I'm bringing this back from the dead instead of making another thread, but this thread hits on questions i still have. FWIW, I have read 1 and 2 in their entirety, and skimmed it again multiple times. this last part I quoted, I think the "SE isnt mandatory" thing is for strength templates and not related to BB.TangoZero wrote:SE is not a mandatory, unless you're a pro (MIL/LEO). I believe that's mentioned in either 1 or 2, can't remember.Tyr0331 wrote:Not trying to hijack this post but was wondering on why you would continue with the fighter strength template after 6 weeks during BB? It's my understanding that if you run the BB strength first option that at five weeks you switch to SE in place of the S sessions to finish off the eight week BB.K.B. wrote:
Keep in mind, Base Building is a set of concepts, not a minute-for-minute protocol. The template in the book is an example of a standard approach. As long as you follow the hard rules (minimums + principles) you'll successfully get the benefits of Base regardless of how you customize it. Ok, so you have a few options if you're running it strength-first with Fighter:
1. Just stop after 8 weeks regardless of where you are with Fighter template. Take a few days, retest, begin Continuation.
2. Round it out to 9 weeks (6 week Fighter block + 3 week Fighter block - retest in between optional).
3. Run a full 12 weeks of Base. 12 weeks is a good length of time to focus on Base if you really want to hammer your aerobic capacity.
I don't like retesting at all during Base with a strength-first approach. During periods of high aerobic volume, your maximal-strength gains will slow down. So take on the mindset of maintaining your strength while you grow your aerobic system instead (during Base).
Now here's what Ive been wondering about post-BB strength continuation. So, we know that a strength focused BB is 5 weeks of MS(I'm using Fighter...or was, I'm in Week 6 of BB now), where MS replaces SE. Weeks 6-8 is replacing the MS days with SE days. Unless, Ive missed it in the books(which even though ive read them, is a possibility), I dont see where it talks about continuation into a strength template. I'm contemplating one of these scenarios after the 3 weeks of no strength training at the end of strength focused BB going into my chosen strength template:
1. Use the same tested numbers prior to starting BB, do a short 6 week block of my chosen strength template, then retest.
2. Choose a template and just do a complete retest before beginning.
3. Do a forced progression from my tested numbers when I started BB.
Are any of these scenarios what most people do at the end of BB, or something else? Thanks