Grouchyjarhead Training

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

1 mile with 45#, 16 minutes. Slept poorly, busy day, not feeling it. Said I’d do at least one mile and here it is.

**One arm snatches with 12kg - 4 minutes @ 15 RPM.
**Sandbag Bear Complex x5 - 35#.
**Bodyweight pull ups, 3 sets.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

With the house all to myself today for the most part, I decided to do something a bit unusual.

2 miles every 2 hours, 30# ruck plate. Started at midnight, finished at 10:40pm. 24 total miles. Not fun, wouldn't recommend it.

138/225 miles, have until the 30th.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

**OAS with 12kg - x35/35 (4:40).
**Bodyweight pull-ups - 3 sets, last one pretty lackluster.
**Sandbag Bear Complex x5 (45#).

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

4 mile ruck, 30# plate, 1:04.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Ruck SE session, all with 30# plate. Less than 40 minutes to do the following: BW chin ups x11, elevated ruck push ups x45, ruck goblet squats x45, ruck ECBBs x30, overhead sit ups x15, 4ct flutterkicks x20, plank ups x15, 4ct hello dollies x20, ruck side bends x15 each, 4ct mountain climbers x15. I then rucked 4 miles in 1:03 immediately after.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

12 miles in 3:11:24, 30# ruck plate.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Got in five miles with 30# spread over Sunday and yesterday.

One arm snatches with 12kg, 2:40/arm @ 15 RPM (total 80 snatches).

Metronome pull-ups at 40 BPM. Saw this being used at the Best Ranger Competition and was interested to try it. Much more difficult - you basically pull up and hold on the first beat, then you're allowed to lower yourself down on the second beat, chin must go over bar each time not just behind it. Only managed 10 total over 3 sets - my pull ups have been backsliding a lot for some reason so I think this is a worthwhile change after testing it out.

Double KB Front Squats 2x16kg x5/5/5. Need more direct leg work the sandbag ain't cutting it in my opinion. Squats with a barbell are too rough on the herniated discs so I need to find a good medium. Just testing a few things out now since I have no real goal for the next few weeks other than knocking out a lot more miles with the ruck.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

4.25 mile ruck along a new trail with the dog. 30# ruck. About 1:20.

Circuit training with 30# ruck, about 32 minutes total. Had to cut it a bit short to get my miles in at the end before work. Did a total of 13 bodyweight neutral grip pull-ups, 30 ruck diamond push-ups, 30 ruck overhead squats, 30 ruck burpees, 25 four count flutterkicks, 10 ruck plank ups, 4 count hello dollies x25, side bends x15/each, four count mountain climbers x10 (beat by this point). I then rucked 4 miles in 1:07.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

8 mile hike, hit a hiking trail with a lot of elevation and frankly it kicked my tail. 30# ruck plus water, 3:19 total time.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Just 2 slow miles over the weekend, nothing much else.

OAS 12kg x45/45 (6:00). 5:00 rest.

(A) Metronome pull-ups @ 40 BPM x5/5/4. Rest two minutes, alternate with...
(B) Double FSQ 2x18kg x5/5/5. Rest two minutes.

Finisher - Static hang from pull-up bar (thumb used), 5 minutes. Every time I had to let go, 5 burpees then back up on it. I ended up doing 25 burpees. Ouch.

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