Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today’s training


60 sec farmers carry 10kg
Squat jump x 10
Super man x 10

800m barbell carry
First 300m 40 kg
Last 500m 20kg barbell only

Box jump test 60 secs
21 reps

Zercher walk 10x10
20kg barbell

7 min AMRAP
Clean 40kg x 2
Skipping x 75
6 rounds

60 secs x 5 rounds

Calf smash

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today’s training

2 rounds
2 min rowing
Pushups x20
Broad jump x10
Spider man walk x10

3 rounds superset/3 min rest between rounds

Med ball chest press x30 6kg
Push press x10 20kg

3 rounds
Jump lunge x10
Depth drop x10

Foam roll stretch upper body

Posts: 1977
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:23 am

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Tuesday’s training


5 rounds
30sec/90sec row
5 min rest

X 3 total rounds
15 sets total

Posts: 1977
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:23 am

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Wednesday training


Max test day (doubles)

Front squat x2 90kg

Rack deadlift x2 140kg

Overhead press x2 60kg

Cooldown walk

Stretch and foam roll

Posts: 1977
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:23 am

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Yesterday’s training

Bjj midday gi

Worked on timed rounds.
Competition guard and competition pass rounds.

1x5 min round

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

I haven’t been the greatest with keeping my log here lately. I have still been training but storing my sessions in the workout app from the programming.

I have definitely been missing the simplicity of The TB system. I am in a deload week at the moment, but will assess after some testing what the future plans are.

I’ll try and get back on top of my lagging again.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today’s training deload week

Warmup 3 rounds
1 min bike
Half kneeling press x10
PVC pass throughx10
Push-up x10

Hang power clean 8x3 40kg
OHP 3x10 30kg
RDL3x10 40kg

X1.5 rounds

Last and lower back foam roll

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Yesterday training

Bjj no gi evening

Worked on rounds of a game/b game guards, passes and sweeps.

Rolling in groups of 3 to finish up

Posts: 1977
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:23 am

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today’s training

Recover walk with the little fella in his new baby carrier hiking pack

Posts: 1977
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:23 am

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

I am back on the TB Wagon after a couple months away to mix things up for a while. I like to change things up occasionally and follow other programming.

I am glad to be back doing TB as I think it is one of the best all round systems for recreational and tactical athletes.

I will just be looking at building my lifts up again slowly, increasing my conditioning and making it to BJJ as much as possible. I am nursing a plantar fascia injury so base building is off the cards for a little, but I did do a solid 3-4 months of LSS running with no HIC at this time last year.

I will try and mix in some E via regular walking and loaded walking with my son in a carrier plus a weight vest. I will probably be using a rower for most of my HIC training to get some longer intervals in also.

I will be using Op I/A and Black, plus as much BJJ as the body can take. I did a conservative retest today after being couch bound for the last week from a stomach bug. Seems a good way to start conservatively and make sure conditioning stays in the mix. I'll create another post with my test day results soon once I do the maths.

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