Building A Better Human

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by close_fox »

[or was he the smart one and letting the 'old man' get on with it... hmmm.... I did not think of that.... cheeky fecker :lol: ]
Working smarter, not lad :lol:
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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Barkadion »

Train_Hard_Live_Easy wrote:Saturday:

Location: The Bush

Equipment: Chainsaw, Splitter, Dog and a metric feck-ton of wood

It's that time of year again here in B.C.... time to get out in to the bush and collect some firewood for the coming season.

As someone who grew up in the UK and only recently came across the pond to the Canadian Rockies [9th winter season coming up], I still find it amazing that you can go out with a truck [in this instance, the eldest's truck] and get to work with a chain saw and collect a truckload of firewood..... not saying it couldn't be done in the UK, it's just that was not a common occurence.

Now what does this have to do with training...........

The carrying of logs, and splitting of logs and the stacking of logs was easier than I thought it would be. In fact, it was a whole afternoon of fun, not once did I feel out of energy, tired... it was a blast.... indeed it made me smile to see the eldest sit down and rest on a number of occasions whilst I cracked on [or was he the smart one and letting the 'old man' get on with it... hmmm.... I did not think of that.... cheeky fecker :lol: ] and once agan reaffirmed that the stuff we do IN the gym should have a carry over on the stuff OUTSIDE of the gym.

Lifting has never been an issue, but the endurance aspect of the work [carrying over long distances, over fallen trees, ditches etc] would have caused a few aches and pains...... and numerous rest stops..... having both E and SE and changing my focus from short sharp High Intensity work [20 mins typically] to an all encompassing plan has been of tremendous benefit.

I also may have been channeling my inner Arnie ;)

Ending the day with the family around the hell-mouth was a perfect ending to the day[smokies over the fire.... perfick!!]
Awesome log entry! I can feel fresh Canadian wind :D
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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

:D cheers matey.

Strength work today. 80% or thereabouts.
Location: The Training Centre
Equipment: BB & metric feck-ton of iron

After warm up

Fr Sq 4 x 5 @ 195#
OH Press 4 x 5 @ 140#
Deadlift 1 x 5 @ 345# (85% due to son having taken all the 10# plates - mind, it forces me to use the 'bigger' plates :twisted: )

Supersetted the sqwwwwats with pull-ups. Now 2 x (1,2,3) ladder. Very happy with elbow behaving itself.

10 min AD cool down.
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Work capacity day.

Location. The Training Centre
Equipment: 24" box, 65#BB, 2x35# KBs

7 min on clock. Keep going for whole work period.
BB complex straight into KB complex
B/O row
6 of each movement. No rest from exercise to exercise. Once completed bb move directly to kbs and repeat complex.
Rest 3 - 5 breaths and repeat entire cycle.

3 mins rest

7 mins
5 box jumps
3 hanging knee raises (do NOT swing)
5 'Mr Spectaculars' ( inchworm to push-up to C+Pr with 2 x kbs)
Flow from station to station with minimum rest
Rest 3 - 5 breaths between rounds

3 min break

30/30 x 8 (30s all out effort / 30s rest - so four of each exercise)
Frog hops / x-body mountain climbers.

10 min AD cool down

Sweat fest. 8-)
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Recovery day

Location: The Training Centre
Equipment: 32kg KB

Focus of the session:
Warm up +
Foam rolling +
Movement Prep

Then finish with this swift kicking. :twisted:

30/5 30s work period / 5s to transition
HA Swing (H2H)
Goblet Squat

6 rounds - only rest is the 30s rest at the end.

10 min AD

HA - Heavy Ass 8-)
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Shite day....... strength (80% or thereabouts)

Location: The Training Centre
Equipment: BB and iron

After thorough warm up and movement prep

Fr Sq 3 x 5 @ 190# (grip was just not comfortable today. Lost it on 1st set on 4th rep. Managed 2nd set of 5, then lost it again on 5th rep of 3rd set. Called it after that.)

OH Press 3 x 5 @ 140#

Deadlift 1 x 5 @ 345#

R.I. 3.5 minutes.

Usual Cool down on AD.

Pull ups were good. Like the ladder format and elbows not aggravated at all.

Just didn't feel it today. Still, I moved, I sweated, I lifted heavy shit.

"One day I'll ll not be able to do is NOT that day"
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Barkadion »

Train_Hard_Live_Easy wrote:Shite day....... strength (80% or thereabouts)

Location: The Training Centre
Equipment: BB and iron

After thorough warm up and movement prep

Fr Sq 3 x 5 @ 190# (grip was just not comfortable today. Lost it on 1st set on 4th rep. Managed 2nd set of 5, then lost it again on 5th rep of 3rd set. Called it after that.)

OH Press 3 x 5 @ 140#

Deadlift 1 x 5 @ 345#

R.I. 3.5 minutes.

Usual Cool down on AD.

Pull ups were good. Like the ladder format and elbows not aggravated at all.

Just didn't feel it today. Still, I moved, I sweated, I lifted heavy shit.

"One day I'll ll not be able to do is NOT that day"
It's something about this week... My Wednesday workout was very bad. I took today off thank you to easy week. And I'm afraid what tomorrow lifts are gonna throw at me..

One of those weeks :?
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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Barkadion wrote:
It's something about this week... My Wednesday workout was very bad. I took today off thank you to easy week. And I'm afraid what tomorrow lifts are gonna throw at me..

One of those weeks :?
Cheers matey, appreciated.
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

My 'honee' had a meeting in kimberley......what to do..... I know, climb the ski hill.

Location: Kimberley ski resort
Equipment: Mk. 1 transportation devices (from here on in, known as left and right feet)

Climbed to the summit, fasted state, ate lunch on the top, hightailed it back down. 45 min up, 25 min down, (much better on the snowboard, oh well not long now)

After yesterday's shit show in the gym, wanted a break..... the hike up worked perfectly.
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Building A Better Human

Post by Barkadion »

Train_Hard_Live_Easy wrote:My 'honee' had a meeting in kimberley......what to do..... I know, climb the ski hill.

Location: Kimberley ski resort
Equipment: Mk. 1 transportation devices (from here on in, known as left and right feet)

Climbed to the summit, fasted state, ate lunch on the top, hightailed it back down. 45 min up, 25 min down, (much better on the snowboard, oh well not long now)

After yesterday's shit show in the gym, wanted a break..... the hike up worked perfectly.
Hiking fasted is a killer. I have never been able to do that.. And I've done some hiking.. Usual routine was heavy breakfast following by long hike with chewing carbs along the road. Plenty of beer afterwards.. Kinda miss that. But doing it on the regular basis can easily kill muscle gainzz on the other hand...
Hiking is very special beast. The best hikers I know are skinny lean guys who never get tired and don't need to sleep at all :D
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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