Green2Blue TB Log

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by nickgoldma »

Green2Blue wrote:
nickgoldma wrote:Nice job on the one mile speed test. Looks good.
Thanks man. Gotta get it under 6 minutes!
That is huge man. Good for you. Idk if I have seen that before!
Get after it!

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by nickgoldma »

Green2Blue wrote:10/0416
Conditioning (Black)
Block 4
Week 5
Day 2

HIC: Hill Sprints
Reps: x3
Time: ~13 minutes
Average RPE: 10 (I'm pretty sure I died)

-STORY TIME! So I recently decided to switch from Green to Black mid block. Today was my first day of Black. My HRM and watch hadn't yet arrived for my intervals or tempo run do I decided to do hill sprints. There's a GREAT hill for it near my work place. Nice long steep hill with a wide sidewalk, it's perfect. I've been itching to get at it.

So after work today I head out, just jog to the hill as a warmup. I don't know if the distance I ran up the hill was longer than described in TB2, if I ran too fast, or if I'm just a wimp, but this killed me. I intended to run it 5 times because I didn't want to push too hard just starting out, and it's week 5 of Operator which is hard enough. But after the first run up this hill I had my doubts if I could even hit 5. After my second I knew for a fact I couldn't. Walking down I saw a combine (tractor) heading my way. I walked down and got in position to race it up the hill. As it got close I made eye contact with the driver - and we were off! I managed to pull off a clean victory.

I waved at the driver and headed back down the hill. After a few steps my legs just stopped working. I sat down on the sidewalk before I fell. I lay there for a few minutes completely exhausted, like I've never felt before. Things weren't getting any better and I couldn't stand up, so I texted my buddy who swung by and picked me up in a patrol car. It was a short ride. As soon as he dropped me off at the office my stomach decided it was time to empty itself. I've NEVER thrown up from exercise before, and I've pushed myself pretty hard. I sat down and put my head on a table, barely able to move. I called my wife and told her I was in no shape to drive so it'd be a while before I made it home. She told me she was going to pick me up and I was in no position to argue. I pretty much passed out on the table until she arrived.

It took me about an hour to recover. I'm a moderately fit guy, but WOW are hill sprints an ass kicker!!!
Glad you're alright. That is a good story though. I am curious as to how big/long of a stretch that hill is?
Get after it!

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

nickgoldma wrote:
Green2Blue wrote:
nickgoldma wrote:Nice job on the one mile speed test. Looks good.
Thanks man. Gotta get it under 6 minutes!
That is huge man. Good for you. Idk if I have seen that before!
Oh there are plenty of people that can do a 6 minute mile, but thank you. On this forum alone I'm sure there are multiple people. I know KS90 can. In the Marines a perfect 3 mile run is 18 minutes, and it's not uncommon at all.

No idea how long that hill was. Somewhere between 200 and 400 meters I imagine.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Strength (Operator)
Block 4
Week 5
Day 3

Primary Lifts (85% Training Max)

SQ 3x5@385 lbs
BP 4x5@200 lbs
WPU 3x5@85 lbs

Accessory Lifts

Facepulls 3x8-12
Hanging Leg Raises 3x8-12

Concentration Curls 3x8-12
Skullcrushers 3x8-12

-I was pretty worried about the squats after yesterday's events, but everything worked out fine.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Conditioning (Black)
Block 4
Week 5
Day 4

HIC: Tempo Run

Tempo Speed: 3 mins at 90% HR
Recovery Speed: 1 min at 70% HR

Warmup and cool down: 10-15 mins at 70% HR

Total distance*: 3.92 miles
Total time*: 38:42
*Irrelevant info

-First tempo run using a HRM. Big thanks to KS90 for the recommendation. I really enjoyed it and can already tell it will lead to results.
-Using the following program I found online to build up to a 20+ minute tempo run: "Week 1: 5 x 3 minutes at tempo pace, 60-second easy jog in between each one (if you have to walk during the recovery, you're going too hard).Week 2: 5 x 4 minutes at tempo pace, 60-second easy jog recovery. Week 3: 4 x 5 minutes at tempo pace, 90-second easy jog recovery. Week 4: 20 minutes steady tempo pace". I may change it up a little since it takes some major leaps, but we'll see how it goes.
-This was my first time ever running with a HRM. Turns out, just like everyone said, I was running too fast for my LSS. It's amazing how painfully slow even 70% HR is. Also, I feel like there needs to be some kind of bra-like strap system on the HRM for those of us with bigger lats lol. It felt like the thing was going to fall off the whole run.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Outstanding, buddy.

The HRM gives valuable insight into your training, that's for sure. A common error i have seen with clients in general is that they 'Train too easy on their hard days, and too hard on their easy days'....and this is where a HRM can help greatly...with the recovery or aerobic type work, or where a specific HR is required ie. training at 90%

And from the Hill Sprints story, I am going to go with......That was Very F'in hard work in that session..... :lol:

Nice one G2B
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Strength (Operator)
Block 4
Week 5
Day 5

Primary Lifts (85% Training Max)

SQ 3x5@385 lbs
BP 5x5@200 lbs
DL 3x5@405 lbs

Accessory Lifts

Lateral Raises 3x8-12
Trunk Rotations 3x8-12

Preacher Curls 3x8-12
Tricep Pressdowns 3x8-12

-Well, a successful completion of week 5, the hardest week. That makes me very happy considering what a rough block this has been. Everything felt pretty good except squats. I didn't miss any squat reps, but I also don't think I had anymore in me.

-Since this block is coming to a close (week 6 doesn't concern me), I'm starting to plan for next block. I'll be doing Operator Black again, same cluster. BP, WPU, and DL will all be forced progression - 5 lbs. Since squat gave me so much trouble this block (which makes sense, it's gone up A LOT in the last year or two), it won't be progressed. What I'll do instead is 5 sets with squats instead of 3. If I can hit that this coming block then I'll progress it on the next one and go back to 3 sets.

-Tomorrow's LSS should be interesting. It'll be my first LSS with a HRM and a significantly reduced pace. We'll see how it affects my mileage. I'd like to hit at least 7 miles.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Conditioning (Black)
Block 4
Week 5
Day 6


Distance: 8.02 miles
Time: 1:39:24
Pace: 12:24
Average HR: 70%
Average RPE: 4

-So this is what people mean when they say cardio is boring. Running with the HRM has reduced my pace significantly. However, as a result I could run much farther. This was certainly the farthest I've run this block (beat it a couple times last block), and I felt like I had a few miles left in the tank.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Barkadion »

Green2Blue wrote: -So this is what people mean when they say cardio is boring. Running with the HRM has reduced my pace significantly. However, as a result I could run much farther. This was certainly the farthest I've run this block (beat it a couple times last block), and I felt like I had a few miles left in the tank.
This is exactly why I desperately needed MP3 player during my BB. I'm not sure if I was able to make it without the music. Good old rock ballad is all you need to make up to the hill with keeping your LSS HR in the range :D
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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Train_Hard_Live_Easy »

Green2Blue wrote:10/08/16

-So this is what people mean when they say cardio is boring. Running with the HRM has reduced my pace significantly. However, as a result I could run much farther. This was certainly the farthest I've run this block (beat it a couple times last block), and I felt like I had a few miles left in the tank.
Boring is a one way of looking at it...... or it could be a way of running further, and feeling good at the end of the session ;)

One of the things I always keep in mind is the goal of the session or the block I am doing..... in this instance, working the heart properly, working on increasing volume of the heart, allowing the body to recover, enjoying the fresh air, and feeling good enough the next day to hit the session HARD [if that is what is planned for the day after].

Keeping the goal the goal can be freaking hard, but that's where the results come from.

Great insights for you from that session, buddy
Have a great one

Train Hard, Live Easy.
"What was hard to do, is sweet to remember" Seneca.

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