Grouchyjarhead Training

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Yesterday was the 10 year anniversary of where I lost some friends. Strange how fast time flies sometimes…

Strength training today. Clean and presses with 105, squats with 165, then knocked out five Turkish getups per hand with the 16kg.

Rucksack interval training. 30# rucksack, 2% incline on treadmill. Warmed up with an easy 10 minute walk and then two Tabata circuits of ruck shuffles at 5.5 mph, rested two minutes in between circuits.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Helped out with a youth lock-in last night so needless to say I did not get a lot of sleep. My youngest had baseball practice in the morning and then we played at the playground for a while. After a quick afternoon nap I wanted to blow the stink off so I did some sandbag work.

Quick warm-up of about 5 minutes and then I did 30-20-10 of thrusters, bag of body parts, and rows with a 45# bag in about 12 minutes. Short but sweet.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

**Clean and Press - 105 for 3x5 (first two warm up sets were squat clean each rep, work sets were clean once and then press).
**Back Squats - 165 for 3x5.
**Pinch Grip Farmers Walks - 25# bumper plate per hand, walk until I can’t hold on any longer. 2 rounds.
**TGUs - 5 reps per arm with 16kg.

Some quick interval training this PM.

EDIT: Ruck interval training. 5.6mph training speed, 2% incline, total 26 minutes and just over 2 miles.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

SE. 5 rounds of neutral grip (for now) pull-ups and one arm swings with the 16kg to start. A mere 5 (taking things slow with the biceps) and 100 total swings.

Then sandbag work. Four 1 minute rounds, rest 1 minute, repeat circuit three times, count up total reps. Side straddle hops (subbed these for a run/row, did not count reps), sandbag push up to drag, sandbag alternating rear lunges (one circuit on each shoulder then once on back), and kettlebell around the worlds. 45# sandbag and 12kg kettlebell. Total reps 150.

Short run after, nothing exciting.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Max strength work. Clean and press 110, back squat 175, pinch grip farmers walk, Turkish get ups.

Finished with a 1000m row at a humbling 4:36. I went way too fast out of the gate and really underestimated this. I’m excited to have a rower available though so I plan to take advantage of it.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

**Pull-up/swing circuit.
**1 mile ruck (about 35#) with 45# sandbag, 21 minutes.
**Three rounds for time (I wore ruck for all movements): sandbag clean and press, burpees, 400m ruck. Total time under 21 minutes.
**100 total four count flutterkicks (ruck overhead - broken set).

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

I was supposed to run 10 miles today but single dad duties this weekend (wife is out of town) and busy so I hit the treadmill and split it up. I knocked out 5 in the morning (60 minutes) and then another 5 before dinner (64 minutes). Optimal? Maybe not. But that second 5 was a good mental check if anything. Planks and stretching once the boys settle for the night.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

**Clean and Press - 115 for 3x5. Last set was a struggle, might figure out a conservative max on Wednesday and then start using Fighter percentages.
**Back Squat - 185 for 3x5. Still strong and easy, continuing linear progression.
**Turkish Get-Ups - 16kg still, but I think it's time for the 20kg.
**1000m Row - 4:24. I didn't realize the rowers had damper settings until after I finished, apparently the one I'm using is stuck on the highest one. It makes it a pretty terrible few minutes to be sure, but I kind of like it.

No pinch grip farmer's walks today, I was running short on time. Productive otherwise.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Tested some conservative estimated 1RMs to start Tactical Barbell Fighter programming next week.

Clean and Press - 135
Back Squat - 250

Finished with some pinch grip farmer's walks with a pair of 25# bumper plates and a 1000m row in 4:36. TGUs tonight.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Half marathon, official time 2:28:59. Great day for it. I started off a bit too fast and paid for it. Started slowing down significantly the last few miles so I locked in with the 2:30 crowd and then sprinted it out at the end. I just wanted to keep running the whole time and to finish, accomplished that so I’m happy with that.

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