Unbesiegt Log- Boxing and Lifting

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Unbesiegt Log- Boxing and Lifting

Post by Unbesiegt »

Hello, I am a novice boxer (~3 months experience) starting to incorporate lifting into my training. I got into boxing first as a means of getting my weight under control, but I'm totally hooked now. My long term goal is to compete; in the meantime, I have quite a bit to learn about boxing and a significant amount of fat to lose. I do have some prior experience with barbell training though this will be my first attempt at using TB's protocols.

For strength training, I'll be using the fighter template with a front squat/overhead press/deadlift cluster. My boxing training will be overseen by coaches at my gym. Typically we do an hour of conditioning followed by an hour of heavy bag, mitts, double end bag, etc. I'll also be using the boxing training plans from Precision Striking as a supplement for days that I'm not able to go to the gym due to work (night shifts, etc).

Age: 33
Weight: 228.8 lbs (7/7/19)
Height: 6'1"
Neck circumference: 15"
Waist at navel: 38"
Body Fat: ~24%, by Navy method.

5-rep maxes tested today (7/7/19)
FSQ: 135#
OHP: 95#
Deadlift: 250#

Monday - Boxing
Tuesday - FSQ 3x5, OHP 3x5, DL 1x5
Wednesday - Boxing
Thursday - Boxing
Friday - Boxing
Saturday - FSQ 3x5, OHP 3x5, DL 1x5
Sunday - Rest


I will be using the Renaissance Periodization (RP) app, fat loss/aggressive. I plan to cut weight using this for about 12 weeks (end 09/30/19)

Macros to start will be around 220 gm protein, 65 gm fat, 125 gm carbs on training days. I'll adjust this with the app's guidance should I find myself overly fatigued.

Thanks for reading. Any and all comments appreciated.

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Re: Unbesiegt Log- Boxing and Lifting

Post by VenomousCoffee »


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Re: Unbesiegt Log- Boxing and Lifting

Post by Barkadion »

Welcome mate and good luck!
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Post by Unbesiegt »

Boxing today. Conditioning was tough, plyometrics for about half an hour followed by endless squats and flutter kicks for another 20 minutes or so. DOMS from yesterday got in the way but I was still able to put in work. Good mitt session with coach, significant improvement in stamina and punch quality noted by him. Adherent with all meals/macros.

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Re: Unbesiegt Log- Boxing and Lifting

Post by Unbesiegt »

And thanks for the welcome!

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Post by Unbesiegt »

Rest, lifting will start Saturday. Insane DOMS! Adherent with all meals/macros.

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Post by Unbesiegt »

Boxing training. Drilling on body shots and defence in the ring. 3 minutes feels like a long, long time when you're working hard.

Edit: Adherent with all macros/meals.

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