mikhou's training log

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

2:2 sprints

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Finally, 100 straight KB swings

Post by mikhou »

60 minute Fun Run / Fobbit Interval stopping every six minutes to perform these sets in this order for a total of 9 exercises interspersed throughout the session:

DB OHP - 5,4,4 @ 19.5 kg
KB Swings - 100 reps @ 18 kg - First time ever to get 100 straight! (I realize that 100 straight with 18kg is child's play to many of you but I've been working up to this for awhile. Now I want to buy a 24kg and start building up again.)
Farmer's walk with 19.5 kg dumbbells - 3 rounds @ 400 feet
DB row - 6,5 @ 19.5 kg

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - Rest day

BP - 5,4,4 @ 77.2 kg
SQ - 5,4,4 @ 96 kg
WCU - 5,4,4 @ 77.4 kg
Plank and Shank - 2:30 each

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

5 minute dynamic warmup
7 rounds of 1 minute jump rope / 1 minute burpees / 1 minute rest
5 minute cooldown

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

OHP - 4,3,3 @ 54.4 kg
Barbell row - 4,3,3 @ 73.2 kg
DL - 4,3,3 @ 115 kg

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - Rest day

BP - 4,3,3 @ 82.2 kg
SQ - 4,3,3 @ 102.2 kg
WCU - 4,3,3 @ 82 kg
Plank and shank - 2:40 each

Taking 3 days off and testing my lifts. I'm traveling for a long while after that and would like to know where my lifts have gotten to before I leave.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Test day

SQ - 109.4 kg x 5 reps - If this isn't a PR for me or it's close to what I have done in the past. 8-9 months ago, I tweaked my knee and had to go to lighter weight single leg work for awhile and then rebuild. Today's work is definitely a PR since I have been rebuilding the weight. Good to be back to near or at E1RM.
BP - 88.2 x 2 reps - This is not a PR, but I'm not surprised. My shoulder has been bothering me lately, and I think that it's just tired. Either way, I equaled my last test day so I'm not upset with it. I hope that some time and healing will get me higher next time.
DL - 124.4 kg x 3 reps - This is a definite lifetime PR for me. I probably could have squeezed out a 4th rep, but I'm not setup to drop my weights so I didn't want to get in trouble in the middle of a 4th rep. So knowing that I set a PR at 3 reps, I called that it.
Plank - 3:20 - Again, a PR for me.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with this day. At 46yo and being a small guy at 64 kg, I keep wondering when the PRs are going to stop, but other than my shoulder I feel really good and don't see any reason why I can't keep progressing from here.

I'm traveling over the next month so I'm going to be moving into a BB phase with some bodyweight work. Hence the reason that I tested today. I wanted to see where I had gotten to before the traveling begins. After I get back, I'll probably start low and do a few weeks of LP to get back into it and then jump back into TB.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - Rest day

Today - Additional testing
WCU - 88.1 kg x 2 reps - This is not a PR. It's basically equivalent to where I have been.
OHP - 58.2 kg x 2 reps - Same as above.
Barbell row - 79.4 kg x 3 reps - This is a new PR.
DB shoulder press - 22kg/hand x 4 reps - This is a new PR.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Congratulations on the PRs!

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

grouchyjarhead wrote:Congratulations on the PRs!
Thanks, grouchy. Your logs is one of the logs that I read for inspiration. I especially love it when you are in GoRuck training mode! :D

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