Grouchyjarhead Training

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

4 mile ruck (first two AFAP, 26:08), ruck and 30# plate. I then did the Gorilla Complex with the ruck (lower body still smoked from Thursday especially hamstrings). 21-16-12-8-4 of bicep curls, high pulls, military presses, triceps extensions, and ruck push ups. Total time 24 minutes. Now my whole body hurts.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Nice and easy recovery run for 20 minutes, only 1.72 miles but enough to get the legs moving and reduce some DOMS. Planks and ROMWOD later on today.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Modified Gunny WOD in memory of Command Sergeant Major Martin "Gunny" Barreras.

Total time 54 minutes. Rucked 3 miles in under 41 minutes and did 100 rucksack push-ups and 100 four count flutterkicks with ruck extended overhead (instead of sit-ups - I avoid those a lot now). Ruck ~40#. Knocked out some pull-ups after.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

5 mile run in the morning. Planks and stretching this evening before a family event.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Challenge workout by my wife and a few friends. Warmed up, knocked out a set of pull-ups, and then did the following all with the rucksack (30# ruck plate) -

**Timed Overhead Hold, 2 minutes
**Ruck Strict Presses, 14 reps
**Ruck Squats, 20 reps
**Ruck Push-Ups, 19 reps
**Timed Overhead Hold, 2 minutes
**Ruck Burpees, 14 reps
**Ruck Thrusters, 14 reps
**Ruck Overhead Lunges, 14 reps
**Four Count Flutterkicks (ruck extended overhead), 14 reps
**Ruck Burpees, 14 reps
**Ruck Thrusters, 14 reps
**Ruck Overhead Lunges, 14 reps
**Four Count Flutterkicks (ruck extended overhead), 14 reps
**Timed Overhead Hold, 2 minutes
**Ruck Bear Crawl, 14 count (count every time your right hand touches)
**Ruck Reverse Bear Crawl, 14 count
**Ruck Crab Walk, 14 count
**Ruck Reverse Crab Walk, 14 count
**Timed Overhead Hold, 2 minutes
**Ruck Burpees, 14 reps
**Ruck Overhead Squats, 14 reps
**Ruck Single Arm Overhead Squats, 14 reps (7 per arm)
**Ruck Thrusters, 14 reps
**Ruck Swings, 14 reps
**Ruck Overhead Lunges, 14 reps

Total time 36 minutes. Could have been faster.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

10 mile ruck, 2:16:12. Great day for it. Planks and more stretching tonight. Running more has definitely improved my rucking, the proof is in the pace.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

British Army Personal Fitness Assessment for fun. Failed! Quite a humbling experience. I did it through the 100% Army Fit app and was surprised by the holds for the exercises (4 count hold for push ups, squats, and sit-ups). I then did a 10 minute warm up and a 1.5 mile timed run in 13:35 which was a failure as well. I finished off with the Royal Marines pull up test to the beep and failed that as well. Failing sucks, so some changes are in order.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Bit under the weather but still knocked out a decent little workout with the rucksack this morning. Used a metronome and pauses. 30# ruck. 45 push-ups, 45 sit-ups (no ruck), 30 squats, 36 split squats per leg, 30 step ups per leg, 36 bench dips, and three rounds of the TB Plank and Shank.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

20 minutes of interval running with warm up and cool down. Trying to sweat out this funk a bit.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

“Reps for Vets” charity workout at a new local performance gym. I did much better than I thought I would. My main focus was complete everything with good form and strict, more about having fun than gunning for the top. All of the following were done for 21 reps apiece:

Treadmill run (21 kcal)
Deadlift 95# (I did sumo)
Pull-Ups (dead hang which slowed me down a lot)
Lunges, bodyweight
Two handed KB swings 53#
Box jumps to 20”
Back squats 95#
Double unders (definitely out of practice!)
Hand release push ups
Ground to overhead 65# (only exercise I had to scale - I made up for it by doing power snatches for all reps)
Wall Balls 20#
Toes to Bar (I kept my legs straight so I got as close as I could)
Deadlift 95# (sumo again)
Treadmill run 21kcal

Total time was 33:26 which put me about the middle of the pack surprisingly. Much better than I thought I would do. Quite a few of the folks ahead of me scaled a lot but in the end we all had fun and raised money for a good cause. Might run a bit later but otherwise I need lunch and a nap.

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