mikhou's training log

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

2 days ago
Deload sets with SQ and DL
After 3 weeks of GTG push-ups, I tested today and went from 52 to 70. I probably could have banged out a few more on the first day of 52, but still a significant increase.

Yesterday - Rest day

Jump rope / burpee workout
AMRAP in 20 minutes
10 to 1 burpees / 70 jumps in between
Start over at the beginning if time remains.
I got in 104 burpees.

Posts: 1088
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:21 am

Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

BP - 5x5 @ 67.2 kg
SQ - 4x5 @ 94.4 kg
WPU - 4x5 @ 68.6 kg
DL - 1x5 @ 117.2 kg

Core circuit - Inchworm x 5, Ab roller x 5, Hanging leg raise x 6, RKC plank - 10 seconds on / 15 seconds off x 5
Last edited by mikhou on Fri Oct 18, 2019 5:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 1088
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:21 am

Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - 60 minute E run

Today - Rest day

Posts: 1088
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:21 am

Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Indoor Power Intervals (run outside) - I just like the idea sometimes of running to a timer as opposed to a distance.

Posts: 1088
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:21 am

Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

BP - 5x5 @ 67.2 kg
SQ - 4x5 @ 94.4 kg
WPU - 4x5 @ 68.6 kg
DL - 1x5 @ 119.4 kg
Core circuit - Inchworm x 5, Ab roller x 5, Hanging leg raise x 6, RKC plank - 10 seconds on / 15 seconds off x 5

Posts: 1088
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:21 am

Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Jump rope / burpee workout
AMRAP in 20 minutes
10 to 1 burpees / 80 jumps in between
Start over at the beginning if time remains.
I got in 95 burpees.

Posts: 1088
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:21 am

Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - Rest day

Today - 60 minute E run

This is the end of a BB phase for me. I'll take the next 6 days easy with a couple of easy 30 minute runs and a deload lifting session. Then it's back to it.

Posts: 1088
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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

2 days ago - Rest day

Yesterday - 30 minute E run

BP - 5-rep deload sets at 40/50/60%
SQ - 5-rep deload sets at 40/50/60%
DL - 5-rep deload set at 60%

Posts: 1088
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:21 am

Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - Rest

Today - 30 minute E-run

Posts: 1088
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:21 am

Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - Rest day

BP - 6x5 @ 63 kg
SQ - 5x5 @ 89.4 kg
WPU - 5x5 @ 65 kg
DL - 1x5 @ 122.2 kg
Core circuit - Inchworm x 5, Ab roller x 5, Hanging leg raise x 6, RKC plank - 10 seconds on / 15 seconds off x 5

Starting a new cycle, and starting with a very light training max. Looking forward to getting back to it after hitting BB for 8 weeks and then an easy week. The last time that I tested (prior to BB), the only exercise that didn't move up was BP so I am adding an extra set to all BP and OHP sets to try to help it move.

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