Gaining strength while maintaining same weight?

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Gaining strength while maintaining same weight?

Post by cws1992 »

I'm curious to what others are doing while running Operator. Are you guys bulking or just eating for performance? I don't track calories but I always make sure I get enough protein (1 g per lb) and healthy fats while the rest is filled with carbs. I've been hovering around 190 lbs for probably the last month or 2. How long can I realistically expect to keep gaining strength while staying the same weight? My workouts and rest times are starting to get longer although I'm still hitting my intended reps and sets. Definitely getting tougher though. Should I just eat more? And any experience cutting on Operator? I know it's not recommended but come beach season I wouldn't mind losing some fat but don't want to lose all my strength gains.

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Re: Gaining strength while maintaining same weight?

Post by Green2Blue »

1. No one can tell you how long your strength gains will last. There are too many variables. If you continue the same protocol, and continue to eat the same amount, eventually you’ll stop getting stronger.

2. Asking if you should eat more entirely depends on your specific goals. You mentioned losing fat and gaining strength as goals, which aren’t really congruous in trained individuals.

3. I don’t remember reading anywhere in the books where it says cutting isn’t advised while running Operator. I’ve gotten very lean while running it (photos in my old log) and didn’t lose any noteworthy strength.

4. You shouldn’t listen to anything I say. I don’t even run TB. I just post here for the chicks 8-) .

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Re: Gaining strength while maintaining same weight?

Post by Tom28 »

I'm pretty much in the same situation as you cws1992. Operator I/A workouts are getting tougher and tougher although I'm never in danger of missing reps. I'm usually around 170 lbs but in the last few weeks I'm down a few pounds even though I haven't been trying to lose weight. My rough bodyfat estimate now is 16% based on the Navy method. I eat pretty clean except for nighttime sweets which is my weakness. Rather than continue to suffer with shitty, low energy workouts, the solution I'm choosing is to just eat more during the day. I'll still eat clean, but I want to slowly increase my weight up to 175 over a few weeks. I hope to keep my bodyfat roughly the same as it is now and hopefully the strength gains will continue as I've made good progress so far. We'll see if gaining a little bit of weight works. Best of luck to you no matter what you choose to do. If you decide to bulk, you still have time to cut before summer.

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