mikhou's training log

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Been sick and traveling for a few days. Today I got out for a 30 minute run. Since I'm away from the weights for a month, I'm going into a BB phase with bodyweight work.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

So this is the first day back after traveling for 3.5 weeks. While I was gone I got in some Tango circuits, some 30-40 minute LLS runs, and swam a lot of laps in my first week and a half. However, I didn't get in nearly as many workouts as I wanted. When I started my travels I was sick with a cold and then partway through I got a double ear infection and just didn't feel well overall. So the last half was less than stellar. Today I picked up a barbell for the first time in almost a month. Rather than run TB right off without having a good TM, I'm going to run a few weeks of GSLP-style linear progression to get back into things. I'll probably run this for 3 weeks, take an easy week, and then test for my TB TM's. Today, looked like this:

BP - 5,5,10 @ 66 kg
SQ - 5,5,5 @ 91 kg
WCU - 5,5,10 @ 66.3 kg
Plank and shank - 2:20 each

SQ's are always hard on me the first time after I've been away from the barbell. I wasn't surprised at this. I'm a little surprised that Plank and shank was so difficult. Before I left, I hit 3:20, but I was shaking pretty bad when I hit 2:20 today. The other lifts were fine. I'll bump them all 5 lbs (2.2 kg) for next time.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

5 minute dynamic warmup
7 rounds of 1 minute jump rope / 1 minute burpees / 1 minute rest
5 minute cooldown

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

OHP - 5,5,8, @ 44.4 kg
Barbell row - 5,5,10 @ 62.2 kg
DL - 5,5,6 @ 97.2 kg

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

5 minute dynamic warmup
7 rounds of 1 minute jump rope / 1 minute burpees / 1 minute rest
5 minute cooldown

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - Rest day

BP - 5,5,9 @ 68.2 kg
SQ - 5,5,5 @ 93.2 kg
WCU - 5,5,9 @ 68.6 kg
Plank and Shank - 2:30 each

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

5 minute dynamic warmup
7 rounds of 1 minute jump rope / 1 minute burpees / 1 minute rest
5 minute cooldown

Posts: 1088
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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

60 minute Fun Run / Fobbit Interval stopping every six minutes to perform these sets in this order for a total of 9 exercises interspersed throughout the session:

DB OHP - 5,5,10 @ 18.5 kg
KB Swings - 60, 40 reps @ 18kg
Farmer's walk with 18.5 kg dumbbells - 3 rounds @ 400 feet
DB row - 9/each side @ 18.5 kg

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - Rest day

BP - 5,5,10 @ 69.4 kg
SQ - 5,5,5 @ 95 kg
WCU - 5,5,8 @ 69.7 kg
Plank and Shank - 2:30 each

Posts: 1088
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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Tabata sprints

After work yesterday, I played an hour and a half of impromptu volleyball. I don't know if I didn't warm up enough or if I just twisted my knee a bit. (My shoes were running shoes and are not very stable laterally.) But my right knee is a little sore. It's not an injury per se, but just some soreness. Next time, I'll warmup properly, do some dynamic stretching, and wear better shoes.

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