How do I get started if out of shape and looking to apply to the police?

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How do I get started if out of shape and looking to apply to the police?

Post by tdra15 »

Hey guys

I've purchased TB and TBII years ago and fell off the fitness wagon for a while (about 12-16 months) and have gotten out of shape. I'm looking to apply to the police in the future and was wondering what would be the best approach to take?

Here's my info:
31 years old, male
5'10" 195lbs, about +20lbs overweight
Goal is to lose fat, gain muscle/strength and improve fitness to apply to the police.
I have TBI and II and was thinking of purchasing the Mass Protocol(when would that be appropriate by the way?)

Lift numbers and SE/Bodyweight numbers
Bench was about 135lbs
Squat about 155lbs
Deadlift about 165lbs
Pull ups with bodyweight, about 8.
Run times I don't know but I seriously doubt that I could run 3-4kms now.
Not following any diet protocols, don't even know where to start.

Any input or advice as to which programs to follow, which order to follow them etc. would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: How do I get started if out of shape and looking to apply to the police?

Post by Maxrip13 »

I would say you are in the perfect spot to start with a basebuild. I would start with everything as written in the book and reassess from there. It’s meant to feel easy but the final weeks will sneak up on you fast.

When you progress to lifting weights start extremely light and build slowly.

Any form of training is great for law enforcement. Half of the population do nothing post academy life.

Mass is for after you have the basics covered and require some extra muscle. It doesn’t sound like the book for you currently.

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Re: How do I get started if out of shape and looking to apply to the police?

Post by godjira1 »

Basebuilding (BB for short) is your thing for now. In theory it should be black type protocol after that but really I would try to finish the BB program first. I am gonna venture that if you do that with intelligent nutrition you are 90pct of the way there.
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It's what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

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Re: How do I get started if out of shape and looking to apply to the police?

Post by Tym87 »

When you do your base building, make sure it is mostly running and add all of your tested exercises to your strength endurance cluster (pushups, situps, etc). You'll be fine after a couple months of consistency.

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Re: How do I get started if out of shape and looking to apply to the police?

Post by Adski »

Base building as per the book. For your LSS work, it could be worth mixing in a non impact option at least once per week, particularly if you’ve been away from training for a while. Spin bike or swimming, just as an example. Tripled as per the book could also be an option, 10 min row, 10 min spin bike, 10 min shadow box etc.

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Re: How do I get started if out of shape and looking to apply to the police?

Post by jzt »

We all start somewhere and I think you're on the right track just by being here.

I suggest the standard Base Building for 8 weeks and then something like fighter (2x strength) with 2x SE for 2 blocks of 6 weeks. That's 20 weeks total. At that point you should have a very solid grasp on the concept and a decent base to build upon.

In regards to your current strength levels, make sure you do the pull ups right (near full extension and the chest to the bar). I find it odd that you're at 8 (which, if done with good form, is decent) while all the barbell lifts are extremely low. It's better to start off with less, but with the right form, than to cheat yourself and have to backtrack after.

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