Grouchyjarhead Training

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by Barkadion »

J-Madd wrote:
Barkadion wrote:
grouchyjarhead wrote:20180306:
Max strength session. Pull-ups, dips, goblet squats, two handed swings. Felt pain in my left elbow during one rep of dips, I think my hand placement was off as when I fixed it, it was better. Still - I need to be mindful of that. If it happens again, we might need a different upper body movement.
My problem with dips that i get carried away and go too deep without minding shoulders... Dips can be very tricky..
I've found ring dips oh so much more forgiving on my shoulders and elbows.
I should give it a try at some point. Thank you.
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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

J-Madd wrote:
Barkadion wrote:
grouchyjarhead wrote:20180306:
Max strength session. Pull-ups, dips, goblet squats, two handed swings. Felt pain in my left elbow during one rep of dips, I think my hand placement was off as when I fixed it, it was better. Still - I need to be mindful of that. If it happens again, we might need a different upper body movement.
My problem with dips that i get carried away and go too deep without minding shoulders... Dips can be very tricky..
I've found ring dips oh so much more forgiving on my shoulders and elbows.
I've been considering the same. Might buy a pair and then just hook it up to the pull-up bar before I get busy.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

20 mile ruck overnight. Started at 1930. 10 miles out, quick beer, then 10 miles back. Total time rucking 5:50:32. 30# plus water and snacks.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by Barkadion »

grouchyjarhead wrote:20180310:
20 mile ruck overnight. Started at 1930. 10 miles out, quick beer, then 10 miles back. Total time rucking 5:50:32. 30# plus water and snacks.
Awesome! Was it hills or just straight trails?
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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

My town is hilly by nature but we stuck to as flat a course as we could. Being the city, there was quite a bit of stair climbing as well to get to walkways and across bridges.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by Barkadion »

grouchyjarhead wrote:My town is hilly by nature but we stuck to as flat a course as we could. Being the city, there was quite a bit of stair climbing as well to get to walkways and across bridges.
Sounds cool!
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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

GORUCK Tough and Light complete. Over a period of about 24 hours with a few hours in between I rucked about 26 miles, did some killer PT, and carried a bunch of heavy stuff all on pretty much no sleep. Good times.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

So, quick recap, will update as I can -

GORUCK Tough -
Start time 2100. 30# of bricks, plus water, snacks, and a carb drink to keep moving. It was cold - it hit about 22 during the event. 18 total participants.

We started off with a deck of cards ruck workout: eight count bodybuilders, overhead squats, four count mountain climbers, four count flutter kicks. 119 reps of each and finished in time to avoid the jokers (we were told we didn't want the jokers...). We then picked up our team weights (two 80# sandbags, two 60# sandbags, two 40# sandbags, American flag, shamrock chain which weighed 25#, and an ammo can with some weight in it) and moved out. We rucked a while, then we hooked together all the sandbags with carabiners and made one big old sandbag we all had to carry. We missed our time hack so we had to do a bit of PT before a short break (elevated push-ups, overhead static holds, stuff like that) then unhooked the bags and rucked more miles to a soccer field. We then did the "Bear Crawl Olympics" - each group of 9 had to drag three of the sandbags while bear crawling (80/60/40#) across the field. The kicker was at each 25 yard mark, we had to stop and do 25 burpees. All while wearing a ruck of course. We made our time hack so we got to dump the sandbags, then rucked back to the start point. 18 total miles. End time approximately 0800.

GORUCK Light -
I did not sleep much at all between events. I did have some donuts, some Kodiak Cake protein muffins, bacon, and two shots of Jameson beforehand however which certainly helped. Start time 1400. 20# of bricks plus water and snacks. Definitely warmer - it was around mid 40s to low 50s. Approximately 90 total participants.

We started off with the human centipede - basically everyone is in a circle, you get in a push up position, put your feet on the shoulders of the person behind you, and you hold each other up. Sounds easy, not really. Walking lunges and then the "tunnel of love" - everyone holds a high plank as you take turns low crawling underneath. Crab walks and buddy carries finished it off. We then got walking in two groups. Our cadre said he liked for us to work hard, so we picked up a log and carried it for a while, and even had people ride on it for a short time. We had some casualties too that we had to carry for a while. We then did an overhead hold challenge with our rucks (sadly I was so smoked I didn't even last 3 minutes - some folks went over 10 minutes!) and some more PT before making our way back to the start point. Total 8 miles, finished about 1930.

Needless to say, I'm still pretty sore.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Army Physical Fitness Test. 241/300. I was hoping for over 250 but I still had some DOMS from last weekend. Push ups 91/100, sit ups 81/100, 2 mile run 69/100.

4 mile ruck, 1:10, 30#.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

A light workout to blow the stink off. The wife wants me to compete with her in a KB sport competition in a few months so this block I will be more geared towards one arm snatch practice as one of my main lifts. I was more into long cycle clean and jerks before but with my back issues snatch is a bit friendlier. Some sandbag work, pull ups, and swings will top it off for some SE focus.

**12kg OAS - 20 RPM - 2:30 (50 total). Hands definitely deconditioned for snatches.
**Sandbag Bear Complex (power clean - front squat - push press - back squat - push press, repeat 7 times for one set) x5. 35#, way too light but better too light than too heavy to start.
**Bodyweight pull-ups - 15 reps. Left elbow sensitive still but no pain.
**16kg OASW - 5 sets of 10 per hand.

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