TB Consulting Results

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TB Consulting Results

Post by Adski »

So at the end of last year I was put in touch with Jim Madden, writer of Ageless Athlete upon enquiring about some 1 on 1 consulting.

After a process of working out my goals with what I have available at home, Jim came up with a plan that has taken me up until this week.

I’ve gone through a variety of blocks each targeting specific objectives, and I can say that through it all the process has exceeded all of my expectations and I will more than likely go through another consult once I complete my next base building phase.

Some of my results per goal are as follows:

Being able to complete apex Hills with 40kg up to 15rds with no issue. Before the consult I could do 6 or so rds without really requiring a rest, after that it was definitely a stretch, now, no doubt it still gets the heart going, but I can motor through better than ever.

Hitting a 140kg (depending on the day this is 1.5 BW or just over) Squat. Squats have always been a struggle point for me yet during one of the blocks I was doing daily heavy singles and on several occasions was pushing 125kg to 130kg with ease.

Though I haven’t tested for a 1RM, deadlifting has never felt better, which was a big part of my last block, and overall weights that used to feel really heavy for me became quite breezy.

Overall, I’m really happy with how things have turned out in relation to the few milestones that were set, and the fact that my body didn’t necessarily feel banged up at all really throughout the process. There was one block where I was a bit fatigued from some of the volume, but with that particular block I knew that was coming.

The only downsides I did have were pretty much all unto myself, if I made a decision to push an area where I should have backed off and called it a day, but I lived, learned and didn’t make that mistake again, (seem to be getting better in that area with age).

Lastly, I just want to say thanks to Jim, I really have enjoyed the last 6 or so months of training, it really has been a lot of fun mixed with hard work, and if anyone has thought about doing a consult, I do encourage you to at least ask about it, I really have taken a lot from it that I believe will assist me in the future, I really don’t have anything but positive things to put forward.

All the best, and thanks for taking the time to read this.

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