JZT's log

Posts: 137
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JZT's log

Post by jzt »

Starting Jan 8th 2019

Weight: 207.2lbs

1RMs (tested Jan 8th):
Trap Deadlift - 5 x 405 (≈1RM 472)
Weighted Chin Ups - 5 x BW+70 (BW+116)
Press - 5 x 155 (≈1RM 181)

Cluster: Trap DL / Weighted Chin Ups / Press

Frequency: 3x / week

Operator as follow:
Week 1: 1RM tests + SE + Skill/Cardio
Week 2: 3-5 x 5 (70%) + SE + Skill/Cardio
Week 3: 3-5 x 5 (80%) + SE + Skill/Cardio
Week 4: 3-4 x 5 (90%) + SE + Skill/Cardio
Week 5: 3-5 x 5 (75%) + SE + Skill/Cardio
Week 6: 3-5 x 3 (85%) + SE + Skill/Cardio
Week 7: 3-4 x 1-2 (95%) + SE + Skill/Cardio
Week 8: New PRs + SE + Skill/Cardio

Skill Training: BJJ + Boxing
Cardio: Hill Sprints + Incline Walk
SE: Lunges, GHRs, Back Ext, Pull Ups, Push Ups, ABs, KB Swings

Posts: 137
Joined: Wed Jan 09, 2019 4:38 am

Re: JZT's log

Post by jzt »

Week 1 - Day 1

1RM tests before work, only ate 2 eggs because I was short on time, but felt good overall.
Trap DL: 5x405
Weighted Chin Ups: 5xBW+70
Press: 5x155
All 3 lifts felt great, I could've possibly went for an extra rep on each, but the form would've suffered quite a bit. Overall very happy with these starting numbers.

Posts: 137
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Re: JZT's log

Post by jzt »

Week 1 - Day 2

Decided to hit some SE Circuit at work. I haven't done this kind of workout in years and it was absolutely brutal.
6 rounds of
10 x KB Swings (40lbs)
10 x Push Ups
10 x Hanging Knee Raise
20 x Lunges (10/side)
Total time 13:24
I went for some easy LISS after to recuperate and build me aerobic base
Incline Walk
Speed 4.0
Incline 10.0
Time 30:00
BPM were averaging around 140, this was just after my SE.
Last edited by jzt on Sun Jan 13, 2019 2:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 137
Joined: Wed Jan 09, 2019 4:38 am

Re: JZT's log

Post by jzt »

Week 1 - Day 3

Off day. Ate a lot, relaxed. Well needed rest.

Posts: 137
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Re: JZT's log

Post by jzt »

Week 1 - Day 4

Short on time today, went for AMRAP in 10:00 on pushups and also tested my max pushups which is sadly only 31. I'm locking out and touching the ground with my nose/chest though.
Time 10:00
Push Ups: 97 x BW

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Re: JZT's log

Post by VenomousCoffee »

Good luck!

Posts: 137
Joined: Wed Jan 09, 2019 4:38 am

Re: JZT's log

Post by jzt »

Week 1 - Day 5
VenomousCoffee wrote:Good luck!
Thank you so much. Nice log btw!

Today I went for some Endurance with the Incline Walk again. Woke up early, had great food, felt really smooth.
Incline Walk
Speed 5.0
Incline 11.0
Time 30:00
I actually bumped the speed and incline by 1 on each for the same duration as last time, but it felt very easy. I'm still building a base at this point since it's been a long time that I've done any serious cardio.

I'm very excited to start the official program in 2 days, for now I'm still dabbling with the SE, E, etc. to get my footing.

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Re: JZT's log

Post by jzt »

Week 1 - Day 6

OFF day.

Posts: 137
Joined: Wed Jan 09, 2019 4:38 am

Re: JZT's log

Post by jzt »

Week 1 - Day 7

OFF with some mobility work. Took the last days easy because I'm starting on Jan 15th with Operator and wanted to be fresh.

I'll be posting logs weekly now, see you in 7 days!

Posts: 137
Joined: Wed Jan 09, 2019 4:38 am

Re: JZT's log

Post by jzt »

This week's training was my first on TB Operator. I haven't ran full body workouts 3x / week since I did Madcow in 2009-2010 or so. In the book it says that it's fine to do the minimum amount of sets, which is what I did. I still felt fresh after 3 sets, but didn't want to overdo it.

Early in the week (day 1) I tweaked something in my lower back which got me really worried that an old injury had resurfaced. I went crazy on mobility work and rehab, it was about 80% on day 2. After the workout on day 3, I was probably back to 70%. A lot of stretching, mobility work, mindful posture and reverse hypers seemed to do the trick by day 4-5. I was REALLY happy to be back to 100% on day 5 and this seems like a minor bump in the road and not a serious injury.

I haven't been able to devote as much time as I wanted to on boxing and BJJ this week, but I'll get back on that shortly. The sets on day 1 felt heavy, but by day 5 they felt very light. For the time being (possibly the whole block) I might stick to the lowest recommended sets/reps. I very much enjoy the feeling of not being beat up by the end of the workout (that's new to me). What I might do, is rerun a second block using the same loads, but bump the volume the second time around. We will see.

Total mobility for this week was 64 minutes (I might do some more during the day as well), compared to last week's 40 minutes. I basically do mobility work whenever I can: at home, on break at work, watching TV, etc. and add it up. I absolute hate it, but if I do a few minutes here and there it goes by much smoother. It really helps keeping me mobile and injury free.

Week 2
Day 1
Trap Deadlift 3 x 5 @ 331lbs
Press 3 x 5 @ 127lbs
Chin Ups 3 x 5 @ BW+19lbs
Day 2
Incline Walk
Incline 12.0
Speed 5.0
Time 30:00
Day 3
Trap Deadlift 3 x 5 @ 331lbs
Press 3 x 5 @ 127lbs
Chin Ups 3 x 5 @ BW+19lbs
Day 4
Day 5
Trap Deadlift 3 x 5 @ 331lbs
Press 3 x 5 @ 127lbs
Chin Ups 3 x 5 @ BW+19lbs

2 rounds
3:00 ON / 1 OFF
Day 6
2 rounds
3:00 ON / 1 OFF
Day 7
Next week's weights are 378 on the Trap DL, 145 on the Press and BW+52 on the Chins. I'll be going for 3 sets of 5 on each exercise for all 3 days again. I'll also be focusing on mobility work a lot this week, aiming for 100 minutes or so. I also want to go for 10 rounds of boxing total for the week, small steps/goals early and I'll build up from there.

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