Using backyard for conditioning.

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Re: Using backyard for conditioning.

Post by Green2Blue »

grouchyjarhead wrote:
Green2Blue wrote:I do almost all of my Strongman stuff in my back yard. Not really relevant since you won’t likely do this stuff, but anyway. Axle/log clean and presses, atlas stones, keg/sandbag carries, yoke carries, farmer’s walks, sled pushes and pulls, tire flips, etc. All done outside. Any of these things can be conditioning if you put them into a medley.
That's how I used to do mine too. We would have "strongman Saturdays" where we would get together, lift, and eat and drink a beer after. Mostly log, axle, farmers, yoke, front carries with the yoke, kegs, and stones (obviously not all at once - typically we did some kind of carry, some kind of press, stones, grip work, and then a finisher). Car pushing was our favorite finisher - we did it most weeks. Sometimes we'd take our KBs for a long farmers walk around the neighborhood. Great times.
I’d do that if all my friends weren’t wimps lol. Right now it’s just my wife and I that train strongman in this half of the state.

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Re: Using backyard for conditioning.

Post by Maxrip13 »

grouchyjarhead wrote:Kubik was a huge inspiration in my training. My wife's too. Part of the inspiration to call my youngest Brooks actually.
Well there you go. I did love his first book quite a lot.
It is where I realised that I didn't need a perfect bar and knurling all the time for my lifting.
I know like to use odd objects as much as possible. All my pullups are done on my rear deck beam even though I have a perfect pullup bar on my rack. I do wear gloves when I get over 10kg for reps though.

Posts: 1977
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:23 am

Re: Using backyard for conditioning.

Post by Maxrip13 »

Green2Blue wrote:
grouchyjarhead wrote:
Green2Blue wrote:I do almost all of my Strongman stuff in my back yard. Not really relevant since you won’t likely do this stuff, but anyway. Axle/log clean and presses, atlas stones, keg/sandbag carries, yoke carries, farmer’s walks, sled pushes and pulls, tire flips, etc. All done outside. Any of these things can be conditioning if you put them into a medley.
That's how I used to do mine too. We would have "strongman Saturdays" where we would get together, lift, and eat and drink a beer after. Mostly log, axle, farmers, yoke, front carries with the yoke, kegs, and stones (obviously not all at once - typically we did some kind of carry, some kind of press, stones, grip work, and then a finisher). Car pushing was our favorite finisher - we did it most weeks. Sometimes we'd take our KBs for a long farmers walk around the neighborhood. Great times.
I’d do that if all my friends weren’t wimps lol. Right now it’s just my wife and I that train strongman in this half of the state.

I would of loved to have done strongman in the past. What sucks is I know have a perfect gym with all the event tools and that runs regular comps just a short drive from my house. Sadly my goals are heading the other direction otherwise I would join up.

I am about to do basebuild with traditional SE work and then follow that with black.
After that I might do an extended OP I/A or fighter bangkok with a green emphasis. I will still train BJJ but I need to build up a high level of endurance for my future work goals. It's run/swim/ruck focus time for me for 2018.

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