How bad is a 80% Operator I/A week with 4 reps sets?

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How bad is a 80% Operator I/A week with 4 reps sets?

Post by Stefano »

Hello everyone

I’m Stefano from Italy, I hope everyone’s well!

I thought very much about my training during those weeks, Operator I/A is definitely my favourite template and i’m going to stick with it for a long time!

I have a question for you: i’m right now at my fourth block, I made some great strength and size gains and I was wondering one thing...I want to experiment with 4 reps sets during the 80% week of OP I/A, in order to progress further because i’m beginning to suffer the 5 reps...

I know this template works perfectly as written, but I want only to ask if anyone has ever played with something like 5x4 or 6x4 during the 80% week...Is there really a big difference from a 5x5@80% and 6x4@80%?

Thanks for all your informations and your help!

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Re: How bad is a 80% Operator I/A week with 4 reps sets?

Post by TBPenguin »

Stefano, it sounds like you've done too fast of forced progression. As KB has so often written, it is OK to stay at a given weights for more than one block. It would make more sent to back off a bit now, and if the days really seem too easy, do an extra set (6 x 5) now and then.

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Re: How bad is a 80% Operator I/A week with 4 reps sets?

Post by jzt »

In the end you can do what you want.

Personally I always found it made more sense to lower the volume (reps) as the intensity goes up (weight) and then reset, with slightly higher %;

Week 1: 3x5 @ 70%
Week 2: 3x4 @ 80%
Week 3: 3x3 @ 90%
Week 4: 3x5 @ 75%
Week 5: 3x4 @ 85%
Week 6: 3x3 @ 95%

TB is a set of principles with progressive overload, strength training, SE, etc. I don't suggest newbies start toying around with the program, but once you are at a 500+ DL, 400+ SQ and 300+ B, you can definitely adapt to your needs.

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Re: How bad is a 80% Operator I/A week with 4 reps sets?

Post by Maxrip13 »

Stefano wrote:Hello everyone

I’m Stefano from Italy, I hope everyone’s well!

I thought very much about my training during those weeks, Operator I/A is definitely my favourite template and i’m going to stick with it for a long time!

I have a question for you: i’m right now at my fourth block, I made some great strength and size gains and I was wondering one thing...I want to experiment with 4 reps sets during the 80% week of OP I/A, in order to progress further because i’m beginning to suffer the 5 reps...

I know this template works perfectly as written, but I want only to ask if anyone has ever played with something like 5x4 or 6x4 during the 80% week...Is there really a big difference from a 5x5@80% and 6x4@80%?

Thanks for all your informations and your help!

It comes down to what you are trying to achieve.

Is your goal to improve your 1RM or just be strong all round?
How many times have you run through a cycle at your current weight? How many weeks are your cycles? 3,6 or 12+?

That 5 rep , 80% week is the hardest week for me every time. It doesn’t matter what weights I am using, but it’s also the week that makes or breaks the cycle. That last low rep week always feels great.

If you are just chasing 1RM numbers and you have tried all the other usual options, then give 4 reps a go. It won’t make or break anything and you can always stay at the same weight and do 5 next time.

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Re: How bad is a 80% Operator I/A week with 4 reps sets?

Post by Stefano »

Thanks everyone for the precious informations and advices!

I’m following the typical 9 Operator I/A Sessions, I usually finish a cycle in 3 weeks: the last three blocks went great so I’ve always forced progression after 3 weeks.

Right now, the Barbell lifts are still going very well but i’m beginning to struggle with WCU...because my goals are both becoming as strong as possibile and gaining more muscle mass. The weight gains, due to the calories surplus, make me harder to progress the Weighted Chin Ups, because my Bodyweight is changing workout from workout....the 80% is definitely the hardest for WCU and my 4 reps question was mainly directed to them...

Considering all your advices, i’ll stick to the 5 reps@80%....maybe repeating the 9 sessions with the same weight in the next block

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Re: How bad is a 80% Operator I/A week with 4 reps sets?

Post by Stefano »

Hi guys, sorry if I resume this thread, I don’t want to start a new one.

So, as I supposed, my barbell lifts are progressing well but I can’t progress in the same way with the Weighted Chin Ups I have in my Cluster...I need your advice: what about treating them as an assistance, choosing a right weight and going for a total reps goal (30 a workout, for example, with triples or doubles etc.), instead of strict reps/sets?

I’m thinking about this because my weight is changing day to day and I’m not able to progress with the Bodyweight movement as with the Barbell...thanks again for your help!

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Re: How bad is a 80% Operator I/A week with 4 reps sets?

Post by Stefano »

Hi guys, sorry if I resume this thread, I don’t want to start a new one.

So, as I supposed, my barbell lifts are progressing well but I can’t progress in the same way with the Weighted Chin Ups I have in my Cluster...I need your advice: what about treating them as an assistance movement, choosing a right weight and going for a total reps goal (30 a workout, for example, with triples or doubles etc. between the barbell lifts sets), instead of strict reps/sets?

I’m thinking about this because my weight is changing day to day (i’m in a caloric surplus) and I’m not able to progress with this Bodyweight movement as with the Barbell...thanks again for your help!

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Re: How bad is a 80% Operator I/A week with 4 reps sets?

Post by TBPenguin »

Hey Stefano, the way I see it, the muscles you use to do chin=ups haven't gotten smaller or weaker. The idea with TB is that you do the sets strongly, with some reps in reserve. So for your upper back and biceps, a total weight where you can do 5 reps strongly, and have some reps in reserve, is where you want to be. Maybe look at your log for when you could last do the 80% sets with room to spare, and work with that total weight or even a bit lighter to start. Maybe next time you take a bridge or deload week you can test to estimate a new max.

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Re: How bad is a 80% Operator I/A week with 4 reps sets?

Post by Maxrip13 »

Stefano wrote:Hi guys, sorry if I resume this thread, I don’t want to start a new one.

So, as I supposed, my barbell lifts are progressing well but I can’t progress in the same way with the Weighted Chin Ups I have in my Cluster...I need your advice: what about treating them as an assistance movement, choosing a right weight and going for a total reps goal (30 a workout, for example, with triples or doubles etc. between the barbell lifts sets), instead of strict reps/sets?

I’m thinking about this because my weight is changing day to day (i’m in a caloric surplus) and I’m not able to progress with this Bodyweight movement as with the Barbell...thanks again for your help!
What issues are you having mate? Be a bit more specific.

I wouldn’t recommend doing them between sets unless you are sticking to the minimum rest periods.

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Re: How bad is a 80% Operator I/A week with 4 reps sets?

Post by Stefano »

TBPenguin wrote:Hey Stefano, the way I see it, the muscles you use to do chin=ups haven't gotten smaller or weaker. The idea with TB is that you do the sets strongly, with some reps in reserve. So for your upper back and biceps, a total weight where you can do 5 reps strongly, and have some reps in reserve, is where you want to be. Maybe look at your log for when you could last do the 80% sets with room to spare, and work with that total weight or even a bit lighter to start. Maybe next time you take a bridge or deload week you can test to estimate a new max.
Hi TBPenguin, thanks for the answer...yes, maybe a deload is the way to go

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