Dowdela's Log

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Dowdela's Log

Post by Dowdela »

Howdy Y'all,
I bought the Tactical Barbell books about 1 year ago. I remember looking at the first book thinking " There is no way this is better than 531. Its slower progression. I want to be stronger faster." Then I looked at book 2 and said " There is no way I would ever do that much cardio."

I then continued to do different 531 templates. For the last couple of years I have rotated between GZCLP, GZCL templates, and 531. When I started naturally the bar was heavy. Of course I never ran 531 correctly either as I completely neglected the conditioning side of it. Part of the problem with 531 conditioning is Jim's advice... isn't very clear. " Go for a jog/ Jog 2 miles a day. Push the prowler." etc. This didn't help me as... I could not complete 1 mile let alone 2 miles. Prowler work felt like hell since I didn't even have a base of aerobic conditioning. This was highly demotivating and led me to neglecting it.

I recently started reading the book "Spark" by John J. Ratey. This sparked (Hehe) my want to fix and contribute to my aerobic health.

So here I am. in the middle of my fist week of a modified base building block. I went with Strength first since I don't really want to give up lifting even if it is only for 5 weeks.

Base building with Fighter Bangkok.

Starting stats: F/28/5'4"/150lbs with a little pudge to lose.
Civilian Recreational wannabe athlete.

My cluster and TM's are:
Squat- TM 130 lbs- 1 rep max 155 lbs
Bench- TM 100 lbs- 1 rep max 115 lbs
WCU (4 rep max)/DL TM 205 lbs- 1 rep max 255 lbs

SE cluster:
KB Squat
Push up
KB swing
Inverted Rows
Ab/Core work

For WCU I am running the russian fighter program since I can only do 3 or 4 currently.
For DL I am choosing to do 1 top set per session at a triple.
I will always start my lifting sessions with 10 mins LSS and usually end them with another 10 mins LSS.
Since I have never done SE training I am doing Alpha at 3x10 and then adding 5 reps each week until I am up to 3x50.
I am running this for 9 weeks rather than 8 and not doing a final 3-4 week SE only block. I will just stick with Bangkok through the whole thing until I finish.

Schedule is as follows:
Sunday- Fighter
Monday- LSS - HIC starting Week 7
Wednesday- LSS- HIC starting week 4
Thursday- Fighter
Friday- Rest
Saturday- Long LSS

I am going to list my first days logs below and then keep up on the log after that.

7/14 150 lbs
Squat 3x5 100 lbs
Bench 3x5 65 lbs
DL 1x3 150 lbs
Pull ups 3,2,1,1

7/15 150 lbs
30 mins LSS 5 incline 3 speed treadmill (it's too hot to run outside)
Pull ups 3,2,2,1

7/16 148.8 lbs
KB Squat 4x10 25lbs
Push up 4x10
KB Swings 4x10 25lbs
Inverted Rows 4x10
Bicycles 4x40 (20 each leg)
No rest between exercise and 2 mins rest after each circuit. Labeled as 0:2 min going forward.

7/17 149 lbs
30 mins LSS incline 3 speed treadmill
Pull ups 3,3,2,1

7/18 148 lbs
Squat 4x5 100 lbs
Bench 4x5 65 lbs
DL 1x3 150 lbs
Pull ups 4,3,2,2,2

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Re: Dowdela's Log

Post by Dowdela »

7/19 Today is my rest day. Extra sleep and a long soak in the tub before my first attempt at a longer jog tomorrow. 35-120 mins.
Last edited by Dowdela on Fri Jul 19, 2019 10:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dowdela's Log

Post by VenomousCoffee »


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Re: Dowdela's Log

Post by Barkadion »

Good luck!
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Dowdela's Log

Post by Dowdela »

7/20 149.2 Thanks for the welcome guys!

60 mins 6% incline 3.5 speed
Stopped every 10 mins to do chin ups.
4,3,3,2,2,2 one more than yesterday but .. not where I wanted it. I will take it.

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Re: Dowdela's Log

Post by Dowdela »

7/21 149.6 week 2 BB
Squat 5x5 105
Chin ups 4,4,3,3,2,2
Deadlift 1x3 165
Bench press 5x5 80

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Re: Dowdela's Log

Post by Dowdela »

7/22 150.6

E-50 mins tried stairs first. Nope apparently i have knee problems. Tried rows... Nope knee problems still there. Hopped on treadmill at 6% incline. No problems. Even jogged twice for a good 5 mins straight each time. No knee problems

Tried pull ups. Must be tired only got 4,3,2. Gave up there and did some inverted rows instead.
Last edited by Dowdela on Tue Jul 23, 2019 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dowdela's Log

Post by Dowdela »

7/23 149.4

Knee problems. Pain at every bend. Bah! I don't think I will be doing SE today.

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Re: Dowdela's Log

Post by Dowdela »

Ok... so...Likely… no training the rest of the week.

I have a wedding I am attending this Saturday. Friday we take the 8 hour drive there. Saturday wedding day. Sunday drive back.

Heres to hopping my knee is better by Monday. I guess I was increasing cardio a little too fast for my body. Pretty sure it’s just an over use injury. Tendonitis of some sort. Runners knee for the IT band area. Outer knee hurts not knee cap or under cap or front or inner.

Was 1 week in and starting week 2...

Thoughts... When knee no longer hurts... Restart basebuilding on week 1. Suck it up and Do standard rather than strength first... The question is... Do I do the pre-basebuilding that I think... Grouchy laid out? Since my legs seem to dislike this new addition of cardio.

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Re: Dowdela's Log

Post by godjira1 »

Are your knees hurting from the treadmill inclines? Sorry i don’t quite get the speed - is it in mph?

If you do not have a base in running, i recommend running really really slowly (like you could sing a song while doing it) or walking inclines only (same, able to join the choir).

But first, enjoy the week off!
It ain't what you don’t know that gets you into trouble.
It's what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

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