Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's Training

Zulu Minimal I/A Week 4

Front Squat 60kg 3x5
Stretch shoulders and activate lats on rings.

Back to the sets of 5 and lighter weights this week. The plan is to do another 3 weeks and retest my lifts. From there I will change up my cluster.I will keep the squat the same and progress the kettlebell press. I am hoping to do a couple of strict reps with the 32kg for my last week.

I am looking at using gymnastics rings dips for my next cluster and just need to decide on a lower body lift to pair with it. I might maintain the front squats and just pair them with a 1 legged deadlift to activate the glutes and hamstrings.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


TB Zulu I/A Minimal Week 3
session 23

1 Arm Overhead KB Press 20kg 3x5 ea side

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's Training

Bjj No Gi

Worked on opening the closed guard into knee slice pass
4x5 mins rolling

Not the greatest session I have had. Timing was not there and my partner was not really interested in doing the drills properly.
I was getting pretend elbows and punches thrown at me and dealing with the equivalent of a grappling dummy who would occasionally go 100%. I copped an elbow that split my lip open after an attempted spinning pass, I guess that was one way to counter after I had taken the back from the same pass multiple times earlier. Had a couple good rolls after, but overall left feeling pretty disheartened. There is always next session.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's training

TB Zulu minimal I/A

Front squat 60kg x5
1 arm kb overhead press x5
X1 round

On nights at the moment and having some issues with recovery. I wasnt feeling the weights so called it early.

I just bought GMBs Rings 1 program and i think i might give it a go in the coming weeks. I need some time away from harder training to rest some niggles and feel the early progressions might help that. I will decide what to do over the coming days and how conditioning, bjj and leg training will fit in

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's Training

GMB Rings 1 Day 1

1. 5x10 sec
2. 3x8 (changed height of rings each rep)
3. 3x8
4. 3x10sec
5. 3x8 (Surprisingly difficult


So I bit the bullet and will be changing my training up to Gold Medal Bodies Rings 1 program. I am having some niggles and just need a change of training focus. I am hoping it will let some persistent niggles heal and allow me to focus more on BJJ and working on some mobility issues.

Out of respect I won't post the full program here. So far I can say I am pleasantly surprised. I am starting on the beginner level and have finished this session pleasantly fatigued and I really enjoyed the training. I am looking forward to where I end up over the next 12 weeks.
I am also intrigued by there lower body program and may sub that in. the original plan was moderate squats or deadlifts, but I may either skip the leg training all together or try something for a bit of a break.

My end goal is to be able to do a strict muscle up on the rings. I can do dips and pullups no issue, but have never been able to even get close to the muscle up. I look forward to reaching this goal and hopefully employing a Back Squat/ Weighted strict muscle up cluster at some point in my TB future.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays training
Active recovery
Warmup cooldown gmb

No bjj. The mats are too packed on a monday night class. You cant even move usually

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's Training

GMB Rings 1 Session 2


1. 3x8
2. 3x8
3. 3x8
4. 3x8


I am really happy I chose to do the beginner level for this program. It is surprising how much of an extra challenge the rings actually are. Add in the fact that I am doing more volume than usual and it's been a good change of pace.

So far so good and I am keen to see were this program takes me. I just need to work out how to fit the conditioning in and also the BJJ practice. I can definitely see why I struggled with a strict muscle up in the past.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by BlackPyjamas »

Maxrip13 wrote: I look forward to reaching this goal and hopefully employing a Back Squat/ Weighted strict muscle up cluster at some point in my TB future.
Fantastic log. This cluster always held a ton of appeal for me.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by BlackPyjamas »

Maxrip13 wrote: I can definitely see why I struggled with a strict muscle up in the past.
Any tips with regards to this?

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

BlackPyjamas wrote:
Maxrip13 wrote: I can definitely see why I struggled with a strict muscle up in the past.
Any tips with regards to this?
I am probably strong enough to do the movement for a single rep but I lack the control to do the transition. I have trained with kettlebells and barbells for years and thought I had the instability aspect covered but the rings are a whole different challenge.

There are 2 levels in the program and I started at the lowest level even though I can already do pullups and dips for sets of 10+ on the rings. These reps would get those exercises done, but I am in the complete wrong positions to transition through to other exercises.

I am working on perfecting the technique in the preparatory exercises. This will allow me to build strength in the positions that will enable me to link movements together on the rings and work towards the muscle up. I can do the pieces but I am getting by with brute strength only.

It is just like building a skill with shooting, martial arts or sports. I am basebuilding to start with general strength exercises,progressing to more difficult variants,then will transition to the actual skills practice and that will end with me transitioning through exercises on the rings in a "flow". The strict muscle up just happens to be one of the ways to get above the rings.

I am enjoying the switch in focus and I am definitely feeling the training effect. Even my legs are feeling a training effect from stabilising my body above and below the rings. I will try and stick with the full 12 weeks and see where I end up.

I have always been interested in using the rings for my upper body strength/SE work and barbells for my lower body work. That is what has always had me interested in doing a muscle up, back squat cluster. It is a lot of specific training to work towards one specific exercise, but I think I will enjoy the challenge and the side effect of all the extra stability, strength and control that will be required to achieve this. It's hard to be specific this early on in the training but I will definitely be updating this log as I complete the program.

Hopefully this answers your question in a roundabout way. I just came off night shift and I am waiting for the coffee to kick in.

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