Training around Groin Strain

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Training around Groin Strain

Post by Ginjadave »

Hi everyone,

I strained my Groin about 6 weeks ago and it’s still bad, I can’t do anything squat/lunge related and I can run either. I’ve been pretty sedatary because of this.

I’m going to run another base block starting tomorrow so I don’t have to try contend with heavy squats or deadlifts.
My base plan will be

Press up - KB swing (these strangely are fine for my grown)
TRX Row - BW Squat (this is the most I can manage at the moment and it’s still a bit sore )
KB shoulder press - Med ball slam

My main question however is this, I can’t run at all so will be using my mountain bike for the aerobic side. Is 30 minutes on a bike anywhere near the same as 30
Minutes running or do I need to do longer? I find if I try get my heart rate to my aerobic rate (135ish) on the bike I’m knackered very quickly where as I can run all day at 135, how long should I ride to equate 30
Mins running?

Thanks in advance

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Re: Training around Groin Strain

Post by Green2Blue »

You bet. All depends on the intensity. You should get a heart rate monitor for your E. It would help you track such things.

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Re: Training around Groin Strain

Post by godjira1 »

Groin strains suck. I have been nursing one for 4 months now and it is still not 100pct.

For biking if u do your running aerobic threshold your legs will burn (been there done that). You could try skipping as a different modality (eg 3-5min on, 1 min off).
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Re: Training around Groin Strain

Post by Ginjadave »

Thanks for the replies guys.

I use a heart rate monitor for all my E work, that’s how I know that if I get my heart rate into my aerobic zone which using the Maff method for me is 130-140 that my legs just die. Keeping 135 on a bike for me is way more intense than 135 running and I’m sure I’m not in an aerobic zone on the bike at that heart rate

I’ll try the interval approach that’s a great suggestion.

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