LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by Tom28 »

Sorry to hijack, but question for Maxrip. How would you structure a basebuild with 2 days of BJJ per week? Would you just replace the SE sessions with BJJ sessions? Double-up? Or is it best to just take a few weeks off BJJ? Thanks.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by spemma »

you aint asking me but i'll answer anyway.

i took off BJJ completely. but i also failed my PFT and was focused on completing BB with no distractions.

i think realistically you would have to do 2-a-days, which would be more feasible at the beginning of the BB since the SE is lower, drop BJJ, drop BJJ to 1x/week, or some blend.

i wouldn't replace SE with BJJ, unless you do a ton of SE at BJJ. also, remember that "traditional" BB is 5 weeks, and weeks 6-8 layer in HICs. that should give you more flexibility.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by StayGrey »

spemma wrote: Anecdotally, after only doing SE for a few months in the summer and returning to MS in the fall, my max bench press actually improved. So that made me think....what's the point (of MS for me)?
Read up on how MS and SE work with each other, lots of resources with a simple google search. Dropping MS is a massive mistake regardless of goal. MS affects power and speed too. Just because it takes longer for the negative effects of no-MS to kick in doesn't mean it isn't going to happen. The body doesn't adapt at the drop of a dime, more like a massive barge that has to be turned around. SE likely helped your MS because of increased overall muscular work capacity.
spemma wrote: But I think your recommendation of 3-weeks of MS followed by 3-weeks of SE would probably be my best bet. You say 3 weeks of black followed by 3 weeks of SE-only - did you mean to say 3 weeks of MS followed by 3 weeks of SE? If so, were you thinking Operator or Fighter for the MS? Maybe you mean Black (Operator)...?

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by StayGrey »

[quote="Maxrip13] I could quite comfortably say that if I did OP I/A + Black with a base build every 6 months I would be prepared for anything.[/quote]

Man, this is the exact conclusion I came to.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by Tom28 »

spemma wrote:you aint asking me but i'll answer anyway.

i took off BJJ completely. but i also failed my PFT and was focused on completing BB with no distractions.

i think realistically you would have to do 2-a-days, which would be more feasible at the beginning of the BB since the SE is lower, drop BJJ, drop BJJ to 1x/week, or some blend.

i wouldn't replace SE with BJJ, unless you do a ton of SE at BJJ. also, remember that "traditional" BB is 5 weeks, and weeks 6-8 layer in HICs. that should give you more flexibility.
Thanks for taking the time to answer Spemma, I appreciate your input. I don't know how I'd classify my BJJ sessions. Usually classes are an hour, we are taught a new technique for the first 1/2 hr or so, then 3-5 five minute rolls. Sometimes we just drill closed guard/open guard from the beginning, then a few rolls. I've always seen it as HIC, as I'm wrecked after I leave, it's really not a SE replacement. Since I'm 45, I'm thinking of running the AA basebuilding, which is a little more friendly for guys my age. I'm waiting til the end of this block of fighter until i start. either way, I'll probably do 2 a days like you said, but maybe leave BJJ after 2 rolls instead of 3 or 4, with the emphasis placed on the SE sessions. If it's too much, I might just take a little time off BJJ.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by Maxrip13 »

Tom28 wrote:Sorry to hijack, but question for Maxrip. How would you structure a basebuild with 2 days of BJJ per week? Would you just replace the SE sessions with BJJ sessions? Double-up? Or is it best to just take a few weeks off BJJ? Thanks.
I have ran it many different ways. It comes down to what my focus is at the time.

If my goal is to really work on my LSD running and SE I will drop BJJ completely. This is my least favourite option.

I don't necessarily follow a week structure with my training. I like to tick sessions off as I complete them and call that a "week". I am a shift worker (LEO) and my hours are constantly changing. I will set up goals for the cycle and then work my way through them. I pick something as a focus and make sure I get those sessions in regardless. E.g
Base build
2x SE, 3xLSS, BJJ takes priority over both.

What a "week"that might look like:
Day 1- BJJ
Day 2- LSS (hard shift at work on the road)
Day 3- Recovery (On the road)
Day 4- Recovery (On the road)
Day 5- BJJ+LSS+SE (rest day from work, got to take advantage of available training time)
Day 6- Recovery (Office shift)
Day 7-Recovery (Office shift)
Day 8-SE
Day 9-LSS

It might take me 9 days to get done what most people do in 5.Once I get my 2x SE,3x LSS and work around my BJJ training, I will then restart and go through ticking all those sessions off again.

This can mean some days have a high volume of work to take advantage of free time.I actually enjoy doing SE straight into my LSS runs in the first couple weeks before the volume makes this difficult. I will slow this down in the later weeks and split the sessions up more.
Those later sessions of sets of 50 get there own special day with plenty of recovery.

Hopefully the above makes sense but I am happy to clarify. I am running on 4 hours sleep and my writing isn't the greatest quality at the best of times.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by Maxrip13 »

StayGrey wrote:[quote="Maxrip13] I could quite comfortably say that if I did OP I/A + Black with a base build every 6 months I would be prepared for anything.
Man, this is the exact conclusion I came to.[/quote][/quote][/quote]

Now I just need to stick with it. I enjoy the occasional visit into other training and need a break from the weights.
3 Months of gymnastics training should do the job :D

When I finish I am thinking:
OP I/A Cluster
Back squat/Weighted Pistol (swap each block or every second)
Strict Ring Muscle up(if i can do it)or Weighted Ring Dips and Weighted Pullups
Finisher-Short HIC/Core (under 20 min)

1x Swim Intervals 30 Min( Need practice for surfing and future job role)
1x Pack March/LSS Run 30-90min

Repeat until bored. This is obviously working around BJJ and my conditioning focus at the time.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by Tom28 »

Maxrip13 wrote:
Tom28 wrote:Sorry to hijack, but question for Maxrip. How would you structure a basebuild with 2 days of BJJ per week? Would you just replace the SE sessions with BJJ sessions? Double-up? Or is it best to just take a few weeks off BJJ? Thanks.
I have ran it many different ways. It comes down to what my focus is at the time.

If my goal is to really work on my LSD running and SE I will drop BJJ completely. This is my least favourite option.

I don't necessarily follow a week structure with my training. I like to tick sessions off as I complete them and call that a "week". I am a shift worker (LEO) and my hours are constantly changing. I will set up goals for the cycle and then work my way through them. I pick something as a focus and make sure I get those sessions in regardless. E.g
Base build
2x SE, 3xLSS, BJJ takes priority over both.

What a "week"that might look like:
Day 1- BJJ
Day 2- LSS (hard shift at work on the road)
Day 3- Recovery (On the road)
Day 4- Recovery (On the road)
Day 5- BJJ+LSS+SE (rest day from work, got to take advantage of available training time)
Day 6- Recovery (Office shift)
Day 7-Recovery (Office shift)
Day 8-SE
Day 9-LSS

It might take me 9 days to get done what most people do in 5.Once I get my 2x SE,3x LSS and work around my BJJ training, I will then restart and go through ticking all those sessions off again.

This can mean some days have a high volume of work to take advantage of free time.I actually enjoy doing SE straight into my LSS runs in the first couple weeks before the volume makes this difficult. I will slow this down in the later weeks and split the sessions up more.
Those later sessions of sets of 50 get there own special day with plenty of recovery.

Hopefully the above makes sense but I am happy to clarify. I am running on 4 hours sleep and my writing isn't the greatest quality at the best of times.
Thanks Maxrip! That makes perfect sense, no need to clarify. It's almost like a "Base Building I/A", where you check of the sessions as you go. That way I'm not short changing myself on important sessions that I need. It'll work perfectly for me. Frankly, I don't care if I finish my base build within rigid weekly parameters, as long as it all gets done in the end. Also, I like the idea of combining SE and E in the early stages. I happened to do that last week with an Alpha circuit and then a 30 min run. It was great. I still think I'll do an Ageless Athlete base build since I'm old, but this way I won't have to stop with the BJJ during the BB. Thanks again!

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by Maxrip13 »

Tom28 wrote:
Maxrip13 wrote:
Tom28 wrote:Sorry to hijack, but question for Maxrip. How would you structure a basebuild with 2 days of BJJ per week? Would you just replace the SE sessions with BJJ sessions? Double-up? Or is it best to just take a few weeks off BJJ? Thanks.
I have ran it many different ways. It comes down to what my focus is at the time.

If my goal is to really work on my LSD running and SE I will drop BJJ completely. This is my least favourite option.

I don't necessarily follow a week structure with my training. I like to tick sessions off as I complete them and call that a "week". I am a shift worker (LEO) and my hours are constantly changing. I will set up goals for the cycle and then work my way through them. I pick something as a focus and make sure I get those sessions in regardless. E.g
Base build
2x SE, 3xLSS, BJJ takes priority over both.

What a "week"that might look like:
Day 1- BJJ
Day 2- LSS (hard shift at work on the road)
Day 3- Recovery (On the road)
Day 4- Recovery (On the road)
Day 5- BJJ+LSS+SE (rest day from work, got to take advantage of available training time)
Day 6- Recovery (Office shift)
Day 7-Recovery (Office shift)
Day 8-SE
Day 9-LSS

It might take me 9 days to get done what most people do in 5.Once I get my 2x SE,3x LSS and work around my BJJ training, I will then restart and go through ticking all those sessions off again.

This can mean some days have a high volume of work to take advantage of free time.I actually enjoy doing SE straight into my LSS runs in the first couple weeks before the volume makes this difficult. I will slow this down in the later weeks and split the sessions up more.
Those later sessions of sets of 50 get there own special day with plenty of recovery.

Hopefully the above makes sense but I am happy to clarify. I am running on 4 hours sleep and my writing isn't the greatest quality at the best of times.
Thanks Maxrip! That makes perfect sense, no need to clarify. It's almost like a "Base Building I/A", where you check of the sessions as you go. That way I'm not short changing myself on important sessions that I need. It'll work perfectly for me. Frankly, I don't care if I finish my base build within rigid weekly parameters, as long as it all gets done in the end. Also, I like the idea of combining SE and E in the early stages. I happened to do that last week with an Alpha circuit and then a 30 min run. It was great. I still think I'll do an Ageless Athlete base build since I'm old, but this way I won't have to stop with the BJJ during the BB. Thanks again!
I treat everything as I/A now. I need to be flexible to get around work and keep doing my hobbies.

It takes longer, but atleast it all gets done eventually. If I am honest I don't even know what day of the week it usually is. I just work off my shifts and training for the day.

Good Luck with it all mate.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by spemma »

Well, somewhat fitting (near) end to this thread.

Almost a year after failing my first PFT, I passed my qualifying PFT this week to get into an academy. It was ugly, but I passed.

I have to pass it again in the academy, so it's not over yet, but I do feel like I can close a chapter here.

Thank you to everyone for your advice and help in this thread, on these boards, and of course the original content via TB I and II.

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