Nick's Log

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Re: Nick's Log

Post by Nick »

Unit Morale Run this morning, 3 miles exactly, about 28:00 min.

Felt good, felt easy.
The wind calls your name; get out of your bed.

Posts: 256
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Re: Nick's Log

Post by Nick »

Ran 3 miles in my neighborhood. 27:28. Felt good.

Bought a new squat rack yesterday. Very excited. Not sure what to do with my old DIY squat stands I've been using since 2010.

I'm toying with the idea of putting them outside as the start of some kind of Richard Marcinko Rogue Manor outdoor prison weight pile.
The wind calls your name; get out of your bed.

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Re: Nick's Log

Post by Nick »

Zulu 6.3

Today went poorly, missed a bunch of lifts.

It's been about a week since I last lifted, due to various work and family stuff. First day back in my garage gym in a couple months; working out in air-conditioned gyms is making me soft!

WPU, BW +45lbs => sets were 2, 2, 2, 2, 1

OHP, was supposed to do 160lbs, couldn't get it. Dropped to 145lbs=> sets were 2, 3, 3, 3, 2

Dead, 345lbs, sets of 1, 2, 1, 1, 1

Did three sets of abs between exercises, 12 ab wheel rollouts, 1 min of planks.
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Re: Nick's Log

Post by Nick »

Ran 3 miles, 26:28. Felt good, felt "comfortably fast".
The wind calls your name; get out of your bed.

Posts: 256
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Re: Nick's Log

Post by Nick »

Crazy last couple of days with work and family.

Friday: finished out my Zulu Cycle. Only got 1 rep on my last set (of 5 sets) for WPU (Bw + 45lbs) and bench (240lbs). Squat (5 sets x 2 reps for 270lbs) felt great.

Saturday-Monday: no workouts, resting up for the APFT

Yesterday: APFT
Pushups: 67
Situps: 64
2 mile: 15:45

Not really happy with my run time, going to work on that during this next block. I'm not happy with the pu/su either, I just know I can fix those easier with some tweaks to my lifting plan.

Today: 3 miles, 27:47, easy pace

Looking forward to starting my next block of zulu.
The wind calls your name; get out of your bed.

Posts: 256
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Re: Nick's Log

Post by Nick »

Yesterday at lunch, started the new Zulu block.

Zulu 1.1

Chin ups (BW) 5x5
Squat (210) 5x5
Bench (185) 5x5

3x sets abs, 15 decline situps, 1 min planks

This morning, 3 mile run 28:18 (feeling a little beat up)
The wind calls your name; get out of your bed.

Posts: 256
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Re: Nick's Log

Post by Nick »

Zulu 1.2

Lunchtime lift

Chins (bw) 5x5
Ohp (115lbs) 5x5
Deads (265lbs) 5x5

1x set of abs, 15 reps deline situps, 1 min plank

Feeling kind of tired.

Maxes for this cycle:
Ohp: 160lbs
Bench: 260lbs
Squat: 300lbs
Dead: 375lbs
Wpu: 290 (including 225 bw)
The wind calls your name; get out of your bed.

Posts: 256
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Re: Nick's Log

Post by Nick »

Early morning run. 3 miles, 28:00
The wind calls your name; get out of your bed.

Posts: 256
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Re: Nick's Log

Post by Nick »


Zulu 1.3
Lunchtime lift. Forgot my gym shorts, had to lift in "boots and utes", as our Marine friends would say.

Chins, BW 5x5
Squat, 210lbs, 5x5
Bench, 185lbs, 5x5

Skipped abs.


Ran 4 miles, 38:24. Felt pretty good.
The wind calls your name; get out of your bed.

Posts: 256
Joined: Wed Oct 26, 2016 3:18 am

Re: Nick's Log

Post by Nick »

Yesterday morning:

Ran 3 miles, 28.04 min

Work has been getting crazier and I can't count on that lunchtime lifting session anymore. I missed several lifting sessions this last week. So, instead of cardio in the morning and lunchtime lifting, I'm going to have to alternate cardio-lifting in the am. This also means, assuming I do 3 days of cardio (2× HIC, 1x LSS), I will need yo double up one day of cardio and lifting, probably on Saturday. Ugh.
The wind calls your name; get out of your bed.

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