Aiwacht's Log

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Re: Aiwacht's Log

Post by VenomousCoffee »

Aiwacht wrote:3 sets 40 for SE is a pile of work! :)
Wait until next week!

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Re: Aiwacht's Log

Post by Barkadion »

VenomousCoffee wrote:
Aiwacht wrote:3 sets 40 for SE is a pile of work! :)
Wait until next week!
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Aiwacht's Log

Post by Aiwacht »

BB 1: 2019 week 19 5/6-5/12

M SE&E 3x30 Press, DL, Row. Trap bar walk with 130x90sx2
T rest walk 30m
W SE 3x40Press, DL, Row.
Th rest walk 30m
F SE 2x40 Press, DL, Row w/35 bar + red band. Crazy pump! Just being inventive (or lazy!) as it was snowing.
S E walk 30
Su E 31 mile ride with a dead-end detour. 2.5 hours moving, av. 12.5, max 23.8. Saw two golden eagles, and watched a roadrunner skewer a small mammal that I scared up, packrat or something! Good times, but the extra 8 miles kicked my ass. ShockStop stem made the first two hours MUCH more comfy, but need a wider set of bars, still a bit off on the hand positioning. A bit of slight knee pain during the last half hour.

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Re: Aiwacht's Log

Post by Aiwacht »

BB 1: 2019 week 20 5/13-5/19

M SE&E 1x50 Press, DL, Row. Trap bar walk 130x 90s, 45s, 45s
T 75 minute easy ride. Taking it easier in the long rides as my left tendon on the outside of my left knee gets a little irritated. More work on that as we go.
W SE 1x50 Press, DL, Row
Th 50 minutes walk/run, 3.32m, abut 12 minutes of running.
F SE 1x50 Press, DL, Row
S E 32 minutes walk/run, 6 1.5 minute intervals, 2.2 miles.
Su rest.

Another good week, but feeling a bit burnt, sleep has been a bit rough. Upping the food intake at this point. Working more mobility & myofascial work on left forearm, as it's getting bit tight. So far the elbows are doing well, and the back def. prefers the TBDL. We will see how next weeks SE goes! After that I travel for a week, and then into the MS/Fighter portion of BB.

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Re: Aiwacht's Log

Post by Aiwacht »

3x50 day of SE is indeed rough! Surprisingly fast recovery during the sets, but still a lot of reps! Glad that's over!

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Re: Aiwacht's Log

Post by Aiwacht »

BB 1: 2019 week 21 5/20-5/26

M recovery
T SE 3x50 damn! Press, DL, Row
W walk/run 50:05, 3.57 miles, 14 ave. pace, 18 minutes of running.
Th Mobility & a tiny interval workout to get things moving, pushups, squats, KBDL.
F 2x50 Press, DL, Row , then farmers 130x2x60s
S E walk/run 54:35, 3.52 miles, 15:25 ave. pace 12 minutes running, no real gas.
Su E walk/run 50:00, 3.6 miles, 13:53 ave. pace 22 minutes running, felt solid, especially the back half.

Start Fighter phase of BB tomorrow, then traveling for six days, then back to it. Plan on running & such while traveling.

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Re: Aiwacht's Log

Post by Aiwacht »

BB 1: 2019 week 22 5/27-6/2

M MS 75% TBDL 155, OHP 70, ring rows 5x5 then 10x10 44# swings EMOM.
T E walk/run sixty minutes
W MS 1 75% TBDL 155, OHP 70, ring rows 5x5, then the 55’s with 44# swings & ring pushups.
Out for the family reunion after that & made up for the last two years of low carb eating, which was very enjoyable. My bro & his gal are savage cooks!

Got back this afternoon, I’ll repeat this weight/week again, I was truly burned out both sessions and shit was unreasonably heavy feeling. See how it goes this time around!

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Re: Aiwacht's Log

Post by Aiwacht »


IT Band has kicked up nicely (sarcasm) so I am off running & riding for a bit. Transitioning now from BB to OP, and working on the leg.

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Re: Aiwacht's Log

Post by Aiwacht »

OP Block 1 wk 1: 2019 week 24 6/10-6/16

M 70% 3-5x5 TBDL 140, OHP 65, ring row. Ring Push Up/Swings 5x10 1 minute rest between rounds.
T walk 30 minutes
W 70% 3-5x5 TBDL 140, OHP 65, ring row. farmers 140 x2x60s
Th walk 30
F 70% 3-5x5 TBDL 140, OHP 65, ring row. Ring Push Up/Swings 5x10 1 minute rest between rounds.
S walk 30
Su walk 30

IT Band really messing with my left knee, but working it out. Hope to return to LSS in a week or so. I've been contemplating getting an Armaid for awhile to combat my elbow/forearm issues, and then discovered the Rolflex and bought that. Killer device, highly recommended. Great on the arms & legs, best forearm calf tool I have found.

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Re: Aiwacht's Log

Post by Aiwacht »

To make a long story short, I'll update when I get the chance but I joined a local VERY country gym and so am working on some things I couldn't do in the yard to see where my baselines are. Using a ZULU-esque plan and a bit of LP to get the groove & find some numbers on squats, db bench, and the like. I'll be back when I have a more sensible plan & some #s.

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