Eating Rocks

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Re: Eating Rocks

Post by 03rockeater »

Haven't posted in a while but I have been staying on track with BB. This week I did have one day where I woke up, felt some soreness in my back, and decided to take the day off instead of doing my LSS run. I felt guilty for the rest of the day and didn't eat as clean as I should have (or eat clean the day prior), but I'm actually glad I took the day off instead of being an idiot and pushing myself with a back injury (those days for me are over).

I'm feeling great with BB and will start week 5 next week. I'm already itching to start strength training but know that week 5 is an important one.

Believe it or not, my endurance is probably as good as it has been since I left the Marine Corps. I feel like my anaerobic conditioning isn't that great though....but I'll be working on that come week 6.

Don't think I would make any changes to my SE cluster except for the following:

Instead or BB row, I'd do it on a bench to prevent lower back pain (actually, I don't think there would be an issue doing this starting tomorrow when I complete my 1x50 circuit). Standing BB row with my weak back isn't helping any, especially after KB swings.

Also, instead of only 5 exercises in my cluster, I'd add a 6th one of some sort. Next time I do BB I will keep this in mind.

The only other thing I wish I had done is check my resting HR before BB so I could compare it with my resting HR after BB. Oh well. Next time I'll do it.

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Re: Eating Rocks

Post by 03rockeater »

Week 4 Day 4 of BB

Started to do KB swings (first exercise of my cluster) and after the 8th rep started to feel some pain in my mid back. Decided to put the training session on hold until this evening if things feel better. Really don't like the idea of missing another day. Now that I'm feeling some back pain again, I now remember why I stopped weight training when I left the military....

Not sure if this had to do with bad form or because I started some swings early in the AM after waking up.

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Re: Eating Rocks

Post by 03rockeater »

My strained back was feeling good enough this morning to train. Actually, I was going to take the day off but after a cup of coffee I decided against it.

I started by actually warming up my back with some band pull aparts and lightweight KB swings (KB swings are my first SE exercise). I made sure my form was on point before going to the heavy weight. I think I identified what I did wrong last time which caused a strained back (lifting the KB too high with my arms and "chasing it"). Finished my circuit in pretty good time and finished with some more band pull aparts. I'd like to start doing these daily in order to improve my posture and hopefully fix my rounded shoulders (which for some reason aren't as rounded as they used to be).

Now that I'm close to the strength portion of BB and TB, I'm looking forward to my first block.

I'm probably going to go with the standard:

Bench Press
Weighted Pull Ups

*Still deciding if I want to DL for 1 set every strength day or just do 3 sets of my day 3. I will also incorporate some light dumbell rows or inverted bodyweight rows as one add on exercise to help improve my back strength, fix my posture, and hopefully make my back less injury prone. I'm sick and tired of dealing with back injuries and need to do something about it. Plank and shanks, deadlifts, and some very lightweight "grease the groove" type rows will hopefully fix me once and for all.

Not sure if anybody sees this but if you do, feel free to share any advice you may have on my cluster or idea of adding some light rows to my cluster.

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Re: Eating Rocks

Post by godjira1 »

Just my personal experience and YMMV: i had lower back issues for YEARS. I fixed it about 6 years back by going for 3 months of pilates classes. It was weird but after approx 11-12 sessions my posture improved and my lower back pain went away and never came back.

I still incorporate some pilates exercises into my warmups/cooldowns but I don’t do dedicated classes anymore as time passes sooo slloooowly in them.
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Re: Eating Rocks

Post by 03rockeater »

Week 4 Day 6

LSS run for 1 hour 6 minutes. Wanted to push myself longer but right when I started I knew I'd be gassed at 1 hour. Not sure what the deal way, maybe since I had that small back sprain and had a few days off my cardio somehow diminished?

Looking forward to week 5 and then back to lifting weights. Will use fighter while finishing up weeks 6-8 of base.

I completely forgot to test my 1 rep max before base (although I had a period of 3 weeks where I did get back into lifting so I have an ideo of where my 1 rep max could be). Debating between retesting immediately after base or just jumping right into it using my guesstimated numbers.

godjira1 wrote:Just my personal experience and YMMV: i had lower back issues for YEARS. I fixed it about 6 years back by going for 3 months of pilates classes. It was weird but after approx 11-12 sessions my posture improved and my lower back pain went away and never came back.

I still incorporate some pilates exercises into my warmups/cooldowns but I don’t do dedicated classes anymore as time passes sooo slloooowly in them.
I've had a lot of people tell me how beneficial pilates and yoga can be. I should have taken this advice when I had the opportunity. I'm not stationed in a somewhat isolated area and even if pilates/yoga was offered, I wouldn't be able to make it work right now with my schedule.

I will consider finding some basic video on youtube that could maybe serve as mobility work for me. Would love ti improve posture and get rid of lower back pain. Thanks for reading and giving me the suggestion!

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Re: Eating Rocks

Post by 03rockeater »

Week 5 Day 1

3x50 was somewhat of an ass kicker but not that bad. Next time around for BB I'll add a 6th exercise. Also, I'll swap out for BB row with something like DB row on an incline bench. I feel like with the higher reps my technique gets sloppy and I'm more likely to hurt my lower back.

Week 5 Day 2

LSS 45 minutes

I've been trying to do the max suggested amount for my LSS run but today was purely a recovery run. Average BPM was somewhere around 130. Didn't want to do the run because I was sore but glad I pushed through and did it anyway.

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Re: Eating Rocks

Post by 03rockeater »

Week 5


Week 6 Day 1 (MS with Fighter)

Completed 4 sets and all 5 reps for my cluster of BO, Squat, and WPU (just bodyweight now at 75% of my max).

I did feel a slight pain in my left knee while squatting. Not bad enough to stop me or make me feel like I was in trouble...but enough for me to notice

Finished with plank and shank. I only did 30 seconds for two sets. Yes, could have gone longer but I have a pretty weak lower back and want to play it safe while rebuilding my strength. No need to push myself and hurt myself.

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Re: Eating Rocks

Post by 03rockeater »

Week 6 Day 2 (of BB)

Started to do Connaught 10 to 1's and after 10 burpees and a sprint decided that the easy version 5 to 1's was a better idea. Took me about 6 minutes 30 seconds. I really want to get better at these and was glad nobody was around to see me struggling. I don't have access to a track so it has been really hard for me to measure the distance (for this had to buy a 100' tape measure and measure out ~328 feet). Not sure what I'll do for the other HIC workouts. Would really like to do 600 meter resets but that will be hard to measure. Maybe Google earth?

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Re: Eating Rocks

Post by godjira1 »

it doesn't have to be exact with the distances for intervals. Somewhere near your place approximately that distance should do the trick.

There is a little trick that most people who have been thru orienteering (map navigation, or its equivalents) use. You should know the number of steps you take to cover 100m (or 100y) if you prefer. I know it takes me 66 steps to cover 100m (used to be 65 when I was younger) so I guess things change... so i can usually work off that.
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Re: Eating Rocks

Post by Barkadion »

I just use google maps to get the distance down and then I would try to make some mental marks on the roads. Like "this turn", or "that light". It is not precise, but it can be very close to what I need.

Another option is to transfer distance into timing which can be good as well. Here is what I did for Anaerobic Capacity: 400m sprint ~ 90s, and the 800m recovery run ~ around 4 mins. It can be done.

Good luck.
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