Little progress update

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Little progress update

Post by Kaito »

Whats up guys !

I just wanted to share a bit about my progress. I've did a post before stating some stats but unfortunately, those were a bit inaccurate and i was slower and weaker than i thought.

On 21th May i started with TB and did my first Base-Building Phase.
The days prior i was testing my Maxes which came out at

220 lbs Squat
165 lbs Bench
285 lbs Deadlift
6 Pullups
121 lbs Military Press
5k in 23:00
10k in 50:00

210 lbs, 6'2.

In Base Building, E mainly consisted of LSS-Runs, SE was mostly Kettlebell. HIC was a mix of BOO, BOO II and all that other good stuff.
After finishing that Phase, i got myself into Operator + Black Pro doing it religiously and missing not a single Strength session.

Strength Cluster: Squat/Bench/WPU
Conditioning Cluster: Variety Junkie, a bit of everything

I wanted to dedicate myself strictly to TB and see how far it would take me. A lot of my time was also invested in Naps, Stretching, Foam Rolling, Mobility etc.
I tested my new Max on 24th of August, doing TB for 3 months strictly as it is written.

Results were quite fantastic:
275 lbs Squat
200 lbs Bench
352 lbs Deadlift
+55lbs Pullup
132 lbs Military
5k in 22:30
10k in 48:00

I was quite shocked how much stronger i just got in 3 months. Could be Newbie-Gains or i just had a fantastic day, i dont know. Interestingly enough, my Deadlift shot up even though iam not doing it anymore.
My 5k and 10k didnt improve that dramatically, but i gotta say that i ate a lot of food and also gained about 10-12lbs in those 3 months.

The first week after my new Max was very tough though. I felt like i couldnt go with a 90% TM so i had to down it to 80% but i guess that is alright.

From 24th of August to now i switched to Fighter and Black Pro, so i could use more time and energy into MMA. The Strength progress might not be as dramatic as before, but im fine with it. Improvements will come.

Long story short,
I love TB. :mrgreen:

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Re: Little progress update

Post by godjira1 »

those are very good results! Aerobic conditioning clearly isn't your weak point either heh heh.
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It's what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

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Re: Little progress update

Post by ectional »

How much lifting experience did you have before that?

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Re: Little progress update

Post by Kaito »

Started lifting weights 10 years ago at 16. Sounds a lot but it was always on/off for months and without a structure. Always doing a bit but nothing serious. I guess it build a base for strength nonetheless :)

The current numbers are my all time PR though. It is kinda sad that many years were wasted because i lacked dedication, but thats life right? :P

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Re: Little progress update

Post by K.B. »

Kaito wrote:Whats up guys !

I just wanted to share a bit about my progress. I've did a post before stating some stats but unfortunately, those were a bit inaccurate and i was slower and weaker than i thought.

On 21th May i started with TB and did my first Base-Building Phase.
The days prior i was testing my Maxes which came out at

220 lbs Squat
165 lbs Bench
285 lbs Deadlift
6 Pullups
121 lbs Military Press
5k in 23:00
10k in 50:00

210 lbs, 6'2.

In Base Building, E mainly consisted of LSS-Runs, SE was mostly Kettlebell. HIC was a mix of BOO, BOO II and all that other good stuff.
After finishing that Phase, i got myself into Operator + Black Pro doing it religiously and missing not a single Strength session.

Strength Cluster: Squat/Bench/WPU
Conditioning Cluster: Variety Junkie, a bit of everything

I wanted to dedicate myself strictly to TB and see how far it would take me. A lot of my time was also invested in Naps, Stretching, Foam Rolling, Mobility etc.
I tested my new Max on 24th of August, doing TB for 3 months strictly as it is written.

Results were quite fantastic:
275 lbs Squat
200 lbs Bench
352 lbs Deadlift
+55lbs Pullup
132 lbs Military
5k in 22:30
10k in 48:00

I was quite shocked how much stronger i just got in 3 months. Could be Newbie-Gains or i just had a fantastic day, i dont know. Interestingly enough, my Deadlift shot up even though iam not doing it anymore.
My 5k and 10k didnt improve that dramatically, but i gotta say that i ate a lot of food and also gained about 10-12lbs in those 3 months.

The first week after my new Max was very tough though. I felt like i couldnt go with a 90% TM so i had to down it to 80% but i guess that is alright.

From 24th of August to now i switched to Fighter and Black Pro, so i could use more time and energy into MMA. The Strength progress might not be as dramatic as before, but im fine with it. Improvements will come.

Long story short,
I love TB. :mrgreen:
Great job Kaito. The perfect example of what focus and consistency can do for you. Those cardiac markers are pretty good too.

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Re: Little progress update

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Well done.

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Re: Little progress update

Post by Kaito »


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