Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Second training Session

BJJ Open Mat

Nice cruisy flow rolls all round.
I had some good rolls with a purple and blue with very different games.
I also got to work on my defence from a bigger white belt who I let start from my back.

It was a very good session and got me to 3 for the week.

We will see how I feel after the earlier massage as I was told not to train after it. I am guessing I will be taking the next two days completely off to recover haha.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

So sore today but totally worth it to get three days on the mats :D

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's Training

Zulu minimal I/A

Warmup general joint mobility rotations

Front Squat 1x5 bar
Front Squat 1x5 40 kg

Front Squat 70kg 3x5
Hang from pullup bar and stretch shoulders/lats

Just the squats for today. I was feeling good so I decided to train instead of taking two days off. I am back at work this week so I would like to get some training in today so I can hopefully make BJJ easily tomorrow. It's much easier to do some 1 arm KB presses than front squats and then hit up another training session a few hoyurs later. I am not working to heavy on the squats but will be hitting over bodyweight next week for my triples. It won't be heavy in the session but I find that I start to feel an impact on recovery with my front squats around that weight.

Overall I am enjoying the minimal volume with the weights. It is nice just to get in, train and then decide whether to hit up any extra conditioning. I will try and do some more intervals runs this week. I might work some repeated 800m-1km intervals for a few sets with a couple mins rest between.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's Training

Zulu Minimal I/A

1 Arm Kb press 20 kg 3x5 ea side

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's training

Tb zulu minimal I/A

Front squat 70 kg x5
1 arm KB press 20 kg x5 ea side
X3 rounds

6 rounds
800m run
5 pullups, 8 dips
30 min continuous work

I decided to combine todays strength session anddo some harder conditioning. I have the day off and havent been to bjj this work. I did my own interval fun run. I stupidly didnt time my interval but the last 3 were more of a jog.

Nice hard combined training session and i hopefully freed up my schedule for open mat tomorrow.

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's Training

TB Zulu I/A Week 3 Session 1

Front Squat 80kg 3x3

Nice little abbreviated session today. I didn't make it to any BJJ last week which is depressing, but I did get a harder HIC/E session in.
I will hopefully make it to BJJ next week and will try and get another interval session in. I like one longer (30 min +) conditioning session paired with BJJ as my future training program. I like the idea of a distanced based fun run done at the track with some SE work thrown in.
Last edited by Maxrip13 on Mon Mar 05, 2018 5:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's Training

TB Zulu I/A Week 3 Session 2

1 Arm Kb Press 24kg 3x3

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's second training

Bjj gi 1800-1900
Working on back control and rnc

I only did technique and left early. No rolling tonight as i can't get injured while on a course at work.

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's Training

TB Zulu I/A Session 3

Front Squat 80kg x 3
1 Arm KB Press 24kg x3
x 3 rounds

Concept 2 Rower
Setting 10

500m row/1 min rest
x 5 rounds
Each 500m under 2 min

Posts: 1977
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:23 am

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's training

30 min pool session (recover breath between laps )
2x50m freestyle
2x50m breast stroke
2x50m sidestroke
4x50m freestyle
Total 500m

5x 10-15m underwater hypoxic swim
(Just went until i felt i needed a breath and wasnt calm anymore)

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