Snow’s Log

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Snow’s Log

Post by LCSnow »

I’ve read TB 2 and TB 3rd edition. I’m a new runner and I’m addicted and signed up to run a 5k in Feb and a Spartan Sprint in April. I’ve mainly been doing yoga and messing around with kettlebells every now and then until recently. The plan is to start base building with Alpha and the recommended SE Cluster of KB Swings, Pushups, Goblets, Inverted Rows, and KB Romanian Deads. Then continue with Green Fighter Bangkok with my Strength cluster of Front Squat, OHP, Pullups, and deads. Also do one SE or HIC. I’m starting this Monday and will keep updated and share results from the training.

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Re: Snow’s Log

Post by Barkadion »

Welcome and good luck!
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Joined: Thu Nov 07, 2019 3:35 am

Re: Snow’s Log

Post by LCSnow »

Thank you

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