Dratbone's Base Building and Beyond

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Dratbone's Base Building and Beyond

Post by dratbone »

Hey gang,

Starting my training log here for accountability and any suggestions should anyone have any. Many thanks to those who have posted before me for the ideas and motivation. Background:

47 YO male, 6', 208 pounds. 15 year LEO in my earlier years, along with ARNG (Spoiler and shocker, MP :) ) in my background. That was probably the peak of my physical state. Throughout school, played football and was an OL, so I tipped the scales slightly north of 300 pounds and "leaned" out in my last year prior to going through BT/AIT. 5 years ago, I was at the 300 pound mark again at the birth of my daughter, made some dietary changes and started walking. Dropped to around 250 and started CrossFit 2 years ago. About a year ago, outfitted my garage gym and started training at home, which I love.

Goals are fat loss, and strengthening my overall general conditioning while maintaining lifting. I don't like running on general principal, but will concede it's extremely useful. Fortunately I've got a rower as well :D

Edit: Forgot strength goals - leaning towards Operator, with Overhead Press, Front Squat, Pull ups and Deadlift. Overhead needs some work, spending the last 12 years behind a desk coupled with a LOT of computer gaming has definitely made building there a challenge.
Last edited by dratbone on Sat Jun 15, 2019 11:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dratbone's Base Building and Beyond

Post by Barkadion »

Welcome mate, good luck with your training!
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Dratbone's Base Building and Beyond

Post by dratbone »

06/14/2019 Base Building Day One
I'm definitely a "variety junky" as KB calls it, and I've got 3 different circuits laid out. All 3 have a push, pull, hinge, squat, rotation (or gut work) and counter rotation in them.

SE Circuit
Dbl KB MP 2x12kg (26#)
Ring Rows BW
DB Snatch 25#
Goblet Squat 12kg (26#)
KB Russian Twist 12kg (26#)

Didn't feel horrible, rest was very minimal between exercises. Times were 6:50, 5:49 and 5:42 rested about ~2 mins in between each circuit.
Felt refreshed afterwards.

Planned on doing LSS E30 this morning, went to bed at 9 PM daughter woke up at 2 AM from a nightmare, I got back to sleep about 4:30 for another 90 minutes of sleep. Surprisingly sore from yesterday, mainly shoulders and trunk.

LSS will be this afternoon, it's supposed to be a gorgeous day so I'm planning on running. (Side note, what is happening to me.. I'm "planning" to run....)

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Re: Dratbone's Base Building and Beyond

Post by dratbone »

Barkadion wrote:Welcome mate, good luck with your training!
Thanks Bark! Enjoying reading yours as well!

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Re: Dratbone's Base Building and Beyond

Post by dratbone »

06/15/2019 Base Building Day Two

30 Minute E - LSS Run
1.58 miles, avg HR 139

Accidentally spiked to ~170 for a moment going up a hill. Whoops. Legs felt really good, calves are a little tight afterwards so foam rolling tonight before bed.

I hate to admit that the run was rather enjoyable. Might row tomorrow, but as much as I actually enjoyed it, I may run.

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Re: Dratbone's Base Building and Beyond

Post by VenomousCoffee »

Welcome, dude

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Re: Dratbone's Base Building and Beyond

Post by dratbone »

VenomousCoffee wrote:Welcome, dude
Thank you VenomousCoffee!

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Re: Dratbone's Base Building and Beyond

Post by dratbone »

06/15/2019 Base Building Day Three

Pulled a muscle in my neck last night playing with the kiddo. Long night of icing and trying to sleep in a chair as a result. Taking it easy today and resting.

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Re: Dratbone's Base Building and Beyond

Post by Aiwacht »

dratbone wrote:06/15/2019 Base Building Day Three

Pulled a muscle in my neck last night playing with the kiddo. Long night of icing and trying to sleep in a chair as a result. Taking it easy today and resting.
I truly hate that kind of thing! Quick return to normalcy!

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Re: Dratbone's Base Building and Beyond

Post by dratbone »

Aiwacht wrote:
dratbone wrote:06/15/2019 Base Building Day Three

I truly hate that kind of thing! Quick return to normalcy!
Thank you Aiwacht! All back to normal today!

06/17/2019 Base Building Day Four

30 Minutes on the rower - 2 minutes on, then 10 kettlebell swings @ 32kg
Averaged around ~450 meters per 2 minutes, avg heart rate 133

06/18/2019 Rest Day
Travel day for work tomorrow, great timing since Mass Protocol was delivered tonight. Can't wait to get into it and read it. Hoping I'll be done with the first read tomorrow night!

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