G2B to Strongman

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Re: G2B to Strongman

Post by J-Madd »


I just saw this now. Fabulous work G2B!!!

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Re: G2B to Strongman

Post by Tyr0331 »

Green2Blue wrote:I posted in my old log of how I recently competed in my first strongman. KB suggested I put some of my vids in here.

Before I do I want to explain what relevancy this has to TB. I’m still a massive fan of TB and want to give credit where credit is due.

I ran TB for a couple years. During that time I’ve never had such a great balance of strength and conditioning. I set PR’s in both categories during that time, and i don’t exactly have a young training age. I got close to a 3.5xBW DL running TB, as well as ran a half marathon (as a terrible runner, this was huge). AA also got me out of a massive rut with the Old Warhorse protocol.

I loved TB, and still do. But I’ve always wanted to compete in a strength sport. I signed up for a strongman competition a few months ago.

I did not do TB to train for strongman. The sport leans too heavily towards strength versus conditioning and is a bit too specialized. I did use a lot of concepts from TB in my training.

Conditioning: while it’s a strength sport, strongman still has a huge conditioning component. A lot of competitors gas out during events, especially medleys. I did 2 dedicated conditioning workouts per week (not far off from TB’s 3). Most of my conditioning came straight from TB2: hill sprints, Oxygen Debt 101, GC2, Fobbit Intervals with strongman movements, etc. I also did an E run once every couple weeks just like the Black protocol. As a result, I wasn’t even out of breath at the end of my medley event.

Rest Times: this is an important component of TB’s MxS work that I utilized. My static strength in the deadlift and squat were the highest in my division.

Total Body Training: I didn’t give movements their own day until my last couple weeks when I was peaking for the comp. The vast majority of my workouts we’re set up just like Zulu: two primary lifts per day twice a week.

My training was actually very close to running Zulu Black. I just did conditioning one less day per week and pushed my strength movements a little harder.

I competed in the open lightweight division. I skipped the novice division which is usually where beginners compete. I took second place overall in my division, by one point. I also qualified to compete at nationals. I took 1st place in every event but one. Unfortunately I did so poorly in that event, the overhead press, that I couldn’t catch up in points to take the lead.

Axle Squat: max reps in 60 seconds at 350 lbs. I stopped at 12 reps. 1st place.

Circus Dumbbell Press: max weight, 30 seconds per weight. Shown is my 110 lb attempt. I failed at 120 lbs. 6th place.

Frame Deadlift: max reps in 60 seconds at 480 lbs. I stopped at 23 reps. 1st place.

Load/Carry Medley: 175/200/167 lbs. Did it in something like 30 seconds. 1st place.

Atlas Stones: 205/225/245 lbs, then 185 lb stone of steel for reps. Tied for 1st place.

I’m already planning on my next competition in February. I still have a long way to go to be competitive at the national level, but that’s my goal. I will continue to use TB concepts in my training, because they’re awesome.
Man that’s really impressive! Thanks for sharing your major accomplishments with us. Thanks for posting videos as well, it eliminates the “video or it didn’t happen” theory, as I’m constantly hearing amongst my peers haha. Good job

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Re: G2B to Strongman

Post by Green2Blue »

Barkadion wrote: How do you like NS idea of doing conditioning and/or strongman movements before the lifting sessions?
I can’t bring myself to do it. Brian is superhuman. I understand and respect where he’s coming from, but it’s not for me. I do 2 dedicated conditioning days per week, and 5 minute finishers after lifting. My level of conditioning was more than enough for the comp.
J-Madd wrote:
I just saw this now. Fabulous work G2B!!!
Tyr0331 wrote: Man that’s really impressive! Thanks for sharing your major accomplishments with us. Thanks for posting videos as well, it eliminates the “video or it didn’t happen” theory, as I’m constantly hearing amongst my peers haha. Good job
Thanks fellas!

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Re: G2B to Strongman

Post by Barkadion »

Green2Blue wrote:
Barkadion wrote: How do you like NS idea of doing conditioning and/or strongman movements before the lifting sessions?
I can’t bring myself to do it. Brian is superhuman. I understand and respect where he’s coming from, but it’s not for me. I do 2 dedicated conditioning days per week, and 5 minute finishers after lifting. My level of conditioning was more than enough for the comp.
I hear you. I am on the same page - can't swallow it myself.. Brian is super cool :)
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Re: G2B to Strongman

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Great write up, fantastic work G2B.

I think conditioning is an oft-overlooked part of strongman. Back when I competed, though I wasn't as gym strong as some of my fellow competitors I was in great shape cardio-wise which gave me a big advantage on medleys, tire flips, and other events. It seems like you're combining the two well.

Whatever you're doing seems to be working, keep it up!

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Re: G2B to Strongman

Post by Green2Blue »

grouchyjarhead wrote:Great write up, fantastic work G2B.

I think conditioning is an oft-overlooked part of strongman. Back when I competed, though I wasn't as gym strong as some of my fellow competitors I was in great shape cardio-wise which gave me a big advantage on medleys, tire flips, and other events. It seems like you're combining the two well.

Whatever you're doing seems to be working, keep it up!
Thanks Grouch. Ya some of those big guys gassed out on the first implement on the medley.

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