Stefano’s Log

Posts: 1490
Joined: Sat May 19, 2018 7:33 am

Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

HIC Session

Ring Dips/Ring Rows/Jump Squats/Push Ups
20 sec. on/10 sec. off
4 min. total
Last edited by Stefano on Tue Apr 09, 2019 6:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Posts: 1490
Joined: Sat May 19, 2018 7:33 am

Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

Session 5@80%

SDL 3x5 108kg
OHP 5x5 43kg
WCU 5x5 Bw+16kg

Good workout...still working on the Sumo groove, but technique is slowly improving

Posts: 1490
Joined: Sat May 19, 2018 7:33 am

Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »


HIC Session

Ring Dips/Ring Rows/Jump Squats/Push Ups
20 sec. on/10 sec. off
4 min. total


Session 6@80%

SDL 3x5 108kg
OHP 5x5 43kg
WCU 5x5 Bw+16kg

Only 4 hours of sleep last night, but i’m happy with today’s workout

Posts: 1490
Joined: Sat May 19, 2018 7:33 am

Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

HIC Session

Ring Dips/Ring Rows/Jump Squats/Push Ups
20 sec. on/10 sec. off
4 min. total

Posts: 1490
Joined: Sat May 19, 2018 7:33 am

Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

Session 7@85%

SDL 3x3 115kg
OHP 6x3 46kg
WCU 6x3 Bw+21kg

Good workout

Posts: 1490
Joined: Sat May 19, 2018 7:33 am

Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

HIC Session

Push Ups/Mountain Climbers
20 sec. on/10 sec. off
4 min. total

Posts: 1490
Joined: Sat May 19, 2018 7:33 am

Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

Session 8@85%

DL 3x3 115kg
OHP 6x3 46kg
WCU 6x3 Bw+21kg

Posts: 1490
Joined: Sat May 19, 2018 7:33 am

Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »


HIC Session

Push Ups/Mountain Climbers
20 sec. on/10 sec. off
4 min. total


Session 9@90%

DL 3x2 122kg
OHP 6x2 49kg
WCU 6x2 Bw+26kg

End of the Block....overall i’m satisfied: strength is slowly coming back after months of only BW training...still some technique work to do, i’m not completely satisfied with my back position during DL but i’ve never felt pain or discomfort, so we keep on going...

Next block i’ll Force Progression with 4 kg (DL) and 2 kg (OHP and WCU)
Last edited by Stefano on Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 1490
Joined: Sat May 19, 2018 7:33 am

Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

I started a new block today...I switched from Conventional DL to Snatch Grip DL, in order to work my quads and upper back a little more (I have only a barbell to train, no squat rack or bench)

My maxes for this block

Snatch Grip Deadlift 125kg
Overhead Press 56kg
Weighted Chin Ups 112kg (Bw 73kg)

Session 1@75%

SGDL 4x5 94kg
OHP 6x5 42kg
WCU 6x5 Bw+12kg

Overall a good workout, my grip was fried after SGDL...but finally I was satisfied with my back position and I managed to keep a neutral spine...I started light, so I can slowly work on my technique

Posts: 1490
Joined: Sat May 19, 2018 7:33 am

Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

Session 2@75%

SGDL 3x5 94kg
OHP 6x5 42kg
WCU 6x5 Bw+12kg

Good workout...light weight for SGDL (as a 75% week is supposed to be), but ideal to nail the right technique and working on the right motor pattern! And after them my grip is fried :D

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