LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by TangoZero »

One way to plan your training is to look at your weaknesses or areas you want to improve and then apply the correct template and protocol. Break it down into domains.

You mentioned wanting to improve your run times and push-ups as an example.
Run times (1.5) = aerobic domain
push-ups = strength endurance domain
What protocol & template would prioritize and improve the above? Now add in a little strength (MS) training to support the development of SE, power and speed. Then add a dash of speedwork because you're training to be proficient at various distances and speeds.

As far as speed work or the 300m sprint goes, there are so many HICs that are applicable it boggles my mind. Anaerobic Output, Meateater, Oxygen Debt, Apex. Also the Power Sessions in the vault that include plyos and sprints are seriously overlooked for speed. Keep in mind it's there's more room to improve aerobic capacity in a human than anaerobic/speed. But improving your aerobic system itself carries over so long as you include an element of speed work in your overall training plan.

The way you distribute your training time over the week or block to block should reflect how you prioritize the above domains. In this case the bulk of your time would be spent on SE and E, with maybe 15-20% being spent on MS/HIC.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by spemma »

Thanks Tango. You got me thinking and then I lucked out because K.B. just posted more detail on how to incorporate SE if you're training for a PFT and I'm going to follow that exactly.

I think I may be trying to bite off more than I can chew. I'm going to drop the HIC after the MS on Tuesdays because it all might be too much with 2 days of BJJ/week. If I'm feeling okay after a few weeks of running the program, then I'll add it in.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by spemma »

I’m resurrecting this guy to hopefully get some advice, since I’m spinning my wheels here. As a reminder, I’m training for a PFT and my scores are:

September 2017
  • sit-ups: 53
  • 300m sprint: ~0:47
  • push-ups: 44
  • 1.5 mile run: 11:14
I’ve continued my training and have been able to overall maintain my current PFT scores (more below). I live under a constant threat that an academy-qualifying PFT could be coming down the pipe any day. Unfortunately I’ve been living under the PFT threat for a year now and have not been able to settle into what I would classify as a normal TB training regimen. I will have to take the PFT at least 3 more times in the near future (i.e. 6-8 months, give or take).

My current training per week consists of:
  • BJJ – 2x/week
  • SE – Push-ups/Pull-ups – 3x/week; I’ve jumped all around here – alpha circuits, grease-the-groove style, supersets
  • Core – 4x/week; I’ve had a lot of success following AthleanX youtube ab routines
  • Conditioning – 4x/week; 2 x E’s (30 min and 60 min), 1 x tempo run or 800m intervals at slightly faster than race pace, 1 hill sprint
  • Yoga – 4x/week this has become a bigger part of my weekly training and has helped with a lot of aches, pains, and imbalances
With regards to my current performance on the PFT:
  • Sit-ups: IMPROVED – the dedicated core work has really bumped my scores
  • 300m sprint/1.5 mile run: MAINTAINED – happy it hasn’t deteriorated, but surprised I’m not getting better
  • Push-ups: DETERIORATED – I don’t know what the deal is other that obviously I’ve been neglecting MS
Going forward, again with the goal of improving my PFT, here’s what I have so far:
  • BJJ – still 2x/week
  • Conditioning – still want to do 4x sessions per week, at least 1 E, probably should be doing a better track-based HIC (e.g. SE Ladders). What should the other 2 be?
  • SE – …..help…..?
  • Core – the dedicated work has been so successful I feel like I can’t change it
  • Yoga – still 4x/week….gotta do it….it’s usually just a 15-20 minute add-on at the end of the workout
So now I’m just looking at the above and I feel like it’s a mess. I’ve become married to the things I’m doing and I keep adding on to them, making marathon workout sessions. Whenever I try to simplify, I worry I’m neglecting things. For example, I think about just focusing on push-ups, but then I worry about imbalances with my back. I would do a more rounded out MS/SE program, but I would have to cut Yoga…which again, I’ve become married to. I’m also married to 4 conditioning, specifically running, sessions per week.

TL;DR version:
  • Training for a PFT for the past year, already passed once
  • Will have to take the PFT in the near future at least 3 more times
  • Goal: Improve my running and push-up scores
  • Bonus: reframe my thinking on things I've now become unwilling to cut (re: loss aversion)
This post is too long....let me know what I can do to clarify....

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by Maxrip13 »

spemma wrote:I’m resurrecting this guy to hopefully get some advice, since I’m spinning my wheels here. As a reminder, I’m training for a PFT and my scores are:

September 2017
  • sit-ups: 53
  • 300m sprint: ~0:47
  • push-ups: 44
  • 1.5 mile run: 11:14
I’ve continued my training and have been able to overall maintain my current PFT scores (more below). I live under a constant threat that an academy-qualifying PFT could be coming down the pipe any day. Unfortunately I’ve been living under the PFT threat for a year now and have not been able to settle into what I would classify as a normal TB training regimen. I will have to take the PFT at least 3 more times in the near future (i.e. 6-8 months, give or take).

My current training per week consists of:
  • BJJ – 2x/week
  • SE – Push-ups/Pull-ups – 3x/week; I’ve jumped all around here – alpha circuits, grease-the-groove style, supersets
  • Core – 4x/week; I’ve had a lot of success following AthleanX youtube ab routines
  • Conditioning – 4x/week; 2 x E’s (30 min and 60 min), 1 x tempo run or 800m intervals at slightly faster than race pace, 1 hill sprint
  • Yoga – 4x/week this has become a bigger part of my weekly training and has helped with a lot of aches, pains, and imbalances
With regards to my current performance on the PFT:
  • Sit-ups: IMPROVED – the dedicated core work has really bumped my scores
  • 300m sprint/1.5 mile run: MAINTAINED – happy it hasn’t deteriorated, but surprised I’m not getting better
  • Push-ups: DETERIORATED – I don’t know what the deal is other that obviously I’ve been neglecting MS
Going forward, again with the goal of improving my PFT, here’s what I have so far:
  • BJJ – still 2x/week
  • Conditioning – still want to do 4x sessions per week, at least 1 E, probably should be doing a better track-based HIC (e.g. SE Ladders). What should the other 2 be?
  • SE – …..help…..?
  • Core – the dedicated work has been so successful I feel like I can’t change it
  • Yoga – still 4x/week….gotta do it….it’s usually just a 15-20 minute add-on at the end of the workout
So now I’m just looking at the above and I feel like it’s a mess. I’ve become married to the things I’m doing and I keep adding on to them, making marathon workout sessions. Whenever I try to simplify, I worry I’m neglecting things. For example, I think about just focusing on push-ups, but then I worry about imbalances with my back. I would do a more rounded out MS/SE program, but I would have to cut Yoga…which again, I’ve become married to. I’m also married to 4 conditioning, specifically running, sessions per week.

TL;DR version:
  • Training for a PFT for the past year, already passed once
  • Will have to take the PFT in the near future at least 3 more times
  • Goal: Improve my running and push-up scores
  • Bonus: reframe my thinking on things I've now become unwilling to cut (re: loss aversion)
This post is too long....let me know what I can do to clarify....
I think you are doing too much and spreading yourself a bit thin. You might need to focus down to what you need and why you need it.
I think you know that this is also the case from your post above.

Are you struggling to pass your PFT or are you just struggling to improve?

You are attempting to do 17 sessions a week across all those fitness attributes. I understand that some of these would be in the one session, but it is still something to look at.

I have always found doing more push ups doesn't improve my push ups.It works for 4-6 weeks like everything, but not for months on end. I need to add load or modify the movement in a way to make it harder. My best numbers have always been when I was doing heavy bench presses while I was at a reasonably light body weight. I have hit 80+ in 2 mins with no specific pushup training besides my strength work and Army PT smash sessions. These PT smash session actually dropped my numbers but I at least had to practice the movement.

I think you need to add some MS work back in. Maybe in the form of fighter bangkok so you can still visit your SE 1x a week. This will help you mentally to not feel like you have neglected that side of training. I think this added strength will have a carryover and improve your running also.

I think you could drop a run also. Your PFT only involves a 300m sprint and 1.5mile run which isn't that long a distance. I would drop the 2nd 30 min LSD and just have one. You could use your LSD run as a way to see how things are tracking. If you recover porrly it is just an easy 30 min recovery run or you feel well push it to 45-60 min. If you feel terrible then just go for a walk for the required time with a small backpack(10-20kg).

What I would recommend is you post what your training week looks like. Include what sessions you are doing on what day and what you are doing in in these sessions. Not sure I haven't been viewing training logs lately so maybe you have been. I think it might help you see that you could cut a little here or there or even just refocus to meet your training goals.

I will use myself as an example. I recently committed to dropping heavy barbell training for up to 3 months. I have never gone more than 1 month without lifting something heavy on the regular. I am using gymnastics rings and BJJ only at this stage. I had some mobility issues I wanted to fix, but was so worried I would lose strength if I stopped lifting weights. I am getting comments from the higher belts at BJJ how I feel very strong and I am moving better in certain positions. I have also fixed up a few little niggles and discovered some others I will fix as I continue to train.

That is my initial thoughts. Hopefully it makes sense.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by StayGrey »

Looking over this thread looks like you need a hard reset. The impression I get skimming seems like when you followed a TB protocol properly, you improved. Then for some reason you started mixing and matching stuff, neglected MxS, and it's become some kind of jumble.
Max strength most definitely has a net positive effect on SE, push-ups and pull-ups, no question, in my experience anyway. Been a while but I thought this was discussed in TB2 (TB1? or maybe an article?).

My two, you need to simplify.
3 weeks of black followed by 3 weeks of SE-Only, repeat ad infinitum. For sure bench press and weighted (or BW) pull-ups in the Black MxS cluster. 1 LISS, 1 Fast5, and 1-2 short sprint based HIC every week. OD101 and simple 5-10 x 100m sprints are more than enough.

SE block 4-5 exercises (with PFT exercises). A little trick I learned from the TB subreddit is to include pull-ups but cap them at a lower number. I keep my max at 10-15 for SE, so even when my other exercises are at 30 reps I never do more than 15 pull-ups. Same conditioning layout for SE block. 1 long base building run, 1 shorter tempo, and 2 very short sprint workouts. If you have to drop a cardio workout, drop the LISS. Depending on how much you prize passing your PFT, might want to drop the jits until it's over. Also, I'm a huge fan of Alpha SE. I think it's more effective hitting 3 x week at lower numbers rather than going balls-out twice.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by spemma »

Thanks to you both for your thoughts, very much appreciated. Especially after the jumble that was my post...

"Are you struggling to pass your PFT or are you just struggling to improve?" >> I'm just struggling to improve, specifically the runs and the push-ups. I am consistently passing with a margin of safety on my mock PFTs.

Here's what my standard week of training looks like:
  • Monday - BJJ
  • Tuesday - Core/ab routine, SE* of push-ups and pull-ups, yoga for 20 mins
  • Wednesday - BJJ
  • Thusday - Core/ab routine, 30 mins LSS (~5k), yoga for 20 mins
  • Friday - Rest
  • Saturday - Core/ab routine, SE* of push-ups and pull-ups, hill sprints, yoga for 20 mins
  • Sunday - Core/ab routine, 45 mins LSS (~7.5k), yoga for 20 mins
*Lately I've been following more of a Tango-type circuit on the SE.

To your point on mobility, I was feeling very similar, thus the yoga. I honestly don't think that I will ever return to weights after PFT prep. I got a GMB bodyweight routine that I really like and would prefer doing if it had better cross-over on the PFT. I am as stiff as a board...and it is a liability. The yoga has actually helped a fair amount and I worry about dropping it.

I think you are right, I have come to realize I need a reset. I like your suggestion and it will probably be the template I follow.

As per the book, the MS does have a net positive effect on SE. I have gravitated away from the MS, however, because it seems to tighten me up and cause some joint issues. This is kind of where I got jumbled up. Anecdotally, after only doing SE for a few months in the summer and returning to MS in the fall, my max bench press actually improved. So that made me think....what's the point (of MS for me)?

But I think your recommendation of 3-weeks of MS followed by 3-weeks of SE would probably be my best bet. You say 3 weeks of black followed by 3 weeks of SE-only - did you mean to say 3 weeks of MS followed by 3 weeks of SE? If so, were you thinking Operator or Fighter for the MS? Maybe you mean Black (Operator)...?

I also agree with your running and Alpha SE suggestions. Given that I am currently able to pass the PFT, I will likely keep doing the BJJ, but drop it temporarily when a test is closer approaching. With that said, I did drop BJJ completely for 4+ months when I failed my first PFT.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by spemma »

Read through chunks of both books again and with the suggestions from Maxrip and StayGrey, I've got the following schedule:

MS: Zulu minimalist, SQ/DL cluster > seemed like the best approach to be able to double up on MS and HIC
Conditioning: Black
SE: will layer in for 3 weeks, after 3 or 6 week MS blocks
Other: will be layering in mock PFT's x1 per 3-week cycle; will be keeping in dedicated Core work; will be continuing short Yoga sessions

Week 1
  • Monday - BJJ
  • Tuesday - BP, Core, Yoga
  • Wednesday - DL, Core, Fast 5, Yoga
  • Thursday - BJJ
  • Friday - Rest
  • Saturday - BP, Core, SE Ladders, Yoga
  • Sunday - DL, Core, LSS 45-60 mins Yoga
Week 2
  • Monday - BJJ
  • Tuesday - BP, Core, Yoga
  • Wednesday - DL, Core, Fast 5, Yoga
  • Thursday - BJJ
  • Friday - Rest
  • Saturday - BP, Core, SE Ladders, Yoga
  • Sunday - DL, Core, LSS 45-60 mins Yoga
Week 3
  • Monday - BJJ
  • Tuesday - BP, Core, Yoga
  • Wednesday - DL, Core, Fast 5 (Easy), Yoga
  • Thursday - BJJ
  • Friday - Rest
  • Saturday - Mock PFT
  • Sunday - BP/DL, Core, LSS 30 mins, Yoga
*edited for revised conditioning choices*
Last edited by spemma on Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by Maxrip13 »

spemma wrote:Thanks to you both for your thoughts, very much appreciated. Especially after the jumble that was my post...

"Are you struggling to pass your PFT or are you just struggling to improve?" >> I'm just struggling to improve, specifically the runs and the push-ups. I am consistently passing with a margin of safety on my mock PFTs.

Are you doing these practice PFT on your own or as part of your work training? Constant testing could be your reason for burning out and not improving.

Here's what my standard week of training looks like:
  • Monday - BJJ
  • Tuesday - Core/ab routine, SE* of push-ups and pull-ups, yoga for 20 mins
  • Wednesday - BJJ
    [*]Thusday - Core/ab routine, 30 mins LSS (~5k), yoga for 20 mins
  • Friday - Rest
  • Saturday - Core/ab routine, SE* of push-ups and pull-ups, hill sprints, yoga for 20 mins
  • Sunday - Core/ab routine, 45 mins LSS (~7.5k), yoga for 20 mins
*Lately I've been following more of a Tango-type circuit on the SE.
I would drop your whole Thursday and make that a full day of rest. I don't like two rest days in a row so I would try and move it somewhere else. Maybe Tuesday to split things up. That is just 1 Core,1 SE and 1 Yoga.

Just some ideas if you are married to your schedule above due to work, BJJ/Yoga class times.

To your point on mobility, I was feeling very similar, thus the yoga. I honestly don't think that I will ever return to weights after PFT prep. I got a GMB bodyweight routine that I really like and would prefer doing if it had better cross-over on the PFT. I am as stiff as a board...and it is a liability. The yoga has actually helped a fair amount and I worry about dropping it.

You just need to change your approach to Max Strength. A good option: Unilateral weighted movements like pistols, 1 Arm Pushups that work mobility and less total load. Mobility and flexibility are two different things. I can do pistols and ATG squats, but I can't touch my toes. I have good mobility, but poor flexibility. Yoga sounds like it has you covered for both?

What program are you looking at? I own Elements(great warmup,but too easy), Rings 1 and a few older ones they no longer sell.They are good for general well being but poor for a tactical professional long term.

I think you are right, I have come to realize I need a reset. I like your suggestion and it will probably be the template I follow.

As per the book, the MS does have a net positive effect on SE. I have gravitated away from the MS, however, because it seems to tighten me up and cause some joint issues. This is kind of where I got jumbled up. Anecdotally, after only doing SE for a few months in the summer and returning to MS in the fall, my max bench press actually improved. So that made me think....what's the point (of MS for me)?

But I think your recommendation of 3-weeks of MS followed by 3-weeks of SE would probably be my best bet. You say 3 weeks of black followed by 3 weeks of SE-only - did you mean to say 3 weeks of MS followed by 3 weeks of SE? If so, were you thinking Operator or Fighter for the MS? Maybe you mean Black (Operator)...?

I also agree with your running and Alpha SE suggestions. Given that I am currently able to pass the PFT, I will likely keep doing the BJJ, but drop it temporarily when a test is closer approaching. With that said, I did drop BJJ completely for 4+ months when I failed my first PFT.
Some really good advice by everyone. Hopefully my bit above makes sense.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by spemma »

Are you doing these practice PFT on your own or as part of your work training? Constant testing could be your reason for burning out and not improving.

I do them on my own about 1x/month to measure my progress. I'm currently a desk jockey, so my work training is far from physical :lol: .

I would drop your whole Thursday and make that a full day of rest. I don't like two rest days in a row so I would try and move it somewhere else. Maybe Tuesday to split things up. That is just 1 Core,1 SE and 1 Yoga.

I am going to drop the running. I think I will keep the MS though under my new Zulu minimalist approach I might take.

You just need to change your approach to Max Strength. A good option: Unilateral weighted movements like pistols, 1 Arm Pushups that work mobility and less total load. Mobility and flexibility are two different things. I can do pistols and ATG squats, but I can't touch my toes. I have good mobility, but poor flexibility. Yoga sounds like it has you covered for both?

What program are you looking at? I own Elements(great warmup,but too easy), Rings 1 and a few older ones they no longer sell.They are good for general well being but poor for a tactical professional long term.

I was doing a lot of static stretching and I don't think it was helping either my mobility or flexibility. My mobility is good in certain areas.....well only one area....I can do ATG squats too, but I've practiced that movement pattern for a decade now. The yoga does seem to combine both the flexibility and mobility for me.

I have the Integral Strength program. I really like it, but it takes like 45mins to go through start to finish and it's 3-4 days/week. It just was too hard to layer in conditioning on top of it. Years ago I was doing Convict Conditioning and trying to master the 1 arm push-up and other unilateral movements. I got pretty far with pull-ups and squats...pretty much able to do them...but the 1-arm push-up was pretty elusive for me.

Thanks again Maxrip.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by Maxrip13 »

spemma wrote:Are you doing these practice PFT on your own or as part of your work training? Constant testing could be your reason for burning out and not improving.

I do them on my own about 1x/month to measure my progress. I'm currently a desk jockey, so my work training is far from physical :lol: .

I would drop your whole Thursday and make that a full day of rest. I don't like two rest days in a row so I would try and move it somewhere else. Maybe Tuesday to split things up. That is just 1 Core,1 SE and 1 Yoga.

I am going to drop the running. I think I will keep the MS though under my new Zulu minimalist approach I might take.

You just need to change your approach to Max Strength. A good option: Unilateral weighted movements like pistols, 1 Arm Pushups that work mobility and less total load. Mobility and flexibility are two different things. I can do pistols and ATG squats, but I can't touch my toes. I have good mobility, but poor flexibility. Yoga sounds like it has you covered for both?

What program are you looking at? I own Elements(great warmup,but too easy), Rings 1 and a few older ones they no longer sell.They are good for general well being but poor for a tactical professional long term.

I was doing a lot of static stretching and I don't think it was helping either my mobility or flexibility. My mobility is good in certain areas.....well only one area....I can do ATG squats too, but I've practiced that movement pattern for a decade now. The yoga does seem to combine both the flexibility and mobility for me.

I have the Integral Strength program. I really like it, but it takes like 45mins to go through start to finish and it's 3-4 days/week. It just was too hard to layer in conditioning on top of it. Years ago I was doing Convict Conditioning and trying to master the 1 arm push-up and other unilateral movements. I got pretty far with pull-ups and squats...pretty much able to do them...but the 1-arm push-up was pretty elusive for me.

Thanks again Maxrip.
Sounds like you have a new plan in place :D
I think desk work is worse than hard physical labour for recovery half the time. Never had an injury until I got stuck behind a desk in the Army.I left that job and now I am at least on the road 30% and desk bound 70%.

I was tossing up Integral Strength, but chose Rings 1 over it. I really want to do a strict muscle up. I plan on adding it in slowly as part of a minimalist TB cluster. I would love to do a Back Squat/Pistol, Muscle Up cluster in the future. I could probably work towards the kipping muscle up faster, but I hang my rings on my back deck and I don't think the beam could take the kip haha. My eventual goal is to do them in a L Sit position.

I like GMBs stuff for a change, but it is no TB. I could quite comfortably say that if I did OP I/A + Black with a base build every 6 months I would be prepared for anything. I just felt like a change from back squats, bench pressing and weighted pull ups and wanted to acquire some new skills.

Good luck with the reset mate.

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