VenomousCoffee's Training Log

Posts: 1954
Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2018 6:14 pm

Re: VenomousCoffee's Training Log

Post by VenomousCoffee »

Wednesday 1/16
Operator, week 3
DL 455 3x3
Squat 405 3x3
OH Press 205 4x3

Woke up this morning not feeling so great. Hoping it's just allergies, but we'll see. Tonight was supposed to be a HIC but it might be a day off.

Posts: 1954
Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2018 6:14 pm

Re: VenomousCoffee's Training Log

Post by VenomousCoffee »

Thursday and Friday, 1/17 and 1/18

Definitely taking today and tomorrow off. Not feeling any better over the course of the day and it's supposed to be an easy week anyway.

Posts: 1954
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Re: VenomousCoffee's Training Log

Post by VenomousCoffee »

Saturday 1/19
Operator, week 4
DL 375 3x5
Squat 345 4x5
OH Press 170 5x5

Realized halfway through OHPs that I'd changed my 1RM I was using at some point and stuff doesn't line up correctly week to week. Haven't decided if I'll up the weight Monday.

Still fighting this cold or allergies or whatever.

Posts: 1954
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Re: VenomousCoffee's Training Log

Post by VenomousCoffee »

Sunday 1/20
GC 1

All I'm doing today with this stupid mucus and congestion. Even coasted at a few points doing the burpees to keep things under control. But on the upside, I feel pretty 'dried out' after the session.

Posts: 1954
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Re: VenomousCoffee's Training Log

Post by VenomousCoffee »

Monday 1/21
Operator, week 4
DL 375 3x5
Squat 345 4x5
OH Press 180 5x5

Posts: 1954
Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2018 6:14 pm

Re: VenomousCoffee's Training Log

Post by VenomousCoffee »

Tuesday 1/22
5 mile ruck @ 45 lbs, about 90 minutes

Wednesday 1/23
Off. Work-related, can't be helped. I'm going to do today's lifting tomorrow.

Posts: 1954
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Re: VenomousCoffee's Training Log

Post by VenomousCoffee »

Thursday 1/24
Operator, end of week 4
DL 375 3x5
Squat 345 4x5
OH Press 180 5x5

STILL fighting this illness. Only consolation is everyone else in town has it too.

Got a real itch today to do BB next. I had been planning to do another Op Black first and then do BB. But now I'm really thinking of doing basically 8 weeks of Fighter Green (Fighter for lifting and lots and lots of jogging). We will see though.

Posts: 1954
Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2018 6:14 pm

Re: VenomousCoffee's Training Log

Post by VenomousCoffee »

Friday 1/25

Posts: 1954
Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2018 6:14 pm

Re: VenomousCoffee's Training Log

Post by VenomousCoffee »

Saturday 1/26
Operator, week 5
DL 425 3x3
Squat 385 4x5
OH Press 195 5x3

Posts: 1954
Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2018 6:14 pm

Re: VenomousCoffee's Training Log

Post by VenomousCoffee »

I was finishing up cleaning my house (yay me) and I started eyeing my screened-in porch and extremely decrepit wooden deck and thinking about a full-fledged workout room there instead. Please send help.

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