Grouchyjarhead Training

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Sandbag SE work.

Original Strength resets, then a 5 minute jog/burpee warm-up. SE work with 45#, 16 minutes total. Tested pull up max and will do an easy 20-30 minute LSS run this evening.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

7 leisurely miles with 30#. Recon Ron pull ups in the evening (10).

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Family event with my sons, so no major PT today. Weight definitely felt a bit too much, so the Tough is out for next month. Just the Light this time around. Looking at a 10 mile trail race in December right after the birthday, want to mix it up a bit. Recon Ron pull-ups in the evening (10).

Hill sprints up the big hill. 4 rounds this time - first two I got all the way to the top, third I stopped just short of the top, #4 I only got halfway. They're sprints, not walks, so I decided 4 was good. Did a light jog before and after for several minutes. Recon Ron pull-ups in the PM with some core work and stretching.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Knocked out a quick warm-up then tackled the Brute Force October challenge workout, "The Bear".

21-15-9 of the following exercises for time, all with a 50# sandbag:
(1) Sandbag Bearcrawl Drags
(2) Sandbag Snatches
(3) Sandbag Overhead Squats

Total time 17:38.

Pull-ups, planks, and stretching tonight. Starting coughing at the gym and it's still sticking around - hopefully it's nothing major.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

I've had bronchitis for 2 weeks now, so no training at all since my last workout. I have a GORUCK Light scheduled for this weekend, hoping most of the funk is gone by then.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by Barkadion »

grouchyjarhead wrote:I've had bronchitis for 2 weeks now, so no training at all since my last workout. I have a GORUCK Light scheduled for this weekend, hoping most of the funk is gone by then.
Sorry to hear that. Would you share your GR light experience and maybe some pics? I am gaining some interest in GR..
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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Bronchitis put me down for almost a month. Had to skip events I paid for and missed out on other fun stuff. Pulling out of a 10 mile trail run I signed up for on my birthday next month as well. Just some light workouts to blow the stink off while I adjust fire for my next training block and try to get the last of this crud out of me. Sorry Bark, no pictures from that event as I was unable to do it.

Boxing session. 10 rounds of 2 minutes/60 seconds rest. First 6 rounds footwork drills and shadowboxing, last 4 rounds heavy bag work (straight punches only). For the final 60 seconds, instead of resting I did a punch out (nonstop punching). Power is still pretty good but endurance is low unfortunately.

Hill sprints up what I creatively call "The Hill" (that 100m hill with the 14% grade). I managed 3 today after a warm-up jog but #4 was definitely not happening. Original Strength and ROMWOD tonight.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by Barkadion »

grouchyjarhead wrote:Bronchitis put me down for almost a month. Had to skip events I paid for and missed out on other fun stuff. Pulling out of a 10 mile trail run I signed up for on my birthday next month as well. Just some light workouts to blow the stink off while I adjust fire for my next training block and try to get the last of this crud out of me. Sorry Bark, no pictures from that event as I was unable to do it.

Boxing session. 10 rounds of 2 minutes/60 seconds rest. First 6 rounds footwork drills and shadowboxing, last 4 rounds heavy bag work (straight punches only). For the final 60 seconds, instead of resting I did a punch out (nonstop punching). Power is still pretty good but endurance is low unfortunately.

Hill sprints up what I creatively call "The Hill" (that 100m hill with the 14% grade). I managed 3 today after a warm-up jog but #4 was definitely not happening. Original Strength and ROMWOD tonight.
Sorry to hear that.. I wish you fast and safe recovery!
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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Thanks Bark! So I messed my dates up. That was the 18th and 19th. I ended up doing the same boxing workout on the 19th as well as I found out my former martial arts instructor just passed away so I wanted to do some training for him for old time's sakes. Probably why I was sore yesterday.

Wanted to get an easy longer run in but between work, helping the wife get the kids ready to go (they spent the night at the mother in law's for Thanksgiving since Dad had to work today), and then repairing and repainting a portion of the living room wall (best time to do it when no kids will be around for a bit), it was dark and I was starting to get tired. So I ate an Italian sub made for two people with a bit of Riesling, read my book in the quiet, and went to bed. Good way to end a day.

Strength training. Not surprisingly, no one at the gym on a Thanksgiving morning. Starting off light and working my way back up.

(1) One Arm Kettlebell Press - 16kg. 15 reps total per arm.
(2) Double Kettlebell Front Squat - 2x16kg. 15 total reps.
(3) Two Handed Kettlebell Swings - 24kg. 50 total reps.
(4) Recon Ron Pull-Ups - 10 reps.
(5) Static Farmer's Hold - 2x50lb dumbbells. A mere 42 seconds. My grip lost a lot of strength when I had to take heavy deadlifts out of the equation. Hoping this can help bring it back.

Quick (just around 30 minutes), fun, and just right. I think I'm going to like it.

Goals for next block is each week - 2 strength sessions, 2 hill sprint sessions, 1 run (long/short, alternates), 1 ruck (short/long, alternates). Will try to fit in a boxing session on the hill sprint days if time/energy permits for fun. Being that the strength sessions and hill sprint sessions are short, and the boxing sessions are only about 30 minutes, this should be pretty manageable.

Goals for next year are three GORUCK events (one Tough, one Heavy, and one Tough/Light) and three races (two half marathons and a 20 miler in December 2019 around my "not-quite-40th" birthday).

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Anniversary ruck with the lovely wife. 10 hilly muddy miles in the rain in about 3:52, lots of wicked hills on a trail called Dead Man's Hollow. With water pack was about 30 pounds. Now it's time for pizza and beer.

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