mikhou's training log

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

30:30 sprints

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

OHP - 5x3 @ 112.5 lbs
Barbell row - 5x2 @ 160 lbs
DL - 5x2 @ 237.5 lbs

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Rest day

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

BP - 5x2 @ 190 lbs
SQ - 2x2 @ 220 lbs
WCU - 5x2 @ 190 lbs

I only did 2 sets of squats today. My right knee has been bothering me lately, and everything today just felt heavy. So after 2 sets to keep from doing something that could cause further issues I shut it down. This is the last squat session of this training cycle. I've got sprints tomorrow and an E run / Fobbit Interval the next day. After that it'll be 3 days of rest and then some testing. I'm hoping that by then, I'll feel a little more comfortable with my squats. I've never been a good squatter. I've had form checks and every other lift seems to progress except for that one. We'll see how it goes in a few days.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

So I look back and realize that I didn't post the final workout of last cycle. So since the last workout shown, the days looked like this:


Fobbit Interval / E / Fun Run - I warmed up with an easy half mile and then did some warm-up sets for OHP plus my first working set. Then I repeated another half mile run followed by a set of OHP repeating this up to 5 sets. I then switched to straight-leg deadlift. So I completed:
4 miles @ half mile each
5x2 OHP @ 120 lbs.
2x2 SLDL @ 212.5 lbs.

Rest day
Rest day
Rest day

And then yesterday, I did some testing. First, some personal info. I'm 44yo, 5'5", 145 lbs. My right knee is still bothering me so rather than test squats, I tested BP, WCU, and DL. This is what I hit:
BP - 3 @ 200 lbs for E1RM of 220 lbs.
WCU - 3 @ 201.4 lbs for E1RM of 222 lbs.
DL - 4 @ 250 lbs for E1RM of 283 lbs.

These are all PRs for me. Most of you guys are significantly stronger than me, but I'm pretty darn happy with these numbers at my age and bodyweight. Tomorrow I'll test OHP and Barbell rows. Then I'll go for a short run.

After that I'll take a day off and then start another Op I/A - Zulu mash-up utilizing additional max strength training combined with Fobbit Intervals. The only change this time will be that I'm thinking of going with Bulgarian split squat / rear foot elevated split squats for my "squat" this time. My right knee has really been bothering me. While I've had my form checked, I think that to some degree my form must be breaking down when it gets heavy. So going single limb should allow me to get in significant work while reducing the overall load. Additionally, Mike Boyle is a big proponent of RFESS for his athletes, and I'm tired of feeling beat up. While I would love to have a high max squat, it's more important to me to be able to move. Of course, I'll post as I go and offer feedback on that.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

So finishing up some testing. Here's where I landed:

OHP - 3 @ 125 lbs for E1RM of 138 lbs.
Barbell rows - 3 @ 167.5 lbs for E1RM of 184 lbs.

Again these are PR's for me. So, I'm thisssss close (holding fingers a few millimeters apart) to a bodyweight OHP, a 1.5x bodyweight BP, and a double bodyweight DL. It's slow progress, but it's progress. SQ is a problem lift for me, but as I mentioned earlier, I'm considering going to Bulgarian split squats.

I'll take tomorrow off and start the next cycle.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by godjira1 »

mikhou wrote:So finishing up some testing. Here's where I landed:

OHP - 3 @ 125 lbs for E1RM of 138 lbs.
Barbell rows - 3 @ 167.5 lbs for E1RM of 184 lbs.

Again these are PR's for me. So, I'm thisssss close (holding fingers a few millimeters apart) to a bodyweight OHP, a 1.5x bodyweight BP, and a double bodyweight DL. It's slow progress, but it's progress. SQ is a problem lift for me, but as I mentioned earlier, I'm considering going to Bulgarian split squats.

I'll take tomorrow off and start the next cycle.
Great stuff!
It ain't what you don’t know that gets you into trouble.
It's what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

godjira1 wrote:Great stuff!

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

BP - 5x6 @ 150 lbs
Bulgarian split squat - sets of 5, 5, 10, and 10 @ bodyweight (no additional weight)
WCU - 5x6 @ 150 lbs

So I'm starting a new cycle based upon the recent tested maxes. I'll do 4 Op I/A training cycles at TM's of 90%, 93.3%, 96.7%, and 100%. As the intensity goes up the volume will go down. It's what I did for the last 4 months and it worked well for me. As I mentioned previously, back squats are really doing a number on my knees so I switching to Bulgarian split squats (or rear foot elevated split squats as Mike Boyle calls them). My balance is not very good so I am starting with just my bodyweight to get the form and balance down and will go with a linear progression of 10 pounds per session until I work up to a reasonable 5-rep max. Then I'll switch to running these TB-style. Everything else will carry over from last cycle. I'll still be running an 8-day week with 3 strength session, 3 conditioning sessions, and 2 rest days. I'll take a recovery week after every 24 day cycles (3 8-day week cycles).

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Tabata sprints
5 rounds of 1:05 plank/11 T2Bs spread out throughout the day.

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