mikhou's training log

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

BP - 5,5,6 @ 74.4 kg
WCU - 5,5,6 @ 73 kg
T2B - 3x10

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Well, my knee bursiits wasn't getting any better so I took a full week off. It's definitely better now, but I don't know that it's 100%. I spoke to the doc who said that I can start exercising again but that I should go at it cautiously. So with that said, and not being able to get good E1RM's, I'm going to back off to 70% and slowly build linearly again and then test after a few weeks.

BP - 5,5,11 @ 66 kg
SQ - 5,5,7,3 @ 91 kg
WCU - 5,5,11 @ 66.3 kg
Plank and Shank - 2:20 each

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

2:2 sprints

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

OHP - 5,5,9 @ 44.4 kg
Barbell row - 5,5,10 @ 62.2
DL - 5,5,6,2,2 @ 97.2 kg

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Well, the knee bursitis has flared back up after a few days of working out. Looks like it's going to be 2 weeks off now since 1 week off didn't get it done.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

So it's been of 2s.5 months since I posted. When I was struggling with knee bursitis, I took some time off from anything lower body and I also had trouble doing any cardio that was lower body. So I would do some TB-styled upper body work one day, take a day off, and then do some upper-body circuit training to try to keep some type of conditioning.

After some more rest and a lot if ice, I started a round of TB back on May 1. I didn't log it here because I didn't know how the knee would go and I was just testing things out. I ran TB-style training for my push and pull exercises and I moved squats and DLs WAY back down to 50% of 1RM and then progressed them with GSLP type progression.

So I ran 2 4-week cycles (3 weeks on / 1 week deload) and today I tested my squats and DLs. I'm happy to report that I'm back at where I was with both and my DL has even progressed a little. I hit some estimated 1RM's today of 282 lbs for squat and 312 lbs. I'm a small guy at 5'5, 140 lbs so I'm pretty happy with that. I'll get back to logging now that I am be consistent again with some TB-style programming.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by Barkadion »

Good to see you are back and safe to train!
Cheers, mate.
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

30 minute easy run today

I'll take a rest day tomorrow and then start the next cycle.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Today is the first day of a new cycle. While I still use TB principles, I'm not running strict TB. Most of what I do is now based upon TB principles combined with Prilepin's chart. It's a long (but hopefully sensible) explanation as to why I'm doing what I am so I won't go too far into it. Here's what I did today.

BP - 7,7,6 @ 67.2 kg
SQ - 7,7,6 @ 91 kg
WCU - 7,7,6 @ 66.6 kg
Plank and Shank - 1 round with a 5kg plate on my back for 1:40. Followed by a 1:40 shank.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

HIC - When my knee was aching awhile back, I started using a jump rope/burpee workout instead of sprinting. Oddly enough the sprinting really bothered my knee but the jump ropes and burpees didn't. I liked it. So I'll keep using it. I typically don't do a push up on the burpee as I did an upper body push the day before and will likely do an upper body push the next day. Also, I vary the number of jumps each workout and being AMRAP this also varies the number of burpees that I do. Today's workout was:

20 minute AMRAP:
10 burpees / 70 jump ropes
9 burpees / 70 jump ropes
continuing down to 1 burpee / 70 jump ropes
1 minute rest
Begin again with 10 burpees / 70 jump ropes and progress down the ladder until the timer goes off.

Today I got in 100 burpess (1 full round and 10 down to 5 burpees in the second round).

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