Base Building + Boxing Workouts

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Base Building + Boxing Workouts

Post by eschowdhury »

Hey there TC members! New member here, 26 year old male, been strength training sporadically over the course of 5-6 years, with a little bit of martial arts mixed on the side (BJJ, boxing). After not having much to show for my efforts after all this time (strength is still around the beginner levels, been inconsistent with the sports stuff as well), I decided that it was time to prioritise one of these goals, and ended up choosing to focus on boxing for this coming year. With that, decided to buy both the Tactical Barbell Strength and Conditioning books after reading positive reviews from martial artists who used the program. I figured that the Base Building program was the way to go to get things started, and I wanted to ask for advice on setting up the program. I'm looking to do two SE sessions and three endurance sessions per week on this program for the first five weeks. Thing is, I'd also like to keep boxing in the mix, at least two 1,5 hour sessions per week, possibly three depending on how my recovery holds. To fit that it in I'd have two days in the week where I do SE first thing in the morning and Endurance later in the evening. I'm just wondering if this is going to be overkill. We also do calisthenics during the boxing classes (push-ups, supermans, situps, bodyweight squats), so I guess that might technically cover my bases for SE. Was hoping to get some input from the members here. Looking forward to hearing from you guys!

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Re: Base Building + Boxing Workouts

Post by godjira1 »


I would use your 1-2 boxing sessions per week to sub for SE/HIC and do no more work on that front.

Add in 2 sessions of Max Strength (MS) and an optional 1~2 Endurance sessions and you have your continuation template for life!
HOWEVER, before you do all of that, I strongly suggest doing some Basebuilding (BB) in the style recommended in the books. Or something akin like 4-6 weeks of endurance training + 1~2 boxing sessions, followed by 4-6 weeks of MS +1~2 boxing sessions, then move on to continuation. You can change the order around, ie MS first, followed by Endurance. It might seem scary not touching either Endurance OR Strength for 4-6 weeks at a time, but based on my own experience it keeps you very fresh and raring to hit the weights OR the endurance work when the time comes around for it again. You will probably want to do BB once a year. Personally I do my Endurance BB in the summer months, and the Strength BB in the winter months, so that is another option.

I am assuming you are doing boxing as a hobby and not as a amateur fighter type... in which case your training will probably need to be a bit more specialised.
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Re: Base Building + Boxing Workouts

Post by Maxrip13 »

I treat my sport training(bjj) seperate and run my training as an I/A variant to compensate. I take recovery days as needed and focus on hitting a specific amount of sessions before I move on.

If boxing is your focus then it is more important than anything else. I would decide on how many boxing sessions you want to hit a week and always meet that.

I regularly do my runs after my SE work and recover fine. 30 min runs would be a good idea if you want to box 2-3 x a week.If you stick to 30 min runs because of the extra training from boxing you will be able to do SE+LSS run in 1 session.

My recommendation is to forget weeks and work on ticking off training sessions.
You should keep boxing as the main focus and work out how many SE sessions and how many LSS sessions you need to do to meet your goals. Work your way back and put together a plan. It might take 5 weeks or it might take 7.

Say it’s 10 SE and 10 LSS, work your way through those sessions whilst focusing on boxing. Take recovery days as needed but focus on the boxing. Once you finish all your sessions, reassess your goals around your boxing and work towards improving again.

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Re: Base Building + Boxing Workouts

Post by eschowdhury »

Thanks a lot for your input guys! I'll try Maxrip's recommendation first, and if recovery becomes an issue, I'll leave out the strict SE and focus on completing my endurance training alongside the 2-3 sessions of boxing.

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