Stefano’s Log

Posts: 1490
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Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

Session 9@90%

OHP 6x2 54kg
WCU 6x2 Bw+29kg
SGDL 3x2 122kg

Heavy and 5 hours of sleep didn’t help....but overall i’m quite satisfied, I completed all sets and reps with decent technique.

This was the last workout of the block, i’m going to start a new one next week.

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Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

New Block starting’s the Fifth one, I slowed down the Force Progression: 3kg for SGDL, 1kg for OHP and WCU

Snatch Grip Deadlift 138kg
Overhead Press 61kg
Weighted Chin Ups 118kg (Bw 76kg)

Session 1@75%

OHP 8x5 46kg
WCU 8x5 Bw+12,5kg
SGDL 4x5 104kg

A lot of work...not so easy

Posts: 1490
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Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

Session 2@75%

OHP 8x5 46kg
WCU 8x5 Bw+12,5kg
SGDL 4x5 104kg

Quite hard....again some grip problems (summer is coming and sweat with it) make the last WCU reps difficult

Posts: 1490
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Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

Session 3@75%

OHP 8x5 46kg
WCU 8x5 Bw+12,5kg
SGDL 4x5 104kg

Good workout Today!

Posts: 1490
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Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

Session 4@80%

OHP 4x5 49kg
WCU 4x5 Bw+18,5kg
SGDL 3x5 110kg

Heavy, really heavy....I didn’t want to risk a 5th set because technique became to deteriorate on 4th: i’m planning to finish the block with the minimum sets (adding a 4th when I feel it) then repeat the same weight in next block.

Maybe I did also too much volume in 75% week and now my body is too beaten up....

Posts: 1490
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Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

Session 5@80%

OHP 4x5 49kg
WCU 4x5 Bw+18,5kg
SGDL 3x5 110kg

Heavy, but technique was decent....overall a good workout!

I really have to start using chalk: I can’t grip the pull up bar properly, during my WCU, due to sweat (here in Italy we are experiencing a terrible heat)

Posts: 1490
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Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

Session 6@80%

OHP 4x5 49kg
WCU 4x5 Bw+18,5kg
SGDL 3x5 110kg

I trained at 6am, first time I did a workout so early! It went quite well, considering I slept 5 hours. My grip slide during the 2nd set of DL (I had to readjust the straps) but I managed to complete all the reps and sets.

Now a little trip to France and next week i’ll have the last 3 workouts of the Block.

Posts: 1490
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Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

Session 7@85%

OHP 4x3 52kg
WCU 4x3 Bw+24,5kg
SGDL 3x3 117kg

Not bad, a bit tired after the 3 days trip in France

Posts: 1490
Joined: Sat May 19, 2018 7:33 am

Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

Session 8@85%

OHP 5x3 52kg
WCU 5x3 Bw+24,5kg
SGDL 3x3 117kg

Good workout!

Posts: 1490
Joined: Sat May 19, 2018 7:33 am

Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

Session 9@90%

OHP 5x2 55kg
WCU 5x2 Bw+30kg
SGDL 3x2 124kg

End of the block, i’m was heavy but a good workout

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