Grouchyjarhead Training

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Still a bit fatigued today, so instead of ruck SE I hit a Stand Alone Training session from EPRS. 30 minute run at a moderate pace, then 20 minutes of circuit training. Total - 10 pull-ups, 58 elevated push-ups, 60 one arm snatches (12kg), 30 goblet squats (24kg), 175 reps of various abdominal exercises, one 30 sec plank. Had to cut it a bit short, but good workout overall.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

2 mile ruck in 28:25, 45# ruck.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Only slept about 4 hours, working a lot this week so it will be a tough one. Did half my usual ruck SE today (35 reps total).

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Training was erratic this week due to helping out at church for Vacation Bible School but I got some in.

EPRS. 30 minute run, then a 10 minute single KB circuit done twice (5 min each side, rest 3 min, repeat). Just used a 12kg and it was a butt kicker.

8 miles with 45#, 2:12. Not looking forward to this proposed long ruck next weekend.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Ruck SE session. 80 reps total of bodyweight burpees, ruck push-ups, ruck thrusters, ruck overhead lunges, and ruck V-ups with 45# ruck.

Going to knock out a few miles today with 45#, will update when I get them in.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Ruck SE. Different session today. 10 rounds of 10 reps of rucksack overhead squats with 45# and 10 reps of bodyweight burpees for a total of 100 reps each. I then finished with 50 4ct flutterkicks and 50 4ct hello dollies holding the ruck overhead.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

30.54 miles in 10:09:00. 45# dry ruck. Ouch.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by godjira1 »

grouchyjarhead wrote:20180818:
30.54 miles in 10:09:00. 45# dry ruck. Ouch.
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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by Barkadion »

grouchyjarhead wrote:20180818:
30.54 miles in 10:09:00. 45# dry ruck. Ouch.
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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Thanks gents. Longest ruck I've ever done with the heaviest weight for that distance so pretty pleased with it. It was a long day. Started with 5 of us but one had to tap out after 10 miles. Hot and humid, was supposed to rain which we were looking forward to but nothing more than a light sprinkle. Changing the socks at the halfway point, ample Vaseline, snack stops, and a flask of Jameson helped us all get through.

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