky fecker :lol: ] and once agan reaffirmed that the stuff we do IN the gym should have a carry over on the stuff OUTSIDE of the gym.

Lifting has never been an issue, but the endurance aspect of the work [carrying over long distances, over fallen trees, ditches etc] would have caused a few aches and pains...... and numerous rest stops..... having both E and SE and changing my focus from short sharp High Intensity work [20 mins typically] to an all encompassing plan has been of tremendous benefit.

I also may have been channeling my inner Arnie ;)

Ending the day with the family around the hell-mouth was a perfect ending to the day[smokies over the fire.... perfick!!]
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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