3-4 days template.

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3-4 days template.

Post by Paciek »


I did base building and two blocks of Operator I/A Pro. I work as LEO and I am pistol shooter. I was working out 5 times a week and practicing shooting about 3-4 Times a week. Now because of family commitments I can't work out so often and I am looking for 3-4 days template. I was thinking about Operator/Zulu + Black Professional because I am also mountaineering recreational so I need some E workouts. Because of that I can train only 3-4 Times a week I have to do my conditioning workouts after strength training. I am considering 3 options:

Option 1 - Operator + Black Pro
MON: 3 sets of SQ/BP/WPU + E
WEN: 3 sets of SQ/BP/WPU + HIC
FRI: 3 sets of SQ/BP/DL + HIC

Option 2 - Zulu + Black Pro
MON: 5 sets of BP + E
TUE: 5 sets of SQ/OHP + HIC
THU: 5 sets of BP/3 sets of DL + Pull ups ladder
FRI: 5 sets of SQ/OHP + HIC

Option 3 - Zulu + Black Pro
MON: 5 sets of BP + E
TUE: 5 sets of SQ/WPU + HIC
THU: 5 sets of BP/ 3 sets of DL + HIC
FRI: 5 sets of SQ/WPU + HIC

Which option do you think would be the best choice?

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Re: 3-4 days template.

Post by mikhou »

Out of those 2 options, I'd go with 1 or 3, but...

if you're limited on time, why not consider Fighter and then you've got more options to get your conditioning work in?

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Re: 3-4 days template.

Post by Paciek »

I was considering Fighter but I don't know how to plan workouts during a week. Any ideas?

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Re: 3-4 days template.

Post by VenomousCoffee »

If you want to run Fighter and you have some time to spend when you are working out, I might run:

1 MS + E
3 Off
4 MS + E
6 Off
7 Off

1 MS
2 HIC + E
3 Off
4 MS
5 HIC + E
6 Off
7 Off

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Re: 3-4 days template.

Post by Maxrip13 »

I use fighter and do my strength training before my bjj training sessions. Forces me to use technique when I roll. If I lift on a different day to bjj I will usually do an LSS run or similar after.

I used to do shorter more regular training daily but now I find it easier to get all my training done in the smallest amount of days possible. 2-3 strength, 2-3 bjj and an LSS run where I can is a decent enough workload. I usually get this done over 3 -4 days. I try and do short yoga for bjj sessions and walks when I have the extra time on the other days.

I am LEO and have a little one. It’s not perfect, but better than what most people do in the gym.

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