mikhou's training log

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - Rest day

Today - 60 minute E run

Posts: 1088
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:21 am

Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

OHP - 4x5 @ 46 kg
Squat - 4x5 @ 95 kg
WPU - 4x5 @ 69.3 kg
DL - 1x5 @ 104.4 kg
Core circuit - Inchworm x 5, Ab roller x 5, Hanging leg raise x 6, RKC plank - 10 seconds on / 15 seconds off x 5

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

HIC #7. Black on Oxygen

Posts: 1088
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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - Rest day

OHP - 4x5 @ 48.2 kg
SQ - 4x5 @ 101 kg
WPU - 4x5 @ 73.6 kg
DL - 1x5 @ 111 kg
Farmer's walk - 3x50 yards @ 16.5 kg

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

60 minute E run

Posts: 1088
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:21 am

Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

OHP - 5x4 @ 48.2 kg
SQ - 4x5 @ 101 kg
WPU - 4x5 @ 73.6 kg
DL - 1x5 @ 111 kg
Core circuit - Inchworm x 5, Ab roller x 5, Hanging leg raise x 6, RKC plank - 10 seconds on / 15 seconds off x 5

I backed off of OHP a little bit from last session. After my last cycle using OHP, I tested for a new PR. Then I took 8 weeks off of OHP for BB (using BP as my primary press). Then when I started this cycle I used my last PR - not a good idea. I was struggling with the weight. So while my plan was to do 4 sets of 5 today, I changed it up to do 5 sets of 4 - still getting in the volume but not having to push so hard on each set. This is my last week of this 3-week Op I/A cycle so during my easy week, I'm going to take a few days, retest, and then set a more reasonable TM.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

So yesterday was supposed to be a day off, but I ended up playing 1.5 hours of volleyball. Therefore, I took today off of sprinting.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

So I was supposed to get in a HIC today, but yesterday after work I played Capture the Flag and Ultimate Frisbee with my boys and their friends. My right knee needs a day off. All this play is fun, but I'm at the age where if I'm going to GO, I'd better GIVE somewhere else. :-)

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - Rest day

OHP - 5x3 @ 51 kg
SQ - 4x4 @ 107.2 kg
WPU - 4x4 @ 78 kg
DL - 1x4 @ 118.2 kg
Bear Hug Carry - 3 rounds with 21 kg

Posts: 1088
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:21 am

Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - Rest day

Today - 60 minute E run

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