First Block done (Operator), where to go from here?

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First Block done (Operator), where to go from here?

Post by jzt »

I know what the books says:

1) Force progression by adding +X to each lift and recalculate with new numbers.
2) Retest new 1RMs and recalculate from there.
3) Rerun another 6 weeks.

I hadn't stuck with a program for this long since around 2010, with Madcow. I've tried a lot of different stuff and I always hated certain aspects; powerlifts being mandatory, ''leg'' days, high volume, tons of different exercises, etc. TB: Operator is literally perfect for what I'm looking for. The flexibility it allows for sport's training, endurance, cardio or anything else is awesome as well.

My starting stats were the following:
BW 207.2lbs
Trap Deadlift 5 x 405
Press 5 x 155
Chin Ups 5 x BW+70

Current BW (just ate) at night time is 219.4lbs which likely hinders my Chin Ups, but 2 x BW+100 still feels good, so I'm confident on my goal of 3 x BW+90 (which would be a PR).

Everything done with full ROM, a pause, controlled negative/explosive contraction (good form basically).

I'm looking for advise on which of the 3 options to pick from here. I'm leaning towards testing new 1RMs and starting a new Block with the new numbers, since I'll probably have tapped on the ''adaptation gains'', the second Block would likely be 12 weeks.
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Re: First Block done (Operator), where to go from here?

Post by godjira1 »

My 2 c worth.

For motivation purposes I like to go with option 2. I would gun for a PR without killing myself - ie say 95+pct effort. Doesn’f need to be a 1RM, a 3 or 5 RM test will work too.

Forced progressions, even a modest one, are my 2nd choice. As was mentioned in the book, option 3 is the hardest to do psychologically, personally I don’t think I have ever done it.
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Re: First Block done (Operator), where to go from here?

Post by jzt »

godjira1 wrote:My 2 c worth.

For motivation purposes I like to go with option 2. I would gun for a PR without killing myself - ie say 95+pct effort. Doesn’f need to be a 1RM, a 3 or 5 RM test will work too.

Forced progressions, even a modest one, are my 2nd choice. As was mentioned in the book, option 3 is the hardest to do psychologically, personally I don’t think I have ever done it.
Thanks a lot for the input, it's greatly appreciated.

Like you said, I also lean towards the 1RM testing. On the next block, I will probably go for 12 weeks though, upping the voluime slightly in the second 6 weeks phase.

I plan to test my new 1RMs with ''3RMs''
The goals are as follow:
Trap Deadlift 3 x 450
Press 3 x 172
Chin Ups 3 x BW+90

I will be posting videos of it all soon, either here on in my training log :)

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