Integrating C25K with PPLE

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Integrating C25K with PPLE

Post by Coderedpl »

Hello all,

After much deliberation between following an LP, following the Las Vegas Metro PD program, or TB, i ended up purchasing, Tactical Barbell PPLE, and I'm starting it very soon, but I was wondering about one thing. I know everyone says "keep with the program, don't change a thing!!!" and I might potentially be shooting myself in the foot here but is it possible to somehow integrate the couch to 5k style running into PPLE? I'm talking strictly the running portion, not the other sprints and whatnot.

I was thinking maybe I could do what PPLE says, and either later in the day or something do the C25K, or do it instead of the 20-minute run or whatever it calls for. I almost feel like I already know the answer but figured it wouldn't hurt to ask anyway.

Edit: much to my disappointment looks like my starting date will be later than planned, having trouble doing 5 pullups which is the bare minimum. Not sure if it's just the day but I doubt it. Going to do zero block for a week which I think will def help me get there.

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Re: Integrating C25K with PPLE

Post by jzt »

I only own TB Conditioning and TB Strength, so not sure I can help you there.

If you can only do 5 pull ups I would worry about that a lot more than my running. What's your body-weight?

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Re: Integrating C25K with PPLE

Post by KayBee »

Have you looked at the Zero Block in the book ?

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Re: Integrating C25K with PPLE

Post by Coderedpl »

jzt wrote:I only own TB Conditioning and TB Strength, so not sure I can help you there.

If you can only do 5 pull ups I would worry about that a lot more than my running. What's your body-weight?
I'm hovering around 160 lbs @ 6'2"

Been doing various pull up exercises including negatives and inverted rows to try and get some strength in before starting out Part 1
KayBee wrote:Have you looked at the Zero Block in the book ?
Yep sure have, that's primarily what I've been doing, 20 min runs and pullups

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Re: Integrating C25K with PPLE

Post by jzt »

Coderedpl wrote:
jzt wrote:I only own TB Conditioning and TB Strength, so not sure I can help you there.

If you can only do 5 pull ups I would worry about that a lot more than my running. What's your body-weight?
I'm hovering around 160 lbs @ 6'2"

Been doing various pull up exercises including negatives and inverted rows to try and get some strength in before starting out Part 1
KayBee wrote:Have you looked at the Zero Block in the book ?
Yep sure have, that's primarily what I've been doing, 20 min runs and pullups
Having such a low BW usually helps people do more BW reps, but at your height, you have a much greater ROM and probably little muscles, which makes the movement hard for you. I would say youre doing the right thing right now with negatives and inverted rows. Keep doing what youre doing and itll come.

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Re: Integrating C25K with PPLE

Post by KayBee »

I've re-read your post. You could get away with it but it'd pay to monitor it and see how it affects your recovery . Even just try it for Block 1 and then assess where you are at in terms of overall feeling and how you have recovered.

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Re: Integrating C25K with PPLE

Post by claude512 »

Get those pullup numbers up first, don’t worry about the C5K program.
If you follow PPLE there is no need for the 5k program, PPLE will get you there in any case (especially if you are parient with the block zeros)

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