Stefano’s Log

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Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

5km easy walking


Session 9@90%

BSQ 5x2 117kg
BP 8x2 68kg
WCU 8x2 BW+19kg

So, this is the end of Block 1 of OP I/A. Overall a good block and the confirmation that this is the best lifting program i’ve ever followed (an example: I began TB with an Incline Press of 60kg...I ended this block with a training max of a 16kg improvement in 6 months)

Next week is the beginning of my new Block, i’ll stick with the same cluster:
- Back Squat
- Incline Press
- Weighted Chin Ups

I’ll force progression for all my lifts: 2kg for Squat and also 2kg for Incline Press and Chin Ups..

Why the same progression for Squat and the Upper Body Lifts? Because I want to focus on technique on my Squats and i’m more confident with a slower progression (2kg instead of 4kg). Then I want to focus a little bit on upper body lifts improvement (my Bench is still lagging).

The goals remain the same: strength and mass, so i’ll keep my conditioning minimal: two quick HIC sessions (tabata protocol with Burpees and Mountain Climbers, my favorite conditioning tools) and an optional longer session when my job/family schedule permits (long walk/running/swimming).

Really excited to begin the New Block!

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Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by ectional »

Why incline and not bench or ohp? And if your bench is lagging OP I/A with really high volume on bench worked wonders. 7-10 sets of 5 on the 75% week three times a week is a lot.
Personally my bench started improving when I did really high volume on the first week, moderate volume the second week and low volume heavy weight on the last.

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Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

ectional wrote:Why incline and not bench or ohp? And if your bench is lagging OP I/A with really high volume on bench worked wonders. 7-10 sets of 5 on the 75% week three times a week is a lot.
Personally my bench started improving when I did really high volume on the first week, moderate volume the second week and low volume heavy weight on the last.
Hi Ectional, thanks a lot for your comment! When I started my TB journey, I chose Incline as my main pressing movement for two reasons:

1) I wanted a compromise between Bench and Ohp, in order to follow Operator with only a Press...It’s almost a year I stick with Incline and i’m really happy with strength and body changes...I read also a lot of articles of Bill Starr before chosing Incline: he said that, if the American gym had more Incline bench when he wrote his program, Incline would have been his Press of choice...
2) I lift at home and my rack isn’t comfortable when I unrack the barbell with a flat bench, for my arms the pins are too low or too high...but with Incline the height is perfect, so I can lift with safety

I totally agree with you...high volume @75% and @80% sessions work wonders for upper body lifts...I gained over 20kg in 6 months on Incline, without stalling at week i’ll Begin a new block with a 2kg progression, so this template is amazing

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Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

Beginning of Operator I/A Block 2

This is the beginning of my 2nd Block of Operator I/A with this maxes:

Back Squat 133kg
Incline Press 78kg
Weighted Chin Ups 113kg

Session 1@75%

BSQ 5x5 100kg
BP 8x5 58kg
WCU 8x5 BW+4kg

Overall a good workout, 75% sessions are a breeze after the heavy 85/90% week. All lifts went well...i’m experiencing some BW weight increases so it’s a bit a struggle programming Weighted Chin Ups

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Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »


HIC Session

Burpees/Mountain Climbers
20 sec. on/10 sec. off x8


Session 2@75%

BSQ 5x5 100kg
BP 8x5 58kg
WCU 8x5 BW+4kg

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Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »


5km Walking


Session 3@75%

BSQ 5x5 100kg
BP 8x5 58kg
WCU 8x5 BW+4kg

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Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

Session 4@80%

BSQ 4x5 106kg
BP 5x5 62kg
WCU 5x5 BW+9kg

80% week is definitely the hardest...Squat was smooth...last rep of last set of BP and WCU were a bit a grind, maybe new job demands are impacting my recovery and performance, but I was happy I was able to complete all 5 sets for my upper body lifts...let’s see the next two 80% workouts...

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Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

Session 5@80%

BSQ 4x5 106kg
BP 5x5 62kg
WCU 5x5 BW+9kg

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Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

Session 6@80%

BSQ 5x5 106kg
BP 5x5 62kg
WCU 5x5 BW+9kg

Hard session, the end of the week is always difficult, today I learned something: I have the strength to handle the weights but the technique is a bit sloppy to totally own I took a decision: next Block i’ll repeat the same weights without force progression, even if the 85% and 90% workouts will be great...i think 80% is really the key week in a block

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Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by close_fox »

Stefano I took a decision: next Block i’ll repeat the same weights without force progression, even if the 85% and 90% workouts will be great...i think 80% is really the key week in a block
Great decision. I see no downside to repeating a block. Having the patience and humility to own the current weight is a form of progress. The heavier weight will be there when you are ready. 80% is typically the most challenging week for me also.

I also enjoyed reading about your squat stand purchase.
Stefano wrote:What a great day! A friend of mine phoned me today telling me that he saw two Squat stands in a market of used items...I run to bought them :)

They are rusty, they are dirty...but the most important things is that they are sturdy (they can handle over 250kg) and take up a very limited space so they fit perfectly in my flat!

I can resume my normal Operator I/A cluster and my cycle before the job change with:

Back Squat
Incline Bench Press
Weighted Chin Ups

Session 4@80%

BSQ 3x5 104kg
BP 5x5 61kg
WCU 5x5 BW+8kg

It was only two weeks but I missed my Squat, good workout!
You had a potential training setback (job change forced you to train at home). You kept a good attitude, changed your cluster to work with what you had, and kept moving forward. Then you found a solution to your problem (missing squats). Great job!
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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