Black operator professional

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Re: Black operator professional

Post by Billy-Hunt »

Operator block 2

Week 3 (90%)

Day 2/4/6
Squat 77.5 kg 3/3/3/3
Weighted chin up 15 kg 3/3/3/3
Bench press 90 kg 3/3/3/3
Partial rep dragon flags 6/6/6
10 minute skip

Squat and bench press felt close to my current max, only the chin ups felt like clean, crisp reps but I struggled a bit with them (more reps/sets) either way don’t think I need to test my one rep max will probably run another block in 3 weeks

Day 1/3
LSS Run 3.2 miles in 30 minutes hbpm under 140
Leg raises 3x15

Day 5
Skipping 6 sets of 3 minutes

Another consistent week, satisfied with progress

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Re: Black operator professional

Post by Billy-Hunt »

Operator block 2

Week 4 (75%)

Day 1/3/5
Squat 65kg 5/5/5/5/5
Weighted chin up 12.5 kg 5/5/5/5/5
Bench press 75 kg 5/5/5/5/5
Partial rep dragon flags 6/6/6

Day 2/4
Boxing training (skip/shadow with light weights/bags/body spar/SE circuit)

In addition on day 4 did some HIC sprints

5 min jog warm up
5 x 18 yard sprint
3 x 50 yard sprint
2 x 100 yard sprint
2 x 60 yard sprint
1 x 100 yard sprint

Notes: some fatigue AM after boxing training hopefully this is due to 2 week break and them being first sessions back therefore started day 3/5 in the gym tired but felt better after warm up and starting lifts

Weights all felt clean which was good after last week at 90% when I felt close to my maximums

Sprints felt good, had endurance on last 3 which I thought I may struggle with. Feel as though have decent levels of endurance at present and will therefore incorporate 2 HIC sprint sessions next week

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Re: Black operator professional

Post by Billy-Hunt »

Operator block 2

Week 5 85%

Day 1/3/5
Squat @72.5 kg 3/3/3/3
Weighted chin up @ 13.75 kg 3/3/3/3
Bench press @ 85 kg 3/3/3/3
Partial rep dragon flags 6/6/6

Day 2
AM: Sprints in football pitch
5x18 3x50 2x100 2x50 1x100

PM : Boxing training (skip/bodyweight circuit/body sparing/bag work/weighted circuit)

Day 4
4 mile walk (av hbpm 90 so cant call this an E session)
10 short hill sprints
4 mile walk

Weights : these all felt clean, crisp reps
HIC : 1) sprints on football pitch felt strong with enough endurance to still push towards the end
2) walk then short hill sprints - the short sprints were taxing enough to feel as though as I was pushing myself on final two, wasn’t prepared for feeling physically tired for a few hours afterwards - under estimated the effect that walk - sprint - walk would have, enjoyable being out in the fresh air for a couple of hours

Feel disciplined regarding sticking to operator program my conditioning is more ad hoc although I do 3/4 sessions a week I can’t stick to the same sessions as I get bored and like the variety. I don’t feel as though my general conditioning has suffered as a result of this approach though I’m currently enjoying HIC sprints and will definitely find time to include them going forward in some form

Posts: 99
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Re: Black operator professional

Post by Billy-Hunt »

Operator block 2

Week 6 (90%)

Day 1/3
Squat 82.5kg (2 reps/4 sets)
Weighted chin up 16.25kg (2 reps/4 sets)
Bench Press 95kg (2 reps/4 sets)
Hanging leg raises 50 in total (sets of 10)
RDL 20 50 in total (sets of 10)

Day 2
Random act of stupidity which nearly blew the whole training week
8 mile Ruck with 50 lb weight on back (half way round did some short hill sprints - 10 reps)
Although this didn't push me particularly cardiovascularly (av hbpm 100) the last 2 miles were heavy on my legs and I paid for it for 2 days afterwards - not sure why I thought this wouldn't be the outcome, I will refer back to this if I think about trying something similar again right in the middle of a heavy week

Day 4
Boxing training (Skip/shadow/body spar/heavy bag/weighted SE circuit)

Day 5
Recovered sufficiently to try an see what progress I'd made during block using template in AA book

Squat 82.5 kg (2 reps/2 sets) last set 82.5 x 5 reps
Weighted chin up 16.25 kg (2 reps/2 sets) last set 16.25 x 6 reps
Bench press 95 kg (2 reps/2 sets) last set 95 x 3 reps
Hanging leg raises 50 in total

New one rep max's calculated as:
Squat 93 kg (8 kg increase in block and 23 kg increase over 2 blocks)
Weighted chin up (2 kg increase in block and 7 kg increase over 2 blocks)
Bench Press (0kg increase in block made 6 kg increase in 1st block)

New set of numbers to use for squat/weighted chin up for next Operator block (Block 3) which I will start next week. Bench Press stays the same.

Making good progress particularly with the squat, will use this method to test max's at the end of the next cycle before I consider using forced rep max's on bench press.

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Re: Black operator professional

Post by Billy-Hunt »

Operator Block 3

Week 1 (70%)

Day 2/4/6
10 min skip
Squat 65 kg 5/5/5/5/5
Weighted chin up 12.5 kg 5/5/5/5/5
Bench Press 70 kg 5/5/5/5/5
Hanging leg raise 50 reps (sets of 10)

Day 1 (easy HIC)
Meateater 2
16 kg KB 10 swings each arm/10 burpee's (60 sec rest) 5 sets

Day 5 (easy HIC)
Devils Trinity
60 sec KB swings (16 kg)/60 sec burpee's/60 shadow box with 2 kg weights/60 rest 3 sets

With both HIC's stopped when had a sweat on, after pushing myself a bit too far last week an easier week was what I needed to recover physically/mentally.

Weights all felt good

Posts: 99
Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:32 am

Re: Black operator professional

Post by Billy-Hunt »

Operator Block 3

Week 2 (80%)

Day 1/3/5
Skip 10 min warm up
Squat @ 75 kg 5/5/5/5/5
Weighted chin up @ 15kg 5/5/5/5
Bench Press @ 80 kg 5/5/5/5/5
Hanging straight leg raises 50 reps (sets of 10)

Day 2
Boxing circuit (skip/bodyweight circuit/4x2 min rounds body spar/2x2 min rounds heavy bag/SE circuit) 60 minutes

Day 4
HIC 1 - 5 k Tempo run - 22m13s

Day 6
HIC 2 - Devils Trinity - one handed 16 kg KB swing (30s/30s) then 60 s burp's then 60 s shadow box with 2kg DB then 60 s rest for 5 sets (20 minutes)

1. Managed to maintain decent 5k time which I'm pleased with
2. Unable to do volume at 80% weight on chin ups therefore dropped one set
3. This week feels like one of those weeks where everything strength/conditioning fell into place, I am slowing finding the right balance that suits me regarding recovery my abilities and the flexibility of working around shifts/other commitments

Posts: 99
Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:32 am

Re: Black operator professional

Post by Billy-Hunt »

Operator Block 3

Week 3 (90%)

Day 1/3/5
Skip 10 min warm up
Squat @ 85 kg 3/3/3/3
Weighted chin up @ 16.25kg 3/3/3/3
Bench Press @ 90 kg 3/3/3/3
Hanging straight leg raises 50 reps (sets of 10)

Day 2
Boxing circuit (skip/bodyweight circuit/4x2 min rounds body spar/2x2 min rounds heavy bag/SE circuit) 60 minutes

Day 4
HIC 1 - 5 k Tempo run - 22m11s

Day 6
HIC 2 - Devils Trinity - one handed 16 kg KB swing (30s/30s) then 60 s burpees then 60 s shadow box with 2kg DB then 60 s rest for 5 sets (20 minutes)

Day 7

1. New PB 5k time which I'm pleased with
2. There were reps left with squat/weighted chin ups not so with bench press, whilst I'm only 3 weeks into block feeling as though any progress with the bench press will be minuscule and that i'll have to accept i'm probably not going increase my one rep max from block to block like i'm currently doing with the other lifts not sure why this is as i'm not shifting particularly big weights
3. Again one of those weeks where everything strength/conditioning fell into place, replicated last week as I feel it is balance that suits me regarding recovery my abilities and gives flexibility around shifts/other commitments

Posts: 99
Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:32 am

Re: Black operator professional

Post by Billy-Hunt »

Operator Block 3

Week 4 (75%)

Day 1/4/6
Squat @ 70 kg 5/5/5/5/5
Weighted chin up @ 16.25 kg 5/5/5/5/5
Bench Press @ 75 kg 5/5/5/5/5
Hanging straight leg raise 50 reps (sets of 10)

Day 2
Boxing training (Skip/shadow/4 x 2 min body spar/2x 2 min heavy bag/SE circuit) 60 minutes

Day 3
Rest day

Day 5
HIC 5k Tempo Run 22m39s

Updating this on day 6
Day 7 will be
HIC Devils Trinity (30s/30s one arm 16kg KB swing/60 s burpee's/60 s shadow box with 2kg weights/60 s rest) 5 sets

1. Felt a bit run down/tired this week definitely went through the motions, good habits and not wanting to break routine kept me going. Will take an easy conditioning week, next week and hopefully feel the benefits
2. Weights all felt good though all snapping up so not all bad

Posts: 99
Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:32 am

Re: Black operator professional

Post by Billy-Hunt »

Operator block 3

Week 5 (85%)

Day 1/3/5
Squat @ 80 kg 3/3/3/3/3
Weighted chin up @ 16.25 kg 3/3/3/3/3
Bench Press @ 85 kg 3/3/3/3/3
Hanging straight leg raise 50 total (sets of 10)

Easy week conditioning

Day 2
1.5 mile run in 10m11s

Day 4
Devils trinity (KB swings/burpee/light DB shadow box) 3 sets

Day 6/7 will be rest

1. Easy conditioning week was beneficial felt run down last week feel better for not pushing myself
2. Weights again all feel good satisfied with progress which is slow and steady

Posts: 99
Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:32 am

Re: Black operator professional

Post by Billy-Hunt »

Operator block 3

Week 6 (95%)

Day 1/3
Skip 10 minutes
Squat @ 87.5 kg 2/2/2/2
Weighted chin up @ 17.5 kg 2/2/2/2
Bench Press @ 95 kg 2/2/2/2
Hanging straight leg raises 50 reps (sets of 10)

Day 5
Skip 10 minutes

Incorporated testing today as follows:
Squat @ 87.5 kg 2/2/2 rested 3 minutes then did AMRAP stopping before failure 5 reps
Weighted chin up @ 17.5 kg 2/2/2 then as above 5 reps
Bench Press @ 95 kg 2/2/2 then as above 4 reps
Hanging straight leg raises 50 reps (sets of 10)

Day 2
Boxing training (skip/shadow box/4 x 2 minute rounds body spar/2 x 2 minutes heavy bags/SE circuit)

Day 4
HIC 5 k Tempo Run 22m09s
Then 10 minutes foam roller/stretching

Day 6
Will be 5 rounds of Devil's Trinity (16 kg KB swing/burpee's/light DB shadow box all for 60 seconds then 60 seconds rest before going again)

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