Grouchyjarhead Training

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Thanks VC. It’s coming along but no PT allowed yet.

I’ve been running a lot to make up for it. Nothing too exciting but I did try a VO2 max bleep test today for the first time. I made it to 8.1 before I missed a lap so my VO2 max is rated as Above Average for my age group. Not bad but could be better.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Easy 3 mile run, 28:57.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

6 mile run in about 71 minutes. A bit tired today but got it in.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Yesterday I ran 3 miles in about 33 minutes. Evening runs always tend to be slow it seems.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Today - Easy 10 minute run followed by two rounds of treadmill Tabata sprints at 2%, speed approx 80% VO2 max. Need to increase speed next time, this wasn’t bad at all.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

I was going to run 7 today. Yesterday afternoon I saw there was an 8.1 mile race for today so I decided what the heck, let’s do this. Finished in about 1:23 and had a great time.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Officially cleared for all barbell work so let’s do this. Started in a great new gym after last place unfortunately closed doors. Starting light to prevent any back/bicep aggravation so comfortable and painless work sets is the goal. Power cleans 95, bench 105, squats 155.

Undecided about bench, felt a bit on the last set. Three is definitely too long - my goal today was knock out the lifts, do some TGUs, and then some low impact cardio until the top of the hour. I was pushing it a bit for the last two. Going to get presses and front squats a whirl Friday.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by Barkadion »

grouchyjarhead wrote:Officially cleared for all barbell work so let’s do this.
I know the feeling.. Good luck! :)
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

20 minute AMRAP of sandbag cleans x8, sandbag pull-throughs x8, sandbag front squats x8. 9 full rounds with 45#.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

3 mile neighborhood run in the evening, 32 minutes.

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