Base Building - Max Strength... Accessories/Finishers?

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Base Building - Max Strength... Accessories/Finishers?

Post by eXpo »

Hey guys,

I'm currently doing base building, just wondering if after the max strength sessions it would be wise to add a couple of accessories or should I just stick to it as written?

The additional exercises would be for muscle groups that aren't part of my current cluster (BP, BS, PU) so it would mainly be arm and shoulder work?

Or should I just tack on a couple of finishers like the grip finisher and ab circuits?


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Re: Base Building - Max Strength... Accessories/Finishers?

Post by Tyr0331 »

If they don’t interfere with your lifts, have at it!

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Re: Base Building - Max Strength... Accessories/Finishers?

Post by Green2Blue »

The book says, “Eliminate any non-essential lifts or assistance work.”

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Re: Base Building - Max Strength... Accessories/Finishers?

Post by grouchyjarhead »

One of the key elements that many newer lifters miss is muscle recovery. The primary goal is to get the main lifts of your cluster to progress. Anything that counteracts that goal works against you.

If you add 100 pounds to your bench press, your arms will be bigger. If you're adding half your bodyweight to your body before doing a set of pull-ups, your arms will be bigger.

Now, if you do a bunch of arm work after your bench sets, that's additional fatigue they need to recover from. If you blast your arms and then fail to hit your required reps for the bench the next workout because of that reason, you are hindering your own progress. Don't major in the minors.

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Re: Base Building - Max Strength... Accessories/Finishers?

Post by eXpo »

Thanks for your replies guys, I'll add a couple and see if it impacts my recovery at all. If I start missing reps then I'll stop the accessories.


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Re: Base Building - Max Strength... Accessories/Finishers?

Post by Barkadion »

eXpo wrote:Thanks for your replies guys, I'll add a couple and see if it impacts my recovery at all. If I start missing reps then I'll stop the accessories.

Just my 2c...

Usually, missing reps basically means that my cluster is screwed up one way or another: wrong TM, compromised recovery, no progress with HIC, you name it.

It’s much wiser to go with slow steady pace and see how it goes. Just do it for 3-4 blocks and observe. 1 year observation will do. You will not miss anything. Imho.
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Re: Base Building - Max Strength... Accessories/Finishers?

Post by Maxrip13 »

Some good advice to consider above.

Why do you want to add the accessories?

Previous injury rehab or similar I say go for it. That means you could use the extra work.

If weighted pullups are part of your cluster then don't waste your time with extra arm and shoulder work for aesthetics.
When you start to work these hard (half bodyweight IMO) you will see you how effective they are.

I am not a massive guy, but I always get surprised comments on the size/thickness of my lats,arms,forearms and upper shoulders/back.
I get these from professional athletic coaches and massage therapists.
Look at my log and see that weighted pullups are always a staple in my clusters. What you won't see is curls and shoulder raises.

If you want to add accessories that's fine, but add them for injury/prehab reasons.

I recommend waiter walks/overhead carries for the shoulders over anything else.

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Re: Base Building - Max Strength... Accessories/Finishers?

Post by eXpo »

Thanks for all your suggestions gents.

I'll take your advice and keep the accessories off for now. I'm going to start the Fighter Pull-up program alongside my Base Building cluster as that aligns well with my goals and I don't really feel like I'm progressing too much doing pull-ups just once a week and it's something I'd really like to get good at.

I'll test it and see how it goes.


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